WHy Mike couldnt be in a coma?

Doctor DeathDoctor Death Posts: 484
edited January 1970 in News
Anyway, Personally I really cant bring myself to believe that MJ is really in a coma of sorts.....Because this is totally contradictory to what we've agreed to before--

1. He's in a coma so they move him to a safe place because they cant keep the most amous man on earth holed up in a hospital for this long...But...Where is that safe place? He's Michael Jackson....No matter wherever on Earth....word is bound to get out.....somehow.Because the family arent the only ones who are with him in that "safe" place....THeres got to be attendants. And they ceratinly havent out up camp at one place for so long? They do go home after their duties.....And no amount of money can buy their silence because taking care of Micahel Jackson is not similar to working in Area 51 is it?

2.MJ in a coma wud have to mean that he really was on drugs. Specifically Propofol. Then perhaps we would have to believe that he developed some kind of resistance to it coz he's dancing his ass off in the film......And also showing people half his age how to do his stuff.

....Thats kinda hard to beLIEve.This is why----

<!-- m -->http://mjtruth.wordpress.com/2009/08/20 ... yes-again/<!-- m -->

3. Even if the brothers and Dileo, Branca all these guys thought about this whole stuff....They simply would have no fucking idea how to go ahead with all the elaborate things that we've seen in the past 7 months......The memorial, The funeral...all of it.All of this is WAY too perfect for someone other than MJ himself.

4.The brothers apart from their weird ass interviews have always been very upbeat...be it laughing their butts off at the funeral or at the premiere. So have Liz and Macaulay Culkin.......too happy to have their lifelong friend in a coma......

If Mike was in a coma, their reaction at their piblic appearances would have been a bit more morose.....IMHO.

4.Then , theres the Dave Dave situation......Why involve him in the image cleaning exercise that started since July?

5.The fact that the TII Dancers keep referring to a big "surprise" in all of their tweets regarding that "THING" thats supposed to happen in March......"That big step for Humanity" thing <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->

6. The parallels to the hoax......i.e.; the Gilda thing, "Final Curtain" etc .
The list could go on......

All in all, This whole thing is just too BIG and looks so meticulously planned that its kinda hard to believe that he'd be in coma all this time


  • Sorry for the spelling mistakes * famous*...I wrote *amous*
  • money can buy silence, at least a lot of money, one can be amazed about what people do for money.

    Could he be in a coma and why?
    well he could, i mean if we look back at what paris said at the grammys " daddy was suppose to be here, but he couldn't performe....last year". ... he could not performe.....
    Q= why not... what happend that day 25th of June?
    Maybe he did have a heartattack and was brought back but was gone too long to regain full consciousness. So he fell into a coma.
    He might not have had a heartattack... it might have been a fall, he banged his head really hard... or maybe he had been working too hard the last week so some artery or something burst in his brain... those things happen.. and so he fell into a coma...

    and maybe the family was told that he probably would not wake up again.. so they decided to tell everyone that he died...

    or maybe he did wake up, but was not himself anymore, he couldnt talk or move like he used too... so he told everyone to tell the world he was dead... couse he dont want anyone to see him like that...
  • This is why Mj can be in a coma... (see video...)
    but yes.. that woudl mean that hatman, blondlady, davedave etc its all in our mind....
    just a thought... something to think about... he might have come out of the coma and trying to let us know.... just think about it... <!-- s:idea: -->:idea:<!-- s:idea: -->
  • Bee BeeBee Bee Posts: 391
    2.MJ in a coma wud have to mean that he really was on drugs. Specifically Propofol. Then perhaps we would have to believe that he developed some kind of resistance to it coz he's dancing his ass off in the film......And also showing people half his age how to do his stuff.

    Just something I've been asking myself... I don't really know anything about stuff like that, but wouldn't it be possible that there were medications who helped Michael dance normally even in a state like that? Kinda like doping in sports? And it could've gone well for a while, but only for a while. Just a thought. As I said, I don't really have an idea, I was just wondering.
  • I don´t think this could be possible..... I mean If I don´t believe in the hoax... I have to believe he was murdered.... there is a lot of thinks tham seems prepared... the two footages of the ambulance... the picture... no alarm in the ambulance... family not crying and even laughing....

    I´m sure I´m forgetting others... but these things it´s what makes me believe in the hoax and I don´t think all this would be happening if he is in a coma....
  • TinkIAm-

    Everything you stated in your post and video is plausible. I am heavy-hearted in my thoughts about this because if he didn't have adequate and immediate CPR brain damage could ensue. Of course, his life then would never ever be the same. If this is the case, he can survive----even in a vegetative state. I pray it all just a hoax though. However, all of the cryptic messages could be explained away by this notion----starting with the fact that Jermaine, rather than a representative from UCLA, announced MJ's death, that nobody signed a death certificate, the odd behavior of the family, talking about MJ in the present tense, his brother sating he was "going to see MJ very soon etc., etc., etc.-the story goes on and on and on)

    This is why Mj can be in a coma... (see video...)
    but yes.. that woudl mean that hatman, blondlady, davedave etc its all in our mind....
    just a thought... something to think about... he might have come out of the coma and trying to let us know.... just think about it... <!-- s:idea: -->:idea:<!-- s:idea: -->
  • That's crtainly something I'd not considered. Mental illness or dammage for that matter isn't viewed very kindly in the US. People tend to make fun of you if you've got a cognotive disorder.
    Plus, people would make fun of him even more if they found out that that had happened to him.
    Can you just imagine those stupid "Wacko Jacko" things paired with that? It'd be heartbreaking.
    Just because you may look or act differently on the outside, doesn't mean you don't see things or feel things. In fact, sometimes that just makes you all the more vulnerable.
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