

  • ok don't shoot me.. i understand where you guys are coming from, being upset.. but if Michael was here in the flesh so to speak i think he would support it.. its for a good cause at the end of the day.. and there doing it the UK with

    REM's everybody hurts..

    i think you should look beyond the voice and think of this as Michaels influence.. it was his inspiration in the first place that they are re-doing this particular song.. he is still working his magic!! <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->

    i think its AWSOME!!

    *cocks gun*
    jk, jk. <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->

    It's not exactly about Michael for me... it's about the legacy of the song. The hearts behind it and the reason for it at the time (Michael just happens to be a very big part of that). I understand that it's being done for a "good cause" but like others have said before me, there needs to be a different offering made for this particular cause. You don't make the same sacrifice twice if you know what I mean.

    I agree with lookingforthetroot that most of these artists are just in it for publicity (not all). It's kind of a "we should probably do something" whim that isn't coming from anywhere deep... they're just hijacking the work that came from someone else's heart. It's been done. It's there. Leave it alone. Don't contaminate it with mere "good intentions" because it's bigger than that. That's the problem I have with the remake.

    But I'm glad you can see the good in it and stay optimistic.
  • Two VERY interesting things about the recording:

    Richie and Jones were quick to point out that if Jackson were still alive, he'd want to be just as involved with the song as he was 25 years ago, though maybe in a different role. "I know it's hard to believe, but if Michael were, alive he'd stand behind the scenes," Richie said.
    <!-- m -->http://www.mjfanclub.net/home/index.php ... &Itemid=82<!-- m -->

    Quincy Jones is saving perhaps the most touching moment for last. At the request of Katherine Jackson, Maya Angelou penned a poem to be read at the end of the song. Quincy is going to speak to Michael's children about reading that narration.
    <!-- m -->http://www.mjfanclub.net/home/index.php ... &Itemid=82<!-- m -->
  • GraceGrace Posts: 2,864
    but why is Jermaine so quiet & nowhere to be seen all of a sudden? It's like he been silenced.

    This time there's no time left to screw anything up and say sorry afterwards.
    This time the cause is too serious.

    Haiti is not Vienna and they need to get as soon as possible as much money as possible.
    It has to get done and there is only one man in the world capable of getting them all.
    Jermaine has his role but not this time.
  • Couldn't they just write another song and leave perfection alone? Besides, Janet is singing her part from Atlanta. Why? I wish they would leave Michael's song alone. It is already a masterpiece and for the cause that he intended it for. Let it go down in the record books as being just that.
  • virgo75virgo75 Posts: 514
    Couldn't they just write another song and leave perfection alone? Besides, Janet is singing her part from Atlanta. Why? I wish they would leave Michael's song alone. It is already a masterpiece and for the cause that he intended it for. Let it go down in the record books as being just that.

    2nd all of this. <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( -->

    I don't even want to hear it out of curiosity.
  • I'm with you guys..I can't listen to this if Michaels Voice is not there. It is bad enough to hear other artists singing Michaels songs, but this one????It sucks balls..and it should not be done..I for sure WILL NOT buy it! <!-- s:evil: -->:evil:<!-- s:evil: --> <!-- s:evil: -->:evil:<!-- s:evil: -->
  • Well I was watching the original WATW and noticed the chemistry there everbody wanted to be there and from the looks of the people attending it just seems like a publicity stunt, I mean Eminem cmon but without Michael it is NOTHING I know it is for Haiti but don't you think Michael cares about Haiti why take out his vocals it just doesnt make sense
  • techdivatechdiva Posts: 448
    Really......... <!-- s:?: -->:?:<!-- s:?: -->
    God I'm so skeptical now. I look at EVERYTHING as part of the plan, or a clue, or a cover up.

    Edit: But maybe just maybe that's part of MJs message.

    I agree with you about being a plan or clue. I feel that MJ is working behind the seen. This is a way to get a lot of artist involved and come together. Lionel Ritchie did say they had 45 artist from the original song, now it has MULTIPLIED. I remember MJ's interview a few years ago. He said that when he and Lionel Ritchie wrote the song in 1985, he didn't want to only target just the US and Africa, he wanted the world involved. He'd talked about doing another song for the whole world. Now the time has come. He is spreading his message through song. This song and Earth Song. I would love for them to play "What more can I give." he wrote that for the 9/11.
  • shes wasnt there... hmm michael will sing but he will be in janets voice just like at vmas no other reason for her not to be there than shes doing it with michael!! 12th feb huh?? before the 14th!!! (my return date lol all for love L.O.V.E) <!-- s8-) -->8-)<!-- s8-) -->
  • I changed my mind - I´m happy with it. They are not gonna do it for us, they do it for help people in Haiti. We will not buy it, ok, but others will. For us it isn´t the same without Michael but in the world are millions of people who will love the song (I hope). Maybe the fans of Eminem will open their eyes and get the message, same with others... It´s all about being united as a family, kids of the world, us, love each other and help in pain and make our earth a better place.
    Why hate Eminem or Kanye West? It doesn´t help. Eminem was disrespectful to Michael, I know, I assume MJ has forgiven it to him. If you don´t like them, don´t listen and don´t buy.
    We don´t have to buy WATW, we can make our donations other wise. We can always listen to old version of WATW.
    I hope you see what I mean.
    It´s all for love <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
  • ZenZen Posts: 341
    by DarkYetLovely » Tue Feb 02, 2010 8:20 pm
    I'm really kinda ticked about this.... this song has been done. It already has a purpose and great singers have already lent their voices to create it and it should be left alone. It would be great if all these singers today would do a concert and maybe perform this song together at the end (I bet that would be more beneficial too), but they shouldn't be trying to recreate it. I don't really know how to explain how I feel about it... it just seems like they're damaging a legacy.

    I was almost okay with it when I was under the impression that they were going to use Michael's vocals in it (but it still bothered me even then), and now this? Nope I'm not okay with it. But that won't make any difference... I just wanted it to be known.

    I agree with you on this. This is an uncomfortable trend of re-doing and mixing Michael's work.
  • You know i was excited for this remake but i thought they were going to leave Michaels part in it :'(

    To me they put all the "new" artists in it because it will sell more for Haiti which is a good idea yeah i know...But Michaels voice is still very well liked and people still buy his music...I think having his voice in it will sell more sadly...but Ima still get it to help Haiti out...i just feel like after they take Michaels voice out they are saying..."we are moving on without you" this hurts my feelings....

    when i think of the song "We Are the World" I immediately link it with Michael Jackson... ??? Now whats next???

    Well i guess since Lionel wrote it as well he has every right to do whichever with it but thats a bummer *sigh*
  • I like Janet but Micheal should still be in the song... He represents children

    Well on one of the talk shows they were saying other artists were invited but declined as soon as they heard that QJ was going to change some of the lyrics and they did not want to ruin MJ's song which he wrote most of it anyway.. I say good on them..

    I dont like QJ he has said some nasty things about MJ in the past after MJ left him to go with different producers ........I guess his ego got bruised.. Also I didn't like the way Lionel Ritchie during his speach at the Grammy's was promoting that MJ's CD was on sale, I guess he was doing that for Randy Phillips since he his agent ( I saw that on another blog) and I did see him the backgound behind Lionel when they interviewing Lionel.. Its all about money $$$$$$

    They should have written another song for the next generation, there is Will i am , AKON I m sure they smart enough to come up with something good, I also admire these artists as well they respected MJ.

    It STINKS I know its for a good cause but I can donate in other ways, I will listen to the old version instead..
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