New Theory

mrbigshotmrbigshot Posts: 456
edited January 1970 in News
Could it be possible that the thoughts and emotions exhibited by the family members and such are due to the fact that Michael was genuinely sick but not ultimately dead? After thinking about that possibility, your posts, and other thoughts that have circulated inside my mind, I felt the need to question whether or not this could have happened in the event that Michael was unable to perform at a high level in wake of the 50 concerts he was set out to perform in London. I now feel, that, if Michael Is still alive, (as I said in my introductory post as a newcomer that I don't believe he is alive but I want you guys to prove me wrong) that possibly the reason why they are talking in present tense is because he will pass away? I'd hate for the fans to see this come to that, but maybe michael was diagnosed with a sickness that is incurable and the reason why he hoaxed his death (if he indeed did) was to promote enough money and gain more support of the public so that they can fight in his efforts to cure this disease of his. Not to offend everyone, but michael had been living a very unconventional lifestyle, having gone through vitligio and lupus for much of his adult life. You'd think that something was physically going on with him, and lets face it, this lifestyle of his wasn't going to let him live any longer. So to summarize it, I think it's very plausible that the Jackson family are legitimately sad, but not for the reasons that most people think, his death. It could because if he doesn't get cures, he could die later. So, It's REAL emotions (which also explains why they talk in present tense because he's obviously with them, just very ill) a profound sadness, but they don't believe he's dead.

What do you think of this?


  • Welcome

    I can only suggest that you have to search for your own truth, we cannot prove you wrong, you have to do the research as we have done for the last 7 months to look for the truth. Start at the beginning 25 June 09 and work forward, there are 100s of videos etc on ytube to help you do your research and hours of research already done on this forum.

    Happy Investigating.


    <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: --> <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->
  • Welcome

    I can only suggest that you have to search for your own truth, we cannot prove you wrong, you have to do the research as we have done for the last 7 months to look for the truth. Start at the beginning 25 June 09 and work forward, there are 100s of videos etc on ytube to help you do your research and hours of research already done on this forum.

    Happy Investigating.


    <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: --> <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->

    ummm..right. I'm just looking for any insight. What people think of this idea. I don't know if you read the post, but I wasn't asking do you think you should prove me wrong, I wanted to know what people thought of the theory presented. That was just what I MENTIONED I said in my very first post, that I love what you guys are doing and that you should continue to prove me wrong.

    Oh and by the way, I dont think some of you are aware that I have been here for a few days now...I've been posting reguarly for a while now. Its nice to see a "welcome" for every post I make, but I think I get the picture now! <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D --> thank you though!
  • melodymelody Posts: 196
    Well, no one is immortal. One day, sick or not, he will die. That's all they had to imagine to produce those tears; he doesn't necessarily have to be terminally ill to induce such sadness - age is sickness enough.

    I understand you asked as a newcomer, but asking the forum users to "prove you wrong" is a waste of time; you'll only change your mind through self-realization. So, read through everything provided in this forum and all the videos put together on youtube. The speculative evidence you're looking for is already there, just take the time to ingest it and synthesize the information for yourself. It would be a waste of everyone's time to reiterate everything they've already said, wouldn't it?
  • Well, no one is immortal. One day, sick or not, he will die. That's all they had to imagine to produce those tears; he doesn't necessarily have to be terminally ill to induce such sadness - age is sickness enough.

    I understand you asked as a newcomer, but asking the forum users to "prove you wrong" is a waste of time; you'll only change your mind through self-realization. So, read through everything provided in this forum and all the videos put together on youtube. The speculative evidence you're looking for is already there, just take the time to ingest it and synthesize the information for yourself. It would be a waste of everyone's time to reiterate everything they've already said, wouldn't it?

