Jackson interview in Daily Mirror..they say he dead!

princesspeaprincesspea Posts: 85
edited January 1970 in News
There is a double page spread in the Daily Mirror in the UK today. Its an interview with the remaining Jackson brothers.

I havent read through to the end as they say the 'D' word and how they find life unbearable since Michael DIED.

Please, someone braver than me read this and tell me its a load of BS??????? <!-- s:cry: -->:cry:<!-- s:cry: -->

Heres the link: <!-- m -->http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/top-storie ... -22009777/<!-- m -->


  • There is a double page spread in the Daily Mirror in the UK today. Its an interview with the remaining Jackson brothers.

    I havent read through to the end as they say the 'D' word and how they find life unbearable since Michael DIED.

    Please, someone braver than me read this and tell me its a load of BS??????? <!-- s:cry: -->:cry:<!-- s:cry: -->

    Heres the link: <!-- m -->http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/top-storie ... -22009777/<!-- m -->

    Errrrr...they have been saying "Mike is dead" for 7 months now...
  • I think she just means they always tend to avoid the word "died" or "dead". They always say he's "not with us" or he "passed".
  • U guys keep saying dont believe in what press tell us, and at the same time u all doing opposite?
    Whats up with that?????
  • Thats exactly what I meant. I havent been on here in a while. I post something to discuss and now feel like ive been fed to the lions!

    Not a nice response really was it. A discussion should not involve disrespectful retorts. I will not post another thread as I feel that was incredibly rude and I have never felt like this before
  • What did you mean hun? I hope my post didn't upset you. When I read the article, that is what I thought of it.. I thought it was weird that they are now using the "D" word, when they always avoided it before.
  • Thats exactly what I meant. I havent been on here in a while. I post something to discuss and now feel like ive been fed to the lions!

    Not a nice response really was it. A discussion should not involve disrespectful retorts. I will not post another thread as I feel that was incredibly rude and I have never felt like this before

    Which response seemed rude to you? Mine?
  • princesspea- Do not take the negative comments to heart we are all a little high strung when it comes to Michael.

  • Im disgusted with the Jackson family... the only reason they have done this interview and the reason this article has been printed today in this British paper is to advertise their TV show which is due to be aired this month in the UK,

    Its all about the money and the media with them.
  • SouzaSouza Posts: 9,400
    It's a load of BS...

    What did you think, that they would say "Mike is alive and kicking'? Come on... He is supposed to be dead, nothing to worry about!

    Oh, and the Daily Mirror? LMAO!

    "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

  • darkchilddarkchild Posts: 1,161
    Hello, Princesspea! <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) --> Thank you so much for posting. I appreciate everyone's time for posting any articles that they find the internet. God bless you,Princesspea, for loving MJ so much. <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
  • deedee75deedee75 Posts: 192
    some people are getting suspicious and they had to take it up a notch <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
  • msteetee34msteetee34 Posts: 1,234
    Have you guys ever considered that the Jacksons including MJ may be toying with the media right now? I think the Jacksons are on their A game right now. Since the family has said the media always prints lies about them maybe they're feeding the media the lies they want to hear because they know what the media will print and say. I really do think that the whole family is working together as a unit now. The Jacksons are flipping the script on everybody. At first I thought the Jacksons were being shady but now I'm starting to think a little differently. I think this whole MJ death thing happened for a major reason. Something is going to be exposed soon.
  • Of course the Jacksons are Michael's brothers, they are his family ,they still mourn and look upset.But I want to say the next. When FBI revealed secret files of Michael's cases we all were going to see a real storm in media that Michael isn't guilty, that there was no evidence at all, that they should apologize ect.,ect.But instead we had some articles and TV news.Tabloids installed into peoples minds he was guilty and having FBI files the family ,brothers,friends should scream and shout about it everywhere but instead they promote themselves. And now they are offended they were not invited for Grammy ?
    That's just my thought.
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