Debunking Coffin Pics

simalvessimalves Posts: 730
edited January 1970 in News
I dont know which forum this should be in - so I am posting here.

A few interesting pics.

Pic 1 - is a fake

Pic 2 - is just a random pic found on the net - looks like a recent Michael and I am wondering where it is from. His face is the 2009 one, the blue suit I have never seen before.

Pic 3, 4 & 5 - Coffin at the memorial

Pic 6 & 7 - Coffin at the burial

Pic 8 is the Coffin being delivered

Pic 9 is the coffin arriving/leaving at Staples Centre??

Why are there so many different versions of the coffin?


  • Tina K.Tina K. Posts: 1,589
    Dont know why there is so many different coffins, but the blue suit is James Browns, the pic is photoshopped <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
  • because no body no coffin right <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->

    The 2nd coffin picture is a picture of mj at the funeral of James Brown it's photoshopped with a picture of (I thought) James Brown in his coffin. That's why you see a blue/burple suite, it's that picture of mj on top of the picture of James brown that blue/purple suite is actually the shoulder of James Brown in his coffin they just didn't erased it good with Photoshop didn't they <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) --> I thought the first picture was a photoshop of James Brown in his coffin as well

    James Brown even had the same coffin <!-- s:o -->:o<!-- s:o -->
    (This one is sad...)
  • It is SO obviously James Browns Body in his coffin. <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: -->
  • MissGMissG Posts: 7,403
    Shy to confess but in the back of my head I have the connection James Brown/ Michael Jackson and all this drug issue since July <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->
  • Shy to confess but in the back of my head I have the connection James Brown/ Michael Jackson and all this drug issue since July <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->

    I'm also shy to confess...
    here;s my thought:

    Maybe the family sort of "copied" things from James Brown's funeral
    for Michaels "memorial/funeral" ?
  • shebasheba Posts: 26
    Why is MJ's " coffin " so short. Wasn't he rather tall???
  • lisap27lisap27 Posts: 1,100
    Why is MJ's " coffin " so short. Wasn't he rather tall???

    5ft 9 or 5ft 10 still speculation over that!! but it was one of them.. <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
  • Tina K.Tina K. Posts: 1,589
    I thought too, at the memorial, taht the coffin looked rather short <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? --> But it could be the angle.
  • simalvessimalves Posts: 730
    Does anyone spot the differences between the memorial coffin and the funeral one - besides the flowers
  • MissGMissG Posts: 7,403
    Shy to confess but in the back of my head I have the connection James Brown/ Michael Jackson and all this drug issue since July <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->

    I'm also shy to confess...
    here;s my thought:

    Maybe the family sort of "copied" things from James Brown's funeral
    for Michaels "memorial/funeral" ?

    Yes...sort of in my opinio also <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
  • mjj4ever777mjj4ever777 Posts: 1,467
    Does anyone spot the differences between the memorial coffin and the funeral one - besides the flowers

    I do...they are two didfferent coffins!! The handles are different! Just one more clue to add to the rest <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
  • I thought too, at the memorial, taht the coffin looked rather short <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? --> But it could be the angle.

    Its a "seated" coffin.. the body doesnt lie flat in the coffin, the body is seated into the coffin so that is why it is shorter.
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