    Possibly, but as a community such as this which strives to act as one big family as I've noticed, it would be nice to review every once in a while to see what we have to work with and so that many of us don't feel like we're missing something. we can't just say one thing and leave it in the past, isn't it important to bring it up again every once in a while? It isn't necessarily a bad thing, and sometimes, individuals have to look at "speculative" evidence proposed to them in the past in order to reach our final decision, but I appreciate the comments. It'd be kind of careless to misinform someone and just say "read this link" because I feel it's as if its inconsiderate and you don't want to deal with the issue.
  • lisap27lisap27 Posts: 1,100
    oh i remember your first post!! i commented how you sounded very worldly for an 18yr old!! am i right!! don't think i've got you mixed up with someone else..

    if i have sorry!! <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: -->

    anyway i've read another post kinda similar to yours a while ago, that if Mike was alive could he be in a position that would be irreversable with his health etc etc.. so his family are sheilding him away from it all.. and so on..

    quite informative and an angle to look at, BUT with no eveidence of this, maybe a dead too.. i don't know if you have or not but i would read the INDEX page at the beginning of the forum which points the events out from june 25th and so.. very informative.. and a whole recap!!
  • MissGMissG Posts: 7,403
    the fact that Michael was genuinely sick but not ultimately dead?

    he will pass away? I'd hate for the fans to see this come to that, but maybe michael was diagnosed with a sickness that is incurable and the reason why he hoaxed his death (if he indeed did) was to promote enough money and gain more support of the public so that they can fight in his efforts to cure this disease of his.

    So to summarize it, I think it's very plausible that the Jackson family are legitimately sad, but not for the reasons that most people think, his death. It could because if he doesn't get cures, he could die later. So, It's REAL emotions (which also explains why they talk in present tense because he's obviously with them, just very ill) a profound sadness, but they don't believe he's dead.

    What do you think of this?

    I think as you do. That was my first thought on June 25th, exactly as described in paragraphs that I have cutted from your previous post. The same thought has been coming back and forth to my mind up to today, when I discussed it during lunch.

    I also think that there is the possibility that MJ was in fact attaked to be murdered, but the "killer" failed and he ended up in a irreversible coma or he is awaked, but with damages.

    But, those, are just my thoughts.
    Da troot will preveal! <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
  • cassicassi Posts: 175
    my only thought is if michael knew he was sick, why would he want to do a concert that would take so much out of him. personally i believe michael is pretty healthy, he ate right, exercised, and is a very youthful 51 year old. but these are my opinions, who knows, he really could have been sick. keep up your research, aint no telling what you might find <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) --> .
  • I think I read your introductrary post and if I remember right I think you had many interesting things to say. Many people on this forum seem convinced that Michael is indeed alive and they're happy with just keeping their faith and I see nothing wrong in that. However, I'm not one of them I'm not convinced Michael is alive but neither am I convinced that he's dead. I agree that we need to keep speculating and persoally I think it's a good thing to bring up old "clues" while searching for the truth.

    Therefore I welcome any new theory. Your theory could be a possibility. I don't know if I understood the reason for the hoax though, so correct me if I misinterpreted it, do you mean that he'd hoax his death in order to raise money to cure his disease (if he has one)? And what do kind of support would he need if people already think he's dead? He has enough money to find the best treatments without money from fans and other people. Have I completely misunderstood? If so, could you explain?
  • melodymelody Posts: 196
    Well, no one is immortal. One day, sick or not, he will die. That's all they had to imagine to produce those tears; he doesn't necessarily have to be terminally ill to induce such sadness - age is sickness enough.

    I understand you asked as a newcomer, but asking the forum users to "prove you wrong" is a waste of time; you'll only change your mind through self-realization. So, read through everything provided in this forum and all the videos put together on youtube. The speculative evidence you're looking for is already there, just take the time to ingest it and synthesize the information for yourself. It would be a waste of everyone's time to reiterate everything they've already said, wouldn't it?

    Possibly, but as a community such as this which strives to act as one big family as I've noticed, it would be nice to review every once in a while to see what we have to work with and so that many of us don't feel like we're missing something. we can't just say one thing and leave it in the past, isn't it important to bring it up again every once in a while? It isn't necessarily a bad thing, and sometimes, individuals have to look at "speculative" evidence proposed to them in the past in order to reach our final decision, but I appreciate the comments. It'd be kind of careless to misinform someone and just say "read this link" because I feel it's as if its inconsiderate and you don't want to deal with the issue.

    Fair enough. I personally thought along the same lines at one point, but only momentarily (mostly b/c of his physical examination deeming him perfectly healthy for a 50 year old & family members verifying the same; granted, they could've been lying).

