Revelation: BoW!



  • Now do you guys understand why Mo and Souza didnt allow any of her ramblings to be posted on here?

    They knew she was a fake and they didnt want you guys to get pulled into another troll who claims to "know stuff"...
  • I have a father, thanks <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
    I want to know also, so please give me the information to know she´s a troll.
    I´ll be pleased.
  • MJJ1982MJJ1982 Posts: 1,282
    Now do you guys understand why Mo and Souza didnt allow any of her ramblings to be posted on here?

    They knew she was a fake and they didnt want you guys to get pulled into another troll who claims to "know stuff"...

  • I have a father, thanks <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
    I want to know also, so please give me the information to know she´s a troll.
    I´ll be pleased.

    do you STILL have doubts??

    i always knew it.. but some people only believe what they see. (sometimes)
  • I missed something...
    Please tell me the reasons, thank you, yes, I still have doubts, that´s why I wanna know.

    It´s not that I just believe what I see, it´s just that I believe what I have reasons for,
    and still don´t have them.

    When I´ll come to a conclusion about her, I won´t have to search for any more information to believe or not.
  • This is the main problem I see with this and I noticed it's really bad on the italian forum. You guys WANT way too much! You expect to just be given the truth on a silver platter without having to do any homework. if they don't reveal everything, then it's a fake. And that shouldn't be the case. Stop being lazy and read between the lines. Nothing BOW has said has been really discovered to be an outright lie. But because she is being vague, you guys don't want to believe her. To me she sounds honest and she really doesn't smell of trying to seek out fame. It's like she said, you have to go on your gut and decipher for yourself. If it smells like fish, it's probably a fish. If it smells like roses, then well.... She has not claimed to know Michael or be his best friend as some people have done in the past. She has been up front and has stated clearly too many times that she can only reveal what she is "allowed" to reveal, which makes sense when you think about it. The grammy thing sounds a bit crazy, but I've been to LA and believe me, anything is possible there. She has given nothing but facts and hasn't embellished anything. I say you guys need to re-evaluate just what it is you expect to get from this. Because to me it just seems you all just want to see Michael again, which is for the most part comletely selfish. The reason this whole thing has happened is because of US and what WE have done. When Michael talks about the earth being in ruin, he's not blaming space aliens for the problem, he is blaming US, because we have the power to change it and make it better and yet we don't. It starts and ends with US and I believe this is Michael's ultimate message. He has much love for us, but so does a parent whose child is on crack. The problem won't be solved by giving them more crack and babying them. It will be solved by what? TOUGH LOVE! And that's what Michael is doing to us right now because we have been spoiled by his talent for the last thirty years and haven't been keeping up our end of the bargain. Start doing your homework and the rest will take care of itself. If BOW turns out to be fake, what's the worst that can come from it? There really is nowhere to go but up from this point and I will continue to follow her for now, She hasn't really been wrong yet, has she?
  • DooDooDooDoo Posts: 437
    It was reported and announced the second season of the reality show will take place. This isn't Bow's revelation or anticipation. shamone guys, she is a FAKE!!!!
  • She was not the first to say about the second season of Jack5on so she´s fake?
    I can´t see the logic in this argument.
    I´m still open to hear a real argument that enlighten me to understand and come to the conclusion that she is fake, and so a waste of time to follow.
    Till then, she´s part of this big ARG.
  • This is the main problem I see with this and I noticed it's really bad on the italian forum. You guys WANT way too much! You expect to just be given the truth on a silver platter without having to do any homework. if they don't reveal everything, then it's a fake. And that shouldn't be the case. Stop being lazy and read between the lines. Nothing BOW has said has been really discovered to be an outright lie. But because she is being vague, you guys don't want to believe her. To me she sounds honest and she really doesn't smell of trying to seek out fame. It's like she said, you have to go on your gut and decipher for yourself. If it smells like fish, it's probably a fish. If it smells like roses, then well.... She has not claimed to know Michael or be his best friend as some people have done in the past. She has been up front and has stated clearly too many times that she can only reveal what she is "allowed" to reveal, which makes sense when you think about it. The grammy thing sounds a bit crazy, but I've been to LA and believe me, anything is possible there. She has given nothing but facts and hasn't embellished anything. I say you guys need to re-evaluate just what it is you expect to get from this. Because to me it just seems you all just want to see Michael again, which is for the most part comletely selfish. The reason this whole thing has happened is because of US and what WE have done. When Michael talks about the earth being in ruin, he's not blaming space aliens for the problem, he is blaming US, because we have the power to change it and make it better and yet we don't. It starts and ends with US and I believe this is Michael's ultimate message. He has much love for us, but so does a parent whose child is on crack. The problem won't be solved by giving them more crack and babying them. It will be solved by what? TOUGH LOVE! And that's what Michael is doing to us right now because we have been spoiled by his talent for the last thirty years and haven't been keeping up our end of the bargain. Start doing your homework and the rest will take care of itself. If BOW turns out to be fake, what's the worst that can come from it? There really is nowhere to go but up from this point and I will continue to follow her for now, She hasn't really been wrong yet, has she?

