Pics of Michael? Grammys

StargazerMJ11StargazerMJ11 Posts: 137
edited February 2010 in News
During Zac Brown Band and Leon Russel some pics came up in the back ground. They wouldn't upload my video of it so I don't know if you can see all of it .
On the last pic I think the bottom row looks like Michael and the top left is Gilda-esq?
When I looked at the top right pic the face was looking to the right and Michaels face is next to it - looks like it's from you are not alone?
next one to the left looks like a face but like an optical illusion I can see it also could be Michael wearing shades and a hood?
next to that is also a face but looks also like Michael in black bomber jacket as in TII?

It was easier to make out in the video but as I said it would not upload and the pics are Bitmap so I could't put them on here.
See what you think .....?

[youtube:29afplzs] slightly better !


  • <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
    Wow!!! GREAT EYE!

    Wish there was a clearer picture of them though, but this is what i see immediately...

    First pic..still can't make anything out (will keep looking)

    Second pic..I see eyes to the far right

    Third pic...Yes! Definitely like the Gilda pics and it looks like it's morphing into a very familiar face! <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
    Bottom right pic looks like sunglasses and surgical mask!

    Anyone else see anything? I'm going to keep looking at it and maybe more will pop out to me.
  • :D
    Wow!!! GREAT EYE!

    Wish there was a clearer picture of them though, but this is what i see immediately...

    First pic..still can't make anything out (will keep looking)

    Second pic..I see eyes to the far right

    Third pic...Yes! Definitely like the Gilda pics and it looks like it's morphing into a very familiar face! <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
    Bottom right pic looks like sunglasses and surgical mask!

    Anyone else see anything? I'm going to keep looking at it and maybe more will pop out to me.

    Did they have pictures of Michael up there the whole show? I have to admit I must not be very observant. Unless it's pointed out to me I usually miss it.
  • msteetee34msteetee34 Posts: 1,234
    Yeah I see that too. It's like a woman's face then at the bottom it transforms into someone with sunglasses on like a MJ looking image. I so believe that MJ was working with someone behind the scenes on the grammys.
  • Wow! Well spotted, I can definitly see what you have pointed out. Well done! <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
  • Very good observation StargazerMJ11!! What I also find interesting here is that this is being displayed on a screen behind Leon Russell whose most famous song in the 70s was "THIS MASQUERADE". Here are the lyrics...

    Are we really happy with this lonely game we play,
    Looking for the right words to say?
    Searching but not finding -- understanding anyway,
    We're lost in this masquerade.

    Both afraid to say we're just too far away
    From being close together from the start.
    We try to talk it over, but the words got in the way
    We're lost inside this lonely game we play.

    Thoughts of leaving disappear each time I see your eyes,
    And no matter how hard I try
    To understand the reason why we carry on this way
    We're lost in this masquerade.

    We try to talk it over, but the words got in the way
    We're lost inside this lonely game we play.

    We're lost in a masquerade.
    And we're lost in a MASQUERADE.

    (Definition of the word masquerade:

    A disguise or false outward show; a pretense: a masquerade of humility.
    An involved scheme; a charade)

    I definitely think Michael was behind the whole Grammys production. And choosing to have Leon Russell was yet another CLUE (for those of us who are old enough to remember his song "This Masquerade"!!). And what a wonderful MASQUERADE Michael Jackson has created with this Hoax. A superb production from start to finish (whenever that might be!!).

    Thanks StargazerMJ11 for drawing this to our attention. I would never have picked up the Leon Russell link otherwise!!!
  • Great connection Emeraldcity, and I think this a great clue. <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->

    I wish the quality was better as I'm sure there is more to see but can't get clear enough picture. <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( -->
    <!-- m --> ... re=related<!-- m -->
  • Yes, there were pics up there... also behind BonJovi...MJ image w. arms up in air and closed fist and words like shine, unite, etc.(I can't remember all). and the song list for the night was very interesting... all relative and coincidental. I shall watch again for more stuff. Have to make a list of the songs.
  • I asked my mom if she thought MJ was really at the Grammys and she was like..."Even if he wanted to go he couldnt because you have to have an invite!" and i was like "weellll he was invited before he died to perform" lol and she paused and was like " yeah but according to the world he is dead and could not sneak in without SOMEONE telling the news that MJ was at the Grammys"

    So do you think he honestly would have gone to the Grammys? I now dont think he could have gone in because mother made a good point...even if he was in a disguise, you have to have an invite and show proof that you were indeed, invited. SOOO...i think MJ was NOT at the Grammys even if he wanted to go to see what was up and to see how his tribute went and laugh at everyone saying they still dont know im alive?!? lol
  • techdivatechdiva Posts: 448
    I felt that he was there and in disguise. he knew his children would be there. I think Blanket would've picked him out in the audience and imo is why he didn't come on stage. Remember he and Ken Ehrlich are good friends and he did meet with MJ on June 24th about the Grammys.
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