    At the time, I found myself thinking: it's probable that Michael would've liked to orchestrate his own death, to witness his own funeral, see how people react, how his fans react and then die peacefully unbeknownst to us. Whether age or actual sickness (or something else?) spurred his actions, I dunno; both seem just as likely.

    To some extent, I still believe this - though now I find myself questioning whether he'll stay away. The forums and youtube videos have added more dimension to my initial thought (primarily the sociopolitical agenda behind this whole ploy). Admittedly, I haven't gone through everything, so I'm still a bit ambivalent about this whole situation (as presented on here). Though, intuitively, I still feel he's not dead and if he is, then I've been lied to about the actual circumstances surrounding his death.
  • KirscheKirsche Posts: 2,082

    I can only suggest that you have to search for your own truth, we cannot prove you wrong, you have to do the research as we have done for the last 7 months to look for the truth. Start at the beginning 25 June 09 and work forward, there are 100s of videos etc on ytube to help you do your research and hours of research already done on this forum.

    Happy Investigating.


    <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: --> <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->

    Or better: Start with the O2 Press Conference. I think this is the beginning of this all. His behaviour, his words etc.
  • I think I read your introductrary post and if I remember right I think you had many interesting things to say. Many people on this forum seem convinced that Michael is indeed alive and they're happy with just keeping their faith and I see nothing wrong in that. However, I'm not one of them I'm not convinced Michael is alive but neither am I convinced that he's dead. I agree that we need to keep speculating and persoally I think it's a good thing to bring up old "clues" while searching for the truth.

    Therefore I welcome any new theory. Your theory could be a possibility. I don't know if I understood the reason for the hoax though, so correct me if I misinterpreted it, do you mean that he'd hoax his death in order to raise money to cure his disease (if he has one)? And what do kind of support would he need if people already think he's dead? He has enough money to find the best treatments without money from fans and other people. Have I completely misunderstood? If so, could you explain?

    Yes. That part is correct. My theory is that Michael would fake his death in order to raise money and gain support of people for his illness. When he was alive, he was often ridiculed and hounded for much of his life, and many people thought that he was a child molester, which I totally don't agree with. My reasoning is simple, why help someone who many believed was a crazy and bad man who would do those things to people? Think about it, would anybody offer him support then? Michael had many friends who were fake to him, and I wouldn't necessarily say that they would stick with him through the illness. They quite possibly could have manipulated him and tried to make the campaign back fire on himself. and Obviously, yes, he does have enough money, but how would the public feel if they decided to support a questionable man and save his life if others perceive him to ruin childrens lives? I've heard he was bankrupt, which, could be true, but those are ludicrous claims because Michael made more money than the average celebrity. People already think he's dead, yes, but since the his death, sales have sky rocketed, and EVEN in death, he is gaining more fans and support. Isn't that true?

    I hope I clarified things for you!


    I can only suggest that you have to search for your own truth, we cannot prove you wrong, you have to do the research as we have done for the last 7 months to look for the truth. Start at the beginning 25 June 09 and work forward, there are 100s of videos etc on ytube to help you do your research and hours of research already done on this forum.

    Happy Investigating.


    <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: --> <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->

    Or better: Start with the O2 Press Conference. I think this is the beginning of this all. His behaviour, his words etc.

    I've looked over that clip numerous amounts of times and that was ultimately what drew me to this forum. I do agree that his mannerisms were quite ambiguous and unusual, seeing as michael was always modest and direct, in the clip shown he sounded very cocky and demanded respect from the crowd. In fact, the first time I viewed the video, I wondered if it was actually michael himself speaking. I thought it was a double. I also thought that The video wasn't live at all and that it was green screened.

    have a look again:

    <!-- m --><!-- m -->

    do you think it was green screened. just look at the red curtains. it seems surreal and out of place in contrast to the guy introducing michael.

    BTW: I don't know if this is a coincidence, but he did say "WAS THAT WEIRD TOYOU?? " to the audience right after Michael Left the stage. and here we are questioning the authenticity of Michael Jackson, yet he says those words. is that weird? don't know if somebody notice that yet. He says hes only doing 10 shows but I could have sworn even at that time that they had agreed to 50?

