Quarelling over an "ARREST" or a "SCENE"?

Doctor DeathDoctor Death Posts: 484
edited January 1970 in News
Ya know fellas...I kinda get the feeling that these guys have run outta ideas....I find it bloody hard to belive that the DAand LAPD are having a debate wether to drag Conrad out in handcuffs or not?!! <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->

This seems much more like a couple of directors quarelling over how to start a particular scene in a movie....Doesnt it? Looks like Mikes run out of ideas <!-- s:P -->:P<!-- s:P -->


  • Absolutely agree with you Dr. death...I have never seen such arguments over how they are going to arrest a suspect. I know its a high profile case, but these institutions are risking their reputation here, if Murray decides to run for the hills...I mean they have warned him for 7 months, and just when he decides to surrender, they cant decide on how they want to arrest him, lol.

    I cant believe we'll have to wait til Monday...
  • becbec Posts: 6,387

    LAPD and the DA are arguing over charging Murray at all considering there is NO CASE considering there isn't even a dead body.... one entity is bowing to media and public pressure and wants to fabricate some evidence (sound familier) and press forward with a bogus case, the other is reluctant to stoop to such levels.

    Betcha corruption wins and Murray the actor is charged with Michael's fake death... betcha Michael is betting on this too.

    Michael gonna prove a point here folks. Stay tuned.
  • Murky Murray will walk into whatever court, be charged, immediatly post bail ( which has been stated he already has) and then walk out free to carry on his life , such as it is.

    This whole thing is a non-event and is a wee bit of comic relief at this moment as far as I can see.

    Nothing at all to even worry about.
  • msteetee34msteetee34 Posts: 1,234
    Yeah I heard the DA and the LAPD was trying to decide how they want to bring him in. If they should arrest him and bring him in handcuffs or if he should be able to just surrender himself. I'm like okay this dude gets to choose how he wants things to go down? This is so suspect. I'm sorry but when other people were involved in high profile cases I didn't see them have this kind of option. For example OJ he was immediately arrested, Tupac was sent to prison for sexual assault, Numerous rappers put in jail for many years for rape like Mystical, rapper Shine arrested just for being at a night club with Diddy for a shooting. TI AND Lil Wayne put in prison for weapon posession, even MJ himself was immediately arrested and he was proven innocent. Now if these guys went to jail so quickly and spent years in prison some for lesser charges than Murray why is he still walking around a free man? It just doesn't add up. <!-- s:!: -->:!:<!-- s:!: -->
  • Yeah I heard the DA and the LAPD was trying to decide how they want to bring him in. If they should arrest him and bring him in handcuffs or if he should be able to just surrender himself. I'm like okay this dude gets to choose how he wants things to go down? This is so suspect. I'm sorry but when other people were involved in high profile cases I didn't see them have this kind of option. For example OJ he was immediately arrested, Tupac was sent to prison for sexual assault, Numerous rappers put in jail for many years for rape like Mystical, rapper Shine arrested just for being at a night club with Diddy for a shooting. TI AND Lil Wayne put in prison for weapon posession, even MJ himself was immediately arrested and he was proven innocent. Now if these guys went to jail so quickly and spent years in prison some for lesser charges than Murray why is he still walking around a free man? It just doesn't add up. <!-- s:!: -->:!:<!-- s:!: -->

    I see a connection between your post and bec's post...Maybe MJ does want to prove how freaking corrupt the system is...

    Reminds me of his lyrics..."as jacked at it sounds, the whole system sucks"
  • becbec Posts: 6,387

    In all seriousness, what makes us think Murray is going to be charged with MANSLAUGHTER??? Chernoff, right? The DA hasn't ever said anything about manslaughter. LAPD hasn't ever said anything about manslaughter. Only Chernoff has named the charge. What makes us believe Chernoff is the voice of authority in the legal system???

    Read the AP articles, no, really READ them. It's entirely posible Murray isn't even a suspect in this "case involving the death of Michael Jackson", much less being charged with manslaughter. As someone else said previously on this forum, bail for perjury is $25,000.... perhaps THAT is the charge.

    Ever think of THAT???
  • Absolutely agree.....after processing my own confusion and getting a little help from the chat room (thanks again, Bec.), I now see the light. Look at the similarities to the Conrad Murray scenario and Michael's ordeal of both 93 and 2005. Murray, real doctor or not, was hired by Michael to fill a role...(a doctor???? or someone who plays one on t.v.?????)

