edited January 1970 in News
Hello guys I hope I put this on the right place.But everytime I ask a question on Craig Harvey is the answer that he gives my makes my depsessed.I really have no hope left anymore,sorry.He told to my that Michael is indeed death from the 25 june and that the death certificate in no a fake.He also say that he not get it how and whye there is a death hoax forum at all.Can anyone try him please?This is his adres <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e --> you.


  • Hello guys I hope I put this on the right place.But everytime I ask a question on Craig Harvey is the answer that he gives my makes my depsessed.I really have no hope left anymore,sorry.He told to my that Michael is indeed death from the 25 june and that the death certificate in no a fake.He also say that he not get it how and whye there is a death hoax forum at all.Can anyone try him please?This is his adres <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e --> you.
    I don't really understand you. What was he supposed to say to you??? Oh, yes, he is alive, pls spread the news. Thank you! <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> (no offence <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) --> )
    We can ask him 1000 times he won't say that Mike is alive.
  • And also he said mountains with saying he doesn't understand the hoax forums. Does he think people are stupid? <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: --> <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: -->
  • Oh, Suzy, why do you do it to yourself???
    I will not ask a question if I don´t wanna hear the answer... and we know that he can´t say what we wanna hear.
    <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
  • Hi Suzy,

    I already had an extensive email correspondence with Mr. Craig Harvey in August. It's already posted on the forum, but I will paste it here for you. The original thread it here: <!-- l -->viewtopic.php?f=40&t=2162#p31057<!-- l -->

    On August 27th I had a quite extensive email correspondence with Mr. Craig Harvey. I had sent one email to all the four email addresses listed on the website of the LA County Coroners Office, though Mr. Harvey's email address is not listed there.

    My question in the email was based on what Mr. Harvey said after the autopsy:

    One of the reporters asked the spokesman:
    Was there any controvercy about the death certificate signature by the doctor?

    The answer to that question was:
    No, the problem with the death certificate is that there was no doctor to sign the death certificate which then requires then that the coroner becomes involved because if there is no doctor to sign a death certificate then it falls to the coroner to do that function. So that is how we became involved in the first place. Had he been under the care of a doctor and that doctor been willing to sign the death certificate the coroner would not have become involved.

    I asked:

    I was highly surprised to hear "Had he been under the care of a doctor"! The media reports that UCLA staff tried to revive Michael Jackson for over an hour, and now it appears that no doctor was present during that time??!

    Can you please tell me if this is indeed the case?

    Also, if a doctor had been present and willing to sign the death certificate, then what would have been listed as the cause of death? If the cause of death would have been obvious, then why does it take so long for the autopsy results to come out?

    Just a little over an hour after I sent my email I got a reply from Mr. Harvey. I was surprised to even receive an answer, because why would a coroner even bother to answer questions from some girl who's living on the other side of the ocean..? I was stunned to see his extensive answer, he put a lot of effort into that while all he had to say was "Sorry, I can't give you any information regarding this case".

    Here's what Mr. Harvey replied:

    The issue as to whether a person’s death falls under the jurisdiction of the Coroner under California law depends on the immediate/suspected cause of death. In certain cases, a private physician may sign a death certificate and the Coroner need not be involved. These deaths are always due to natural causes. In other cases, by law, only the Coroner can sign the death certificate due to the immediate or suspected cause/manner of death, e.g. gunshot wound, hanging, accident, suicide, homicide, etc.

    The term “under the care of a doctor” or “had a doctor in attendance” means on its’ face that a person had been seen by a physician for a minimum specific period of time and that physician had a medical opinion as to the cause of death. It does not necessarily mean that there was a physician physically standing next to the patient when they died. In most cases, ER doctors do not sign death certificates for the many patients they pronounce dead upon arrival or shortly thereafter each year at their hospitals. Either they legally cannot sign a death certificate due to the cause of death or they simply have limited information on which to base a medical opinion.

    Because no physician came forward to sign a death certificate, the Coroner had to be notified. Even if a physician had come forward to sign a death certificate, the cause of death would have to be based on documented/known medical history and due to natural causes with no external factors involved. If someone had signed a death certificate with inaccurate information, other physicians who know the patient or family members could contact the Coroner and the Coroner could take jurisdiction if the information is found to have merit.

    Lastly, the vast majority (99%) of physicians will not jeopardize their profession or their livelihood by signing a bogus death certificate. They have too much at stake should their fraud be detected and reported.