    5:52 is when he says this

    but I have an honest question if you will. Did you ever get the sense (before the "death") that michael was going to fake his death someday, when he was alive? That question sprouted just now and I always thought to myself that he would.
  • ShoutShout Posts: 560
    I do not think that the conference is green shot...maybe this picture will help you.
  • @mrbigshot Do you know something that we don't know?
    You are tending towards Cassandra's theory - that M. is ill and needed some rest and treatment...

    Just to remind:
    [Michelle, why did people who are so close to Michael look hurt? For the same reason all of us look and feel hurt. Michael was in serious trouble with his health. He had to leave his home and family and go into hiding. Make sense? But we all will smile again when he is well and comes back to us. And he has said himself, "Tell everyone to let love carry them through. My love for them is real." Cassandra] 18 September 2009 at 2pm

    [Shou - Michael marches to his own drummer (LOL - don't we all know!!!) and does things in his own time and his own way. Before we second-guess him, let's put ourselves in his place - he was desperately ill and admits prescription drugs had gotten the better of him and were in fact killing him. What is amazing to me is that he was able to maintain enough courage and strength to stay alive and to fight back against the pressures in his life. In time, the whole truth will be known. For now let's trust that Mike knows what he is doing. I don't pretend to understand everything about him ... I do know that I trust him to do what's best for him AND for his fans ... he will be back, of that I have no doubt ... Cassandra]
    17 September 2009 at 5pm
  • I can only imagine the true thoughts some of the hoax believers keep secretly hidden from other members here on this forum.

    I can imagine too that keeping the death hoax alive is in some ways contagious meaning that if 10 people believe a few others will keep faith just to be a part of the belief when secretly they don't have a firm opinion.

    Personally I go by fact and intuition and believe that Michael is still alive, not dead.

    I can see where mrbigshot would be curious of how others truly believe. I think that question is just a question and not meant to stir up trouble. For months my life has been mentally and emotionally directed away from normal business to being involved in seeking truth along with others on this forum. I find it insulting when some take offense or feel they need to defend a "the hoax crusade" by rudely taking away anothers right of interjection into the investigation. Just because someone hasn't been here as long as you have. . . . I have been ignored more than a few times myself and been laughed at too. I'm here for a serious investigation - not here to be pushed around by childish disrespect.

    After the Grammy's the first time thought popped into my head (no I have not seen that discussed here, ) - "hummm, I wonder if Michael in fact did have a heart attack or reaction to an overdose and he is still alive but in serious condition" I am admitting that thought occurred to me less than 24 hours ago. I think it was a subconscious thing after hearing Paris stumble with words about her father wanting to be here tonight . . . . .he wanted to be here last year but could not. . .speech. Paris is no dummy. I imagine the crowd was overwhelming too. I don't why I have this feeling that her words were specific and intentional information.

    We all feel there is a something big about Michael's supposed death going on that we can't put our fingers on. Yes, we have not been given the truth so we spend time sharing speculation which in a positive view is called brainstorming.

    Then I got to thinking about the family behavior - they didn't seem sad enough for us to believe he was really dead yet we heard them talk in present tense with comments he is watching and still appreciates our love and support. It took 7 months to see Joe Jackson and Jermaine show tears during interviews. Just these few clues together is what now allows me to give consideration to other possibilities.

    There are many things missing that a truly deceased person would own: main thing being news updates by major network news on progress of the MJ death or murder investigation. That in itself is confusing to me.

    Randy twitting do we want more truth? If in fact that was really Randy Jackson.

    All I want to say is there is something at all NOT CORRECT STILL FLOATING AROUND IN MY MIND ABOUT THE 02 conference. If I have to PM people to get a response on my observation I will.

    >>>>I want to know why we have not seen any video or pictures taken by the fans who attended the o2 conference announcement? <<<<<<< All we have seen is ONE main video and some snap shots from the camera crew. I think fan perspective photos or video is a huge missing piece of the 02 conference puzzle. That really bugs me.

    Could anyone please respond to my observation????

  • @mrbigshot Do you know something that we don't know?
    You are tending towards Cassandra's theory - that M. is ill and needed some rest and treatment...