    <!-- s:idea: -->:idea:<!-- s:idea: --> I am not going to say anything either way I already have my mind made up about Michael and the hows and whys of it all his message is clear to us all we have a purpose each one of us, I was reading something last night and one paragraph states "You are NOT and Accident" God has planned your entire life here on earth from your parents to who you are what you are like as a person and your entire future untill you leave this world for the next. I believe it is NO accident that we are all here at this forum searching for answers about Michaels safety and his message for us all. We have been chosen by God through Michael to be a part of changing the world and bringing back L.O.V.E to conquer Hate and HOPE to conquer dispear etc. BOW I read for entertainment value because we already know all we really need to know Michael is Alive and He will Return and We will be ready and waiting But will the rest of the World? Spread his message MJ family I am proud of us all here and I bet MJ will be too.
  • <!-- m --><!-- m -->

    Think for yourself... Enjoy... <!-- s:arrow: -->:arrow:<!-- s:arrow: -->
  • mmzmmz Posts: 450
    I must admit the among all "the informers",she is the only one I follow. There is a reason for that. I don't put all my hope in her,I just trust my feelings,and then let's see what happens. I am not guilty for that. ANyone can believe who wants.
    Sometimes she writes things hard to believe. The most incredible one was that WATW was shot in Neverland...I would say...normally informers give obvious news...but this is so odd to believe!!!! Why would she say such a thing when most of the people would never believe her after that?
    ANyway,she sounds to be gentle,caring about people... Maybe she is just fooled by someone.If she is a fake,it is just a problem for her conscience.
    I keep the road of the hoax,anyway.. <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->
  • 2good2btrue2good2btrue Posts: 4,210
    Honestly, some of you have no LOVE in your heart at all. Why are you acting like the media here??? If you don't like something, don't read it. Walk away from it. All these things you have called BOW, sound exactly like the papparazzi and media, tearing peoples lives apart, casting judgement. There is no need for name calling on this site. Michael Jackson would be so disappointed in you. Now maybe you will understand what MJ had to endure all his life. This is not a good example of his message OF LOVE. Change starts with the man in the mirror. Honestly, sometimes I think some members are on some sort of an ego trip, and have to be right all the time, and when they read something they don't agree with or is not what they want to hear, they mock it and slander the person. This is not a good example at all. Sometimes I feel ashamed to be here. Please STOP the name calling.....Remember WACKO JACKO???? That really hurt MJ's feelings. If you don't like something, JUST WALK AWAY OR DON'T COMMENT, PLEASE......NO MORE.
  • mjaliveomgmjaliveomg Posts: 178
    Honestly, some of you have no LOVE in your heart at all. Why are you acting like the media here??? If you don't like something, don't read it. Walk away from it. All these things you have called BOW, sound exactly like the papparazzi and media, tearing peoples lives apart, casting judgement. There is no need for name calling on this site. Michael Jackson would be so disappointed in you. Now maybe you will understand what MJ had to endure all his life. This is not a good example of his message OF LOVE. Change starts with the man in the mirror. Honestly, sometimes I think some members are on some sort of an ego trip, and have to be right all the time, and when they read something they don't agree with or is not what they want to hear, they mock it and slander the person. This is not a good example at all. Sometimes I feel ashamed to be here. Please STOP the name calling.....Remember WACKO JACKO???? That really hurt MJ's feelings. If you don't like something, JUST WALK AWAY OR DON'T COMMENT, PLEASE......NO MORE.