    --Murray is Michael...not literallly, but metaphorically.
    --A black man accused of doing something horrendous. (accusations outrageous...propofol????)
    --He becomes scrutinized by the media and the public (guilty already in court of public opinion)
    --The video Murray did for his "fans" (huh?) and public to say he was ok and "the troot will prevail"--- just like the videos michael did to say the same things.
    --The Dateline show on the "Secret Life of Michael Jackson"...reminicent of the Martin Bat-shit doc....making him look really bad.
    -- surrendering and walking into the courthouse "in handcuffs" (although there seems to be somebody not cooperating here).
    --a hundred t.v. reporters and a fleet of tv media trucks, waiting like vultures to descend and make the kill (maybe the postponement till mon. is to allow MORE media to show up..come on guys..we need 2 hundred media to equal the 2005 trial--get over there!)
    --kinda seems like the da's office doesn't really have a case (dead body, please)...oh who cares? let's charge him anyway!!
    --papa joe trying to file a wrongful death suit against Murray....Evan Chandler ring a bell????
    --the family doing their parts (just little white lies-- academy awards anyone?) to "seek justice for their brother and son" (Evan Chandler and entire Arvizo family)

    This is so brilliant, my eyes hurt from how bright this light is. and the stupid media is as dumb as they have always been....falling right into the trap! You go, Michael. We are enjoying this as much as you are!
  • The LAPD are trying to appear to appease the public that wants to see Murray cuffed and led away and then the media has lots of pics to make money off of the circus that this is going to turn into . It's already like you are in the middle of some huge illusion .I don't trust the LAPD , the DA's office . They have a long history of being corrupt . Why does it seem that they are accomodating Murray ? He 's getting better treatment than MJ did back in 04-05 ! There was NO QUESTION that they would be parading MJ around in handcuffs for all to see .But the LAPD is letting Murray Tiptoe around it ???? What the hell ?
  • Absolutely agree.....after processing my own confusion and getting a little help from the chat room (thanks again, Bec.), I now see the light. Look at the similarities to the Conrad Murray scenario and Michael's ordeal of both 93 and 2005. Murray, real doctor or not, was hired by Michael to fill a role...(a doctor???? or someone who plays one on t.v.?????)

    --Murray is Michael...not literallly, but metaphorically.
    --A black man accused of doing something horrendous. (accusations outrageous...propofol????)
    --He becomes scrutinized by the media and the public (guilty already in court of public opinion)
    --The video Murray did for his "fans" (huh?) and public to say he was ok and "the troot will prevail"--- just like the videos michael did to say the same things.
    --The Dateline show on the "Secret Life of Michael Jackson"...reminicent of the Martin Bat-shit doc....making him look really bad.
    -- surrendering and walking into the courthouse "in handcuffs" (although there seems to be somebody not cooperating here).
    --a hundred t.v. reporters and a fleet of tv media trucks, waiting like vultures to descend and make the kill (maybe the postponement till mon. is to allow MORE media to show up..come on guys..we need 2 hundred media to equal the 2005 trial--get over there!)
    --kinda seems like the da's office doesn't really have a case (dead body, please)...oh who cares? let's charge him anyway!!
    --papa joe trying to file a wrongful death suit against Murray....Evan Chandler ring a bell????
    --the family doing their parts (just little white lies-- academy awards anyone?) to "seek justice for their brother and son" (Evan Chandler and entire Arvizo family)

    This is so brilliant, my eyes hurt from how bright this light is. and the stupid media is as dumb as they have always been....falling right into the trap! You go, Michael. We are enjoying this as much as you are!

    I think you are right.... it really bothers me when I read things from the fans that really believe he is dead... they are so angry waiting for Murray to be charged!!! as if there were nothing strange here..

    If one day I stop beliving this is a hoax.... I wouldn´t be happy with Murray in jail.... he´s obviously a puppet.... (of course I wont´stop beliving but I try to put myself in the head of these people and I can´t believe they are so blind)
  • I don't watch much tv anymore, but know there are some good informative programs on the air, like CSI. Back when I did watch the crime shows they seemed to always try to figure out who would benefit from the crime. In this case, believing that Michael is really dead, who would benefit? They would be the one's behind a murder, right?

    If Murray is such a good doctor who had 3 patients willing to speak in his behalf (I do think they are actors) why would he walk out of the room after giving MJ profafol and no have proper equipment there? A call to Bob? Maybe Murray and Bob are in cahoots?

    Just on that alone spells HOAX to me. I think MJ is behind all of this, so I'm trying to say to myself just let the circus play out. In my wildest dreams Michael and his crew are about to get the best evidence of corruption, all he needs to make the grandest movie of all time. It is odd that for 7 months thing have been way to quiet out there in media land with the exception of the rags who don't matter anyway.

    BTW, what's happening out there in twitter land today? Any good blogs ?

  • You guys have made some BRILLIANT observations. The more I look at this the more I get it, too. The last few days have been so crazy - but if you sit back and 'Simmer" you see what is really going on here. THANK YOU!! <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
  • RosieRosie Posts: 50
    Hi all! Just FYI, I have just posted a breaking news newspaper article saying there will be NO arraignment of Dr. Murray for the time being due to LAPD and DA office arguing over it. The whole thing is a total farce!! <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
    It's in the breaking news group. I put this info here as it's a follow on from this.
    Dr. Death I'm with you on this. That man will never spend one day in jail! <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
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