    Just to remind:
    [Michelle, why did people who are so close to Michael look hurt? For the same reason all of us look and feel hurt. Michael was in serious trouble with his health. He had to leave his home and family and go into hiding. Make sense? But we all will smile again when he is well and comes back to us. And he has said himself, "Tell everyone to let love carry them through. My love for them is real." Cassandra] 18 September 2009 at 2pm

    [Shou - Michael marches to his own drummer (LOL - don't we all know!!!) and does things in his own time and his own way. Before we second-guess him, let's put ourselves in his place - he was desperately ill and admits prescription drugs had gotten the better of him and were in fact killing him. What is amazing to me is that he was able to maintain enough courage and strength to stay alive and to fight back against the pressures in his life. In time, the whole truth will be known. For now let's trust that Mike knows what he is doing. I don't pretend to understand everything about him ... I do know that I trust him to do what's best for him AND for his fans ... he will be back, of that I have no doubt ... Cassandra]
    17 September 2009 at 5pm

    I honestly cannot reveal anymore to you that my theory suggests, and of course, I assure you that this was a theory that was spontaneous and came to mind without considering Cassandra. I do not know Cassandra and have not interacted with her in the past. I just know what we all know - there is something not being told here.
  • KirscheKirsche Posts: 2,082
    I can only imagine the true thoughts some of the hoax believers keep secretly hidden from other members here on this forum.

    I can imagine too that keeping the death hoax alive is in some ways contagious meaning that if 10 people believe a few others will keep faith just to be a part of the belief when secretly they don't have a firm opinion.

    Personally I go by fact and intuition and believe that Michael is still alive, not dead.

    I can see where mrbigshot would be curious of how others truly believe. I think that question is just a question and not meant to stir up trouble. For months my life has been mentally and emotionally directed away from normal business to being involved in seeking truth along with others on this forum. I find it insulting when some take offense or feel they need to defend a "the hoax crusade" by rudely taking away anothers right of interjection into the investigation. Just because someone hasn't been here as long as you have. . . . I have been ignored more than a few times myself and been laughed at too. I'm here for a serious investigation - not here to be pushed around by childish disrespect.

    After the Grammy's the first time thought popped into my head (no I have not seen that discussed here, ) - "hummm, I wonder if Michael in fact did have a heart attack or reaction to an overdose and he is still alive but in serious condition" I am admitting that thought occurred to me less than 24 hours ago. I think it was a subconscious thing after hearing Paris stumble with words about her father wanting to be here tonight . . . . .he wanted to be here last year but could not. . .speech. Paris is no dummy. I imagine the crowd was overwhelming too. I don't why I have this feeling that her words were specific and intentional information.

    We all feel there is a something big about Michael's supposed death going on that we can't put our fingers on. Yes, we have not been given the truth so we spend time sharing speculation which in a positive view is called brainstorming.

    Then I got to thinking about the family behavior - they didn't seem sad enough for us to believe he was really dead yet we heard them talk in present tense with comments he is watching and still appreciates our love and support. It took 7 months to see Joe Jackson and Jermaine show tears during interviews. Just these few clues together is what now allows me to give consideration to other possibilities.

    There are many things missing that a truly deceased person would own: main thing being news updates by major network news on progress of the MJ death or murder investigation. That in itself is confusing to me.

    Randy twitting do we want more truth? If in fact that was really Randy Jackson.

    All I want to say is there is something at all NOT CORRECT STILL FLOATING AROUND IN MY MIND ABOUT THE 02 conference. If I have to PM people to get a response on my observation I will.

    >>>>I want to know why we have not seen any video or pictures taken by the fans who attended the o2 conference announcement? <<<<<<< All we have seen is ONE main video and some snap shots from the camera crew. I think fan perspective photos or video is a huge missing piece of the 02 conference puzzle. That really bugs me.

    Could anyone please respond to my observation????


    Well. Great post!!!!

    And yes, you're thought could also be very right! What if he really had a drug problem? I had a few thoughts in my mind, that he did this because he was afraid of the drugs destructing him...what If? That he did this to rehab? And there was no other way of getting out of the contract? That would mean, that AEG is not involved...

    and I totally agree with the behaviour of the family...And I think that they now behave more like "everythings all right" because Michael is getting better and better every day?

