CNN reporting Murray to surrender but not true?

msteetee34msteetee34 Posts: 1,234
edited January 1970 in News
CNN is reporting that MJ's doctor may surrender but I just saw this article and it says differently:

LOS ANGELES (Reuters) – Michael Jackson's doctor is in Los Angeles for meetings with his lawyers but has not been asked to surrender to authorities or appear in court in connection with the pop singer's death, his lawyer said on Tuesday.

Speculation about possible charges against Dr. Conrad Murray has been brewing for months after the county coroner's office ruled that Jackson's death in Los Angeles on June 25 was a homicide by drug overdose.

Murray, a cardiologist with offices in Houston and Las Vegas, was hired to care for Jackson while the entertainer prepared for a series of comeback concerts in London.

Ed Chernoff, Murray's lead attorney, confirmed that the physician was in Los Angeles but said that, contrary to reports in the media, no court appearance had been ordered or scheduled for this week.

"Yes, he's in Los Angeles, he's here to meet with his lawyers and to visit with his family," Chernoff told Reuters. "But, look, if the cops want him he's not hiding. We'll be happy to surrender him and they know that."

Sandi Gibbons, a spokeswoman for the Los Angeles County District Attorney's Office, said that she was aware of the stories in the media but declined to confirm them.

"We've got nothing pending right now," Gibbons said.

The coroner determined that propofol and the sedative Lorazepam were the main drugs that caused Jackson's death at age 50.

Chernoff said that he asked Murray to travel to Los Angeles for a meeting with members of the defense team, but had not been asked by prosecutors or police to surrender his client and could not say if charges were imminent.

"I don't think they should be filing charges at all," he said.

(Editing by Bob Tourtellotte and Eric Beech)

Notice what the article says they have nothing pending right now. So who's telling the truth? <!-- s:?: -->:?:<!-- s:?: --> So is TMZ and CNN reporting facts that are not true? <!-- s:?: -->:?:<!-- s:?: -->


  • Yeah, so far it is being done to appease his fans, do something so we will all shut up, and to keep Mj's name in the media. So far so good. Now this is getting inrteresting !!!
  • WendyEWendyE Posts: 105
    I just watched Larry King Live and again, they are speculating about this so called surrender of Conrad Murray. No one could say that they heard anything from any official. They did talk about so called, "OTHER DRUGS" that may have been in Michael's system. The toxicology report has not been released. So, this is how I see it. TMZ and LKL are the only ones that seem to be reporting on this. Other than that it is a blip on the radar. Come on ppl this is only the biggest celebrity on the planet! If they say they have to see what other drugs were in Michael's system, after two supposed autopsies well that leaves room for the defense to have the body exhumed. Then, when they open things up, there will be no body no MJ because I believe more now than ever he is alive and these ppl are all players. During the discussion on LK one reporter even referred to everyone involved as players. I love how we are fed stuff like, " No real official word yet." They all seem to have sources but no official source. It is possible I am just in denial but I smell a rat here and we all need to just hold on. I believe in my heart that there will be a BAMSDAY when we all least expect it.
  • deedee75deedee75 Posts: 192
    I wish people stop listen to TMZ lying a$$ <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> but I think tTMZ is calling a bluff to see what happen
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