    absolutely right....absolutely
  • hmmm... so she just copy and pastes , but so does any other "revealer" imo

    Okay now i'm curious.... Who???? <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: --> <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: --> <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: -->

    It's important we know who it is.. So we don't waiste more time on another "faker"
  • Honestly, some of you have no LOVE in your heart at all. Why are you acting like the media here??? If you don't like something, don't read it. Walk away from it. All these things you have called BOW, sound exactly like the papparazzi and media, tearing peoples lives apart, casting judgement. There is no need for name calling on this site. Michael Jackson would be so disappointed in you. Now maybe you will understand what MJ had to endure all his life. This is not a good example of his message OF LOVE. Change starts with the man in the mirror. Honestly, sometimes I think some members are on some sort of an ego trip, and have to be right all the time, and when they read something they don't agree with or is not what they want to hear, they mock it and slander the person. This is not a good example at all. Sometimes I feel ashamed to be here. Please STOP the name calling.....Remember WACKO JACKO???? That really hurt MJ's feelings. If you don't like something, JUST WALK AWAY OR DON'T COMMENT, PLEASE......NO MORE.

    absolutely right....absolutely

    Exactly ... People are more interested in self promotion than anything else. It's all ego.
    If BoW lie or lies, it's up to each filter what you read, we should not judge.
    That should give credit to that person to have discovered such a lie?
    Tarnish the image of his neighbor's attitude that you can judge whether something is done for love or is it true?
    To me that is much worse is that tarnish the image of his neighbor by sheer pleasure of satisfying your ego.
    Should be more careful not only with what we write but also the intentions of those who show us mistakes of others. <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: -->

    Very sad
  • ShoutShout Posts: 560
    She was not the first to say about the second season of Jack5on so she´s fake?
    I can´t see the logic in this argument.
    I´m still open to hear a real argument that enlighten me to understand and come to the conclusion that she is fake, and so a waste of time to follow.
    Till then, she´s part of this big ARG.

    She pretends to have somehow direct infirmation from MJ through someone who knows Michael, but what people have pointed out is that these information are out there on the internet or that conclusions can be easily drawn if you have a brain which you use...therefore we do not need to hang on her lips because she is like us. I think most of the people do not like her special role which she probably doesn´t have, but pretends to have. There are contradictions in what she said and what happened or not happened and because of that people do not believe in BOW and I absolutely understand that!

    This maybe does not proof that she is a "fake" as a person, but it surely underlines that there are no connections to Michael or someone who knows Michael, so she is messing up with our minds and some people believe her maybe because they like her words.

    I do believe that she is someone like you and me and that she has no special information but a more or less great ability to manipulate some people. You will be able to find explanaitions and "excuses" to everything she say/write, but sometimes it is just a feeling which tells you that she tries to get a special part in the investigation.

    I will not change my mind that I do not believe in what she writes and her "special" role. There are many people out there who I do not trust or whom I definitely do not believe, it might be healthy.
  • I think this is a wasted tread!
    IMO the BOW thing will solve itself cause she always says he'll be back not later then June 25 and she's 100% sure he will come back!!
    So time will tell us if she's a Fake or not.
    So please people stop waisting your time over BOW <!-- s:!: -->:!:<!-- s:!: -->
  • I see AGAIN that only threads AGAINST BOW are allowed here.
    What a pitty! <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: -->
  • She also said that on april 5th when murray goes to court he will be let go again, so let's see and wait, I for one will still follow her and see what happens.
  • She also said that on april 5th when murray goes to court he will be let go again, so let's see and wait, I for one will still follow her and see what happens.
    Of course he will be let go again. He has paid the Bail. April 5 is a hearing date, the trial if there is to be one, hasn't even started yet. They don't put people in prison unless they have already had a trial & been found guilty of a crime.
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