    But with the O2 Fan video:

    There is one Fan video existing ( it's posted under HOAX RECAPS- THE O2 PRESS CONFERENCE- Topic o2 FANVIDEO)

    And I still think, at the conference, Michael knew what was gonna happen, that's why his behaviour was so odd and unusual for him....
  • I can only imagine the true thoughts some of the hoax believers keep secretly hidden from other members here on this forum.

    I can imagine too that keeping the death hoax alive is in some ways contagious meaning that if 10 people believe a few others will keep faith just to be a part of the belief when secretly they don't have a firm opinion.

    Personally I go by fact and intuition and believe that Michael is still alive, not dead.

    I can see where mrbigshot would be curious of how others truly believe. I think that question is just a question and not meant to stir up trouble. For months my life has been mentally and emotionally directed away from normal business to being involved in seeking truth along with others on this forum. I find it insulting when some take offense or feel they need to defend a "the hoax crusade" by rudely taking away anothers right of interjection into the investigation. Just because someone hasn't been here as long as you have. . . . I have been ignored more than a few times myself and been laughed at too. I'm here for a serious investigation - not here to be pushed around by childish disrespect.

    After the Grammy's the first time thought popped into my head (no I have not seen that discussed here, ) - "hummm, I wonder if Michael in fact did have a heart attack or reaction to an overdose and he is still alive but in serious condition" I am admitting that thought occurred to me less than 24 hours ago. I think it was a subconscious thing after hearing Paris stumble with words about her father wanting to be here tonight . . . . .he wanted to be here last year but could not. . .speech. Paris is no dummy. I imagine the crowd was overwhelming too. I don't why I have this feeling that her words were specific and intentional information.

    We all feel there is a something big about Michael's supposed death going on that we can't put our fingers on. Yes, we have not been given the truth so we spend time sharing speculation which in a positive view is called brainstorming.

    Then I got to thinking about the family behavior - they didn't seem sad enough for us to believe he was really dead yet we heard them talk in present tense with comments he is watching and still appreciates our love and support. It took 7 months to see Joe Jackson and Jermaine show tears during interviews. Just these few clues together is what now allows me to give consideration to other possibilities.

    There are many things missing that a truly deceased person would own: main thing being news updates by major network news on progress of the MJ death or murder investigation. That in itself is confusing to me.

    Randy twitting do we want more truth? If in fact that was really Randy Jackson.

    All I want to say is there is something at all NOT CORRECT STILL FLOATING AROUND IN MY MIND ABOUT THE 02 conference. If I have to PM people to get a response on my observation I will.

    >>>>I want to know why we have not seen any video or pictures taken by the fans who attended the o2 conference announcement? <<<<<<< All we have seen is ONE main video and some snap shots from the camera crew. I think fan perspective photos or video is a huge missing piece of the 02 conference puzzle. That really bugs me.

    Could anyone please respond to my observation????


    Well. Great post!!!!

    And yes, you're thought could also be very right! What if he really had a drug problem? I had a few thoughts in my mind, that he did this because he was afraid of the drugs destructing him...what If? That he did this to rehab? And there was no other way of getting out of the contract? That would mean, that AEG is not involved...

    and I totally agree with the behaviour of the family...And I think that they now behave more like "everythings all right" because Michael is getting better and better every day?

    But with the O2 Fan video:

    There is one Fan video existing ( it's posted under HOAX RECAPS- THE O2 PRESS CONFERENCE- Topic o2 FANVIDEO)

    And I still think, at the conference, Michael knew what was gonna happen, that's why his behaviour was so odd and unusual for him....

    Either Way, I think its safe to conclude that something uncharacteristic of Michael was going on that we still should be aware of to this day. Michael, being under a fair amount of duress, probably had resorted to drugs and this could possibly explain the 02 conferences and ultimately my hoax theory, but I do get what your saying. it did seem like he knew what was going to happen in the future. I mean, how could he coincidentally be that right? the "This Is It" concert promoting in addition to saying that it will be his last performances. the final curtain call...

    Not everybody could be that close to predicting there death. Especially when there was an incident prior to his death that a caller made saying that michael had died of a drug overdose.

