NO Arrest, No DA DEcision Nothing.

mjboogiemjboogie Posts: 1,067
edited January 1970 in News
Here in Houston it is 7:30 AM and I have been following CNN news. OK reports were stated on yesterday that Murray would turn himself in as of today, like this afternoon. Ok they just announced that the DA has not filed any charges for Murray and there wil be no charges filed today. Also Murray can not turn himself in because there are certain stipulations to be followed before Murray takes that type of action? LAPD says no charges today, DA nothing has been filed as of yet?
What the hell is going on? I don't get it! <!-- s:evil: -->:evil:<!-- s:evil: --> ALso they are looking at a light sentence for Murray. To me hell it seems like they are trying to save Murray! The maximum 2 to 4 years also he could lose his medical license! NO flipping way! <!-- s:evil: -->:evil:<!-- s:evil: -->
You know what guys? If this doctor gets off I hate to say it. But I do believe ALL HELL WILL BREAK LOOSE and I dont know if this is going to involve the family (which I am thinking it is?, or crazed MJ fans. He will not get away with this.


  • I'm in Houston as well and I've seen that's like they are building up a fgake story..they know they were not gonna arrest this man. I dunno seems like this thing is coming to a head and it ain't gonna be pretty.
  • Here in Houston it is 7:30 AM and I have been following CNN news. OK reports were stated on yesterday that Murray would turn himself in as of today, like this afternoon. Ok they just announced that the DA has not filed any charges for Murray and there wil be no charges filed today. Also Murray can not turn himself in because there are certain stipulations to be followed before Murray takes that type of action? LAPD says no charges today, DA nothing has been filed as of yet?
    What the hell is going on? I don't get it! <!-- s:evil: -->:evil:<!-- s:evil: --> ALso they are looking at a light sentence for Murray. To me hell it seems like they are trying to save Murray! The maximum 2 to 4 years also he could lose his medical license! NO flipping way! <!-- s:evil: -->:evil:<!-- s:evil: -->
    You know what guys? If this doctor gets off I hate to say it. But I do believe ALL HELL WILL BREAK LOOSE and I dont know if this is going to involve the family (which I am thinking it is?, or crazed MJ fans. He will not get away with this.

    Doesn't this all seem so's so different than the Anna Nicole situation. I don't think they are taking the physician into consideration in that situation. Houston, we have a problem! This is so wrong that I'm going with "it's fake" until proven wrong beyond a shadow of a doubt.
  • The LAPD has along history of being corrupt .Don't forget that the LAPD, Tom Sneddon , and the FBI conspired to try and convict MJ for a crime he did not commit .Costing the Tax payer of the state of CA . Millions .The FBI knew he was innocent all along ,yet they allowed the trial to proceed . SEE HULU TV and watch The Tupac & Biggie Docu. where they talk about the LAPD and FBI involvement of their deaths . YOU can also see on HULU TV Heidi Fliess A Hollywood Madam was convicted for a crime no other Madam has ever been convicted of . Also FBI and LAPD corruption involved . And lets not forget The Rodney King beating and the LA riots and what caused the LA Riots . The Heidi Fliess docu has former LAPD police chief Daryl Gates ,excepting Money for talking about the Hiedi Fliess case {illeagal } Not to mention they screwed up the investigation from the start when they did not shut the crime scene down At the place of Mj's death it should have been treated like a murder scene to start with .It is like they are Helping Murray ! Hope we don't have another riot . I will feel like rioting if they allow Murray & his conspirators to get away with this . I saw a thing on the news where this man is into like Home remedies & vitamins & such and that three people died accidentaly in a sweat house and he is being charged with Murder it was on CNN . They got overheated in a sweathouse and they are charging this man with murder . Why can't Murray be charged with murder ? Because he is the" FAll GUY " as Joe Jackson stated in the begining on LKL . Something sinister is going on .And it involves LAPD ,"THE SYSTEM ", THe FBI & the music industry .
  • All hell is breaking loose at the moment.

    Karen Faye is going CRAZY on facebook right now!!! - and some crazy assed fans are going mental.
  • Lady JLady J Posts: 455
    OH God!!! I don´t want to offend them MAYBE, I´m just saying maybe MJ is dead, but how act like that? They laugh at us, they are the ones who are truly insane. Jackson´s family is calm and they are going crazy? <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: -->
  • All hell is breaking loose at the moment.

    Karen Faye is going CRAZY on facebook right now!!! - and some crazy assed fans are going mental.

    What are they saying???
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