
  • Im in UK too.. when is 1'30pm in LA time? How long to go?
  • I'm in Pacific Coast time zone, it's around 10:30 now, so in three hours it will be 1:30! Hope this helps you! CHEERS!
  • Still I don't trust TMZ, after all like I've said before they are the MEDIA... but maybe I'll watch <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->
  • Im in UK too.. when is 1'30pm in LA time? How long to go?

    I believe it is 9.30pm here in UK when it is 1.30pm in LA.
  • Im in UK too.. when is 1'30pm in LA time? How long to go?

    I believe it is 9.30pm here in UK when it is 1.30pm in LA.

    Thankyou... all this waiting is like pulling teeth!!!
  • Im in UK too.. when is 1'30pm in LA time? How long to go?

    I believe it is 9.30pm here in UK when it is 1.30pm in LA.

    Great. that means it will be 4:30 where I am and I will be driving home at that time.....greeeeaaattt..... <!-- s:| -->:|<!-- s:| -->
  • Just wanted to remind everyone that the courts in Culver City (the staged one) is ALWAYS open! Hee hee.

    Yep, it is all weird---MJ is not on TMZ's RIP list and wasn't he omitted from the Grammy's memorial list too????? Something is up or someone is trying desperately to twist our minds until we have all been committed!!!!

    we're now told that Dr. Conrad Murray's lawyers plan on holding a news conference near the courthouse where Dr. Murray was set to be arraigned today in the death of Michael Jackson.

    We're told attorneys Ed Chernoff and J. Michael Flanagan will publicly complain that they have become pawns in a feud between the L.A. County D.A. and the LAPD.

    Although Chernoff's publicist told TMZ this morning Dr. Murray will come to the courthouse ... it's unclear if he'll be at the news conference.

    Unless things change in the next hour, criminal charges will not be filed against Dr. Murray today.

    TMZ broke the story about the feud between the D.A. and the LAPD over how Dr. Murray is brought to court. The D.A. was working with Murray's lawyers for a voluntary surrender ... the LAPD wants to place him under arrest and bring him into court.

    Of course, TMZ will cover the news conference live ... we're guessing it should go down around 1:30 PM PT.

    UPDATE: Ed Chernoff just confirmed the news conference, but said due to "safety concerns" it will be held at a park 12 blocks from the courthouse. He did not say if Dr. Murray will be there.

    Read more: <!-- m --> ... z0egsSH1H0<!-- m -->
  • Anything new from any of the Jackson twitter accts?
  • Anything new from any of the Jackson twitter accts?

    Just checked... nothing.

    Karen Faye is on facebook trying to get people organised for a protest outside the courthouse.
  • Anything new from any of the Jackson twitter accts?

    The Jackson Twitter accounts are very very quiet at the moment. In fact Jodie Gomes is telling people to Tweet Tito to vote on his hat colours!!!! So it looks like that is far more important at the moment!
  • badkolobadkolo Posts: 128
    <!-- m --> ... onference/<!-- m -->

    its getting interesting isnt it.?
  • new conference whereabouts changed again. I think they are just messing with us. There probably isn't even going to be a news conference.
  • can we call and ask the courts?? then maybe we can see if tmz is playing with us
  • GraceGrace Posts: 2,864
    I am sure they are playing with their audience. All gossip tabloids do.
    That's why I cannot take Harvey serious.

    What do you expect: a tabloid selling truth?
    They are reporting crap as always just to keep people hooked.
    MJ is being abused in order to create traffic to their sites.
    I do not want to say that they are blind and dumb but we are not either.
    Are they in? Idk. Sometimes stars are having agreements with tabloids. But these are the ones in need of publications. MJ never needed to have agreements on publications. They would write no matter whether he got into a car or out of a car.
    So I doubt that they are in.
    I think that they are being used for some interests of spreading a certain type of news on a certain purpose.
    Just like the web is being used for some interests of spreading another certain type of news on a certain purpose.

    Remember, we are target consumer clusters.
    Sony for sure is closely watching us, so are all others having interest on making money off us.
    TMZ is making money by selling ad space - and the price per pixel increases with increased traffic. That's why they want to keep us hooked.

    Let's see if Harvey will stumble or look as bad as he did with Doc Klein, today (btw the interview with Arnie Klein is available in full length / 10 parts in the "TMZ live" section of their site - worth watching for those who have not seen it yet).
  • can we call and ask the courts?? then maybe we can see if tmz is playing with us

    This could all be a diversion.... <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->
  • MJFAN7MJFAN7 Posts: 3,063
    <!-- s:o -->:o<!-- s:o --> <!-- s:o -->:o<!-- s:o --> <!-- s:o -->:o<!-- s:o --> <!-- s:o -->:o<!-- s:o --> <!-- s:o -->:o<!-- s:o -->
  • whisperwhisper Posts: 630
    I had a feeling about this..

    keep watching .. just keep watching ..
  • GraceGrace Posts: 2,864
    Seems they need somebody feeding them again with traffic producers...
    It is obvious that March, June and November 2009 are giving some extra bonus traffic to a formerly strongly decreasing, negative development of TMZ website.
    See the strong correlation?

  • Ha ha. TMZ knows how to play with people's minds and keep them interested watching TMZ on TV and on their site, all for for viewer's ratings.
    By not including MJ in their RIP list just makes everybody more confussed and more interested, TMZ doing good job in this. If that was my business, I would do anything to keep those raitings up just messing up and playing little games.
    Must be fun working there)))
  • WendyEWendyE Posts: 105
    Just heard on local Los Angeles news Eyewitness news Channel 7 that Murray won't be charged until Monday the 8th.
  • I am sure they are playing with their audience. All gossip tabloids do.
    That's why I cannot take Harvey serious.

    What do you expect: a tabloid selling truth?
    They are reporting crap as always just to keep people hooked.
    MJ is being abused in order to create traffic to their sites.
    I do not want to say that they are blind and dumb but we are not either.
    Are they in? Idk. Sometimes stars are having agreements with tabloids. But these are the ones in need of publications. MJ never needed to have agreements on publications. They would write no matter whether he got into a car or out of a car.
    So I doubt that they are in.
    I think that they are being used for some interests of spreading a certain type of news on a certain purpose.
    Just like the web is being used for some interests of spreading another certain type of news on a certain purpose.

    Remember, we are target consumer clusters.
    Sony for sure is closely watching us, so are all others having interest on making money off us.
    TMZ is making money by selling ad space - and the price per pixel increases with increased traffic. That's why they want to keep us hooked.

    Let's see if Harvey will stumble or look as bad as he did with Doc Klein, today (btw the interview with Arnie Klein is available in full length / 10 parts in the "TMZ live" section of their site - worth watching for those who have not seen it yet).

    Exactly, I'm actually not watching might be a stupid choice but I'll just wait and see. I rather not support TMZ, it definitely feels like they're playing with us. Well, at least we're not that easily fooled <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
  • i think u guys should call back and ask wth is going on??? and if this is all for ratings?!!
  • Yeah I'm not watching either for that reason. Not gonna help their ratings.

    I didn't get to set up a chat room account before it got closed. What's going on in there?
    What's the conversation? anything good ?
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