    Yeah. somethings definitely gotta give!
  • whisperwhisper Posts: 630
    Could it be possible that the thoughts and emotions exhibited by the family members and such are due to the fact that Michael was genuinely sick but not ultimately dead? After thinking about that possibility, your posts, and other thoughts that have circulated inside my mind, I felt the need to question whether or not this could have happened in the event that Michael was unable to perform at a high level in wake of the 50 concerts he was set out to perform in London. I now feel, that, if Michael Is still alive, (as I said in my introductory post as a newcomer that I don't believe he is alive but I want you guys to prove me wrong) that possibly the reason why they are talking in present tense is because he will pass away? I'd hate for the fans to see this come to that, but maybe michael was diagnosed with a sickness that is incurable and the reason why he hoaxed his death (if he indeed did) was to promote enough money and gain more support of the public so that they can fight in his efforts to cure this disease of his. Not to offend everyone, but michael had been living a very unconventional lifestyle, having gone through vitligio and lupus for much of his adult life. You'd think that something was physically going on with him, and lets face it, this lifestyle of his wasn't going to let him live any longer. So to summarize it, I think it's very plausible that the Jackson family are legitimately sad, but not for the reasons that most people think, his death. It could because if he doesn't get cures, he could die later. So, It's REAL emotions (which also explains why they talk in present tense because he's obviously with them, just very ill) a profound sadness, but they don't believe he's dead.

    What do you think of this?
    well what I think is its nice to see you have an open mind to anything possible , but if you think this might be true then what about all the clues , signs that we have found the past months ? Why make them if he's not coming back?
  • KirscheKirsche Posts: 2,082
    Could it be possible that the thoughts and emotions exhibited by the family members and such are due to the fact that Michael was genuinely sick but not ultimately dead? After thinking about that possibility, your posts, and other thoughts that have circulated inside my mind, I felt the need to question whether or not this could have happened in the event that Michael was unable to perform at a high level in wake of the 50 concerts he was set out to perform in London. I now feel, that, if Michael Is still alive, (as I said in my introductory post as a newcomer that I don't believe he is alive but I want you guys to prove me wrong) that possibly the reason why they are talking in present tense is because he will pass away? I'd hate for the fans to see this come to that, but maybe michael was diagnosed with a sickness that is incurable and the reason why he hoaxed his death (if he indeed did) was to promote enough money and gain more support of the public so that they can fight in his efforts to cure this disease of his. Not to offend everyone, but michael had been living a very unconventional lifestyle, having gone through vitligio and lupus for much of his adult life. You'd think that something was physically going on with him, and lets face it, this lifestyle of his wasn't going to let him live any longer. So to summarize it, I think it's very plausible that the Jackson family are legitimately sad, but not for the reasons that most people think, his death. It could because if he doesn't get cures, he could die later. So, It's REAL emotions (which also explains why they talk in present tense because he's obviously with them, just very ill) a profound sadness, but they don't believe he's dead.

    What do you think of this?
    well what I think is its nice to see you have an open mind to anything possible , but if you think this might be true then what about all the clues , signs that we have found the past months ? Why make them if he's not coming back?

    Another thought? What if he did this because he was in big trouble because of taking drugs and that doing the shows could kill him, so he did this to get out of the contract and to rehab?
  • my only thought is if michael knew he was sick, why would he want to do a concert that would take so much out of him. personally i believe michael is pretty healthy, he ate right, exercised, and is a very youthful 51 year old. but these are my opinions, who knows, he really could have been sick. keep up your research, aint no telling what you might find <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) --> .

