Grammy Awards behind the scenes...

acswtgrlacswtgrl Posts: 23
edited January 1970 in News
As we are putting together clues from the actual Grammy Awards performances, I want to dig a little deeper to see what is behind the scenes since we are all thinking this is Michael's doing only.

I have to admit I am confused from what I've been finding and have some questions first:

1. WHO is officially in charge of setting up the Michael tribute?
2. WHO has the rights to use his song and show his creation of Earth Song in 3D?
3. HOW is this person/people sure that this is really sending the correct message of Michael?
4. And WHO chose Celine, Jennifer Hudson, Usher, Smokey, Carrie Underwood and Lionel Richie to present/sing the tribute?

I read a Business Week article dated June 25, 2009 at 10:24PM EST that is headlined as Settling Michael Jackson's Estate. Side note: this article was quickly put out there wasn't it?

In it I read two names that have helped Michael recently in his money problems...Tom Barrack, Chairman of Colony Capital, LLC and Philip Anschutz, Anschutz Entertainment Group (AEG), owner of 02 Arena, owner of Regal Cinemas, and owner of Staples Center where Grammy Awards were!!!

I looked on the Colony Capital website and they are investors in the Neverland Ranch (shown and known as 1224 LLC on the site).

Here is the article on Philip Anschutz that I find a LOT of interesting information:

HIGHLIGHTS of a few of the statements:
No matter what tragedy befalls his core asset, it seems Anschutz has figured out how to continue monetizing Michael.
AEG was so committed to keeping the event (concerts) on track, it paid Dr. Conrad Murray to act as the singer's personal physician
AEG, not so incidentally, owns the Staples Center. Two AEG Live executives, Randy Phillips and Paul Gongaware, are listed as producers on the film as well.

Luckily for Anschutz, he can probably recoup some lost funds (from concerts) by distributing the film (TII) to his Regal theaters (ensured that it will be family-friendly since he has a stake in its creation) and promoting it through any of his newspaper, magazine, or Web holdings

My confusion is that are we being strung along by Philip Anschutz? or is Michael hoaxing them? or is Michael working with him? I am not sure, but something doesn't sit right with this new information. I can't imagine Michael working with a man like Anschutz who is said in the article to be a supporter of Conservative causes that include limiting the rights of gays and lesbians and promoting "traditional" family values in entertainment and media.

Michael definitely loves his family so I can see him liking the promotion of family values and it would make sense then as to why his children accepted his award, but to limit rights to anyone doesn't sound like something Michael would agree with. But I could be wrong in that aspect of Michael's beliefs. I believe he preaches LOVE to all.

Any additional thoughts?
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