    My jaw dropped when I saw that last paragraph... Since Mr. Harvey was clearly willing to answer some questions I tried my luck and sent him another one:

    What would be the purpose of blacking out the signature of the deputy coroner on Michael Jackson's death certificate? Nowadays it's just a typed name and a stamp, so I don't see any reason for blacking that out.

    Just 11 minutes after sending my email Mr. Harvey replied again:

    I am not sure why some of the information is redacted. The death certificate is a State of California document, not a Coroner or County of Los Angeles document. They set the rules on what they deem as “private or confidential”. I can understand redacting surviving family names and addresses and social security numbers, but some of the other stuff escapes my logic capacity.

    I happily emailed back and forth with my new best friend, and received a total of 9(!) email from him until he went home to have dinner. There was one other interesting answer which I will post here also. My question was:

    Something else I was wondering about, and I hope you don't mind me asking you - Why did you say "I am here to announce that the coroner has concluded the autopsy for mister Michael Jackson instead of on mister Michael Jackson? I'm sure you already realized English it not my native language...

    Mr. Harvey's answer:

    It is probably mostly semantics. I suspect it has to do with keeping in mind that our clients are people first not an object.

    Draw your own conclusions...
  • <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->

    Risk signing a bogus death certificate???

    That speaks volumes about the "Death" of course.....Michael "Ghost" Jackson is bloody alive dud.e
  • That statement about bogus death certificates may not mean what you are believing it to mean.

    If Michael died of something else rather than what would be later reported, maybe Conrad Murray didn't want his head in the noose.
  • Just read all your response guys.Thanks allot I apriciate your help and support more than you can imagine!THANK YOU ALL.BIG HUG!xxx
  • "Lastly, the vast majority (99%) of physicians will not jeopardize their profession or their livelihood by signing a bogus death certificate. They have too much at stake should their fraud be detected and reported."

    this caught my attention! <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) --> great Mo! <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
  • mumof3mumof3 Posts: 1,973
    He can not afford to say anything he will lose his job he will be busy trying to keep out of it he probably has loads of questions asked him
  • MJJ1982MJJ1982 Posts: 1,282
    Hello guys I hope I put this on the right place.But everytime I ask a question on Craig Harvey is the answer that he gives my makes my depsessed.I really have no hope left anymore,sorry.He told to my that Michael is indeed death from the 25 june and that the death certificate in no a fake.He also say that he not get it how and whye there is a death hoax forum at all.Can anyone try him please?This is his adres <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e --> you.

    Ok Harvey tries to convince us that Michael is dead.
    Then I have a question: Why doesn't his family do the same thing? I'm sure they are aware of the hoaxsites...
  • If this is indeed a hoax, no one is going to tell you so if you ask them. Sometimes it frustrates me that People will ask. It's like asking what color is the sky, when I know the answer I'm going to receive.

    Mo: That was smart as hell, don't ask him obvious direct questions, but ask him about inconsistencies; about things that have been reported in the media.

    Wasn't he the one that attended the Memorial? I would love to know who invited him.....
  • darkchilddarkchild Posts: 1,161
    "Lastly, the vast majority (99%) of physicians will not jeopardize their profession or their livelihood by signing a bogus death certificate. They have too much at stake should their fraud be detected and reported."

    this caught my attention! <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) --> great Mo! <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->

    That says it all for me! <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) --> MJ is still alive. The missing pieces do not fit into the jigsaw!
  • ChanceChance Posts: 250
    wonder how many email's Harvey receives each day .. and I am surprised that he actually responds to all of them.
  • Just a little over an hour after I sent my email I got a reply from Mr. Harvey. I was surprised to even receive an answer, because why would a coroner even bother to answer questions from some girl who's living on the other side of the ocean..? I was stunned to see his extensive answer, he put a lot of effort into that while all he had to say was "Sorry, I can't give you any information regarding this case".

    Exactly... I was just thinking this.... why would he answer??? I didn´t even think of writting to him.... he should not answer any mail to an unknow person in a case so complicate.... if this was not a hoax that´s completely out of ethic...
  • I think Harvey is trying way too hard to convice people MJ is dead that he is putting his foot in his mouth.
    You know how liars over explain things when they are trying to cover up a lie?
  • Oh...and dont forget that Craig Harvey used to work in Hollywood movies (cant recall exactly at the moment) and I think he is related to Ben Evenstad???

    sorry, Ive forgotten....too much info in the last 7 months!!
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