    Plus, remember that he passed his physicial with flying colors. And that was by outside physicians.
  • ZenZen Posts: 341
    by mrbigshot » Mon Feb 01, 2010 4:46 pm
    Could it be possible that the thoughts and emotions exhibited by the family members and such are due to the fact that Michael was genuinely sick but not ultimately dead? After thinking about that possibility, your posts, and other thoughts that have circulated inside my mind, I felt the need to question whether or not this could have happened in the event that Michael was unable to perform at a high level in wake of the 50 concerts he was set out to perform in London. I now feel, that, if Michael Is still alive, (as I said in my introductory post as a newcomer that I don't believe he is alive but I want you guys to prove me wrong) that possibly the reason why they are talking in present tense is because he will pass away? I'd hate for the fans to see this come to that, but maybe michael was diagnosed with a sickness that is incurable and the reason why he hoaxed his death (if he indeed did) was to promote enough money and gain more support of the public so that they can fight in his efforts to cure this disease of his. Not to offend everyone, but michael had been living a very unconventional lifestyle, having gone through vitligio and lupus for much of his adult life. You'd think that something was physically going on with him, and lets face it, this lifestyle of his wasn't going to let him live any longer. So to summarize it, I think it's very plausible that the Jackson family are legitimately sad, but not for the reasons that most people think, his death. It could because if he doesn't get cures, he could die later. So, It's REAL emotions (which also explains why they talk in present tense because he's obviously with them, just very ill) a profound sadness, but they don't believe he's dead.

    What do you think of this?

    Mrbigshot, I think your getting to the close-up of what is happening. Keep researching this if
    you can find any answers. Don't wait for the people of this forum to PROVE you Michael is
    Now, I find in remarks two years ago made by a family friend that "What if Michael Jackson's
    secret is that he has an incurable disease". It was not media comment, but in defense of
    MJ on a blog.
    Another poster remarks that not everyone shares ideas, thoughts or theories, could be very true.
    But it is not in a bad or secretive way..maybe they are looking further..and perhaps the things they
    find are not shared, not due to the people on THIS forum, yet by others who would do damage
    control. <!-- s:geek: -->:geek:<!-- s:geek: -->
  • WendyEWendyE Posts: 105
    Okay, I have to share some thoughts here. I understand that everyone has opinion about ALIVE or DEAD when it comes to Michael. I have to say without any hesitation, Michael Jackson would never in a million years FAKE his death to save his own skin! Drug rehab BS!! I'm not saying he is perfect and he did admit to an addiction to pain killers once upon a time. However, he faced it and came out to his fans and said what he was going through. He could have easily ditched his trial in 2004-2005 and gone into rehab then! Other celebrities have done that during court cases hoping it would delay things and make them look like a victim. Michael Jackson has always faced his troubles and never LIED to his fans. I personally watched that man go in and out of the courtroom during this last trial. It was tearing him up but he was there! He was in much pain and daily humiliated but he was there. He has always faced adversity with honor and dignity nothing less. So in my humble opinion, he did not do this for his own gain. He did this for a much higher purpose. This is so important that when it does break that he is alive, then everyone will know. I ask that everyone who dearly loves Micheal to be careful. It was this sort of talk that murdered him in the press and eventually in the minds of the public. Remember what you have seen and heard and even felt from Micheal. Then ask yourself, is he a selfish man that would break peoples hearts to save himself?
  • Okay, I have to share some thoughts here. I understand that everyone has opinion about ALIVE or DEAD when it comes to Michael. I have to say without any hesitation, Michael Jackson would never in a million years FAKE his death to save his own skin! Drug rehab BS!! I'm not saying he is perfect and he did admit to an addiction to pain killers once upon a time. However, he faced it and came out to his fans and said what he was going through. He could have easily ditched his trial in 2004-2005 and gone into rehab then! Other celebrities have done that during court cases hoping it would delay things and make them look like a victim. Michael Jackson has always faced his troubles and never LIED to his fans. I personally watched that man go in and out of the courtroom during this last trial. It was tearing him up but he was there! He was in much pain and daily humiliated but he was there. He has always faced adversity with honor and dignity nothing less. So in my humble opinion, he did not do this for his own gain. He did this for a much higher purpose. This is so important that when it does break that he is alive, then everyone will know. I ask that everyone who dearly loves Micheal to be careful. It was this sort of talk that murdered him in the press and eventually in the minds of the public. Remember what you have seen and heard and even felt from Micheal. Then ask yourself, is he a selfish man that would break peoples hearts to save himself?

    you know this for a fact? while I respect your opinion, Do you personally know him? No offense to any of the fans here, but he dangled his baby from the rooftop. I think you can't rule out the possibility that he HAD TO LIE if he were to fake his death. He's a great and honest soul, but he was fed up with the media.
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