Michaels fans gathering at courthouse

WendyEWendyE Posts: 105
edited January 1970 in News
I just received word that fans from everywhere are going to descend on the courthouse in Los Angeles where Murray will surrender on Monday. I was told Latoya will be there and so will Karen Faye. I am not sure why because if he does surrender there will not be any proceedings right away. I do have confirmation though that many fans are arriving tomorrow to be there in support of Michael. I am not certain what they expect to see or do but I believe many of them think this is it the real deal. I'm still not convinced. This thing is getting warmer now we are no longer at a simmer or sizzle.


  • Well I can't say I'm surprised. They've been whipping themselves into a frenzy over on Karen Faye's Facebook page since all the drama on Friday.

    I don't know what they think they will achieve. I just hope that some crazy-ass fan doesn't do something stupid and try to get to Murray. Michael wouldn't want that would he?

    Yes, it's not simmering any more - it's boiling over!
  • Ive got a horrible feeling that this "protest" they are planning could go horribly wrong.

    I hope no-one gets hurt there... as they seem to be very vicious and up for blood judging by some of the comments!
  • mumof3mumof3 Posts: 1,973
    I dont like the sound of it Karen has been rallying fans hope they are all safe and the doc is as well we want him to tell us what is going on
  • DiscoDisco Posts: 286
    The fans are even fighting among themselves saying that they are not to say they are a part of any group or fanclub!?!?!?! In case of any legal backlash <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->

    Karen Faye needs to STFU!!!! Some one may get hurt!! <!-- s:evil: -->:evil:<!-- s:evil: -->
  • awesome1awesome1 Posts: 565
    this could turn out ugly !

    and mike would definatley not stand for this, even IF, and thats a major IF, he is indeed dead he would be spinning in his grave at this.

    but if murray or someone gets attacked of seriously hurt at this court on monday, then hoax will have to end early IMO
  • Bring in the clowns!!
  • ^^Yeah cuz it's gonna be a "media" circus!!!
  • mitm72mitm72 Posts: 21
    It's seems like Karen is playing a role...or she's going totally mad!!! I hope no one gets hurt...IMO there's no L.O.V.E. in Karen's acting, she's just a poser and she's looking for attention...
  • Well I can't say I'm surprised. They've been whipping themselves into a frenzy over on Karen Faye's Facebook page since all the drama on Friday.

    I don't know what they think they will achieve. I just hope that some crazy-ass fan doesn't do something stupid and try to get to Murray. Michael wouldn't want that would he?

    Yes, it's not simmering any more - it's boiling over!

    Visions of 1963 are starting to spring to mind, lets hope Murrey dont become another Ruby, and that the only witness to tell what truley whent on gets silenced, sorry but im feeling a strong sense of déjà vu here. I dunno maybe im just a complete conspiricy nutter <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->
  • I believe Karen is just playing her part and she needs some "extras" for the movie per Michael's orders... <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
    This will make good breaking news for the media hogs!
  • GOD ! People ,don't you understand that Murray is going to get away with murder . How can the coroner rule his death a homicide and not charge anyone ?The LAPD is corrupt and the DA's office too ,an involintary manslaughter dose not cut it ! Go listen to D.S> song by MJ talking about Sneddon "messin with the CIA " do you not take MJ seriously ?Why would anyone trust them ,they all along with the media {LAPD ,MEDIA , DA"s office ,and the FBI conspired to convict Mj of a crime he did not commit .So they could line their pockets and the media could line their pockets as well . Same cituation now .Murray was the Fall Guy . who is paying for Murray's defense ? He can't pay child support ! Why is he doing Photo ops at MjJ's grave ? { MEDIA } why are the DA office and the LAPD fighting {MEDIA } the public wants to see Murray in handcuffs ,& he wants to turn himself in quietly {they would not let Mj they took their handcuff pics }Well ,if he turns himself in quietly that probably renigs on the deal the LAPD has going on with the Media and AEG all of them using MJ as a" CAsh COW" That is why Latoya and Karen Faye are upset and I really don't understand people "dogging" and not trusting Karen Faye . Michael trusted her ! She worked for him for 20 yrs . She never said One bad word about him and I am sure she has been offered Millions . You should trust her .
  • @Kelly Wright.. apart from the time when MJ fired her in 2005 for talking about him on the internet and charging fans money to join... he fired her and closed the website. Karen NEVER returned the money.

    Oh.. and now she is whipping her "followers" up into a frenzy and encouraging them to hate on a man who hasnt been convicted yet... and putting them into potential danger. It isnt right.
  • WendyEWendyE Posts: 105
    I am extremely concerned about this gathering. There are some that are going that really are peaceful kind supporters of Micheal. A lot of these same people were at the trial in Santa Maria. It was different then. In all my years I never experienced such love and kindness. However, I am worried that the (Karen Faye Factor) is going to cause some of the fans to get out of control. If anyone is thinking about going down there PLEASE reconsider. The last thing Micheal would want is for anyone to be hurt. We can all support Micheal by doing what we are doing. Searching for the truth.
    Love and blessings to all.
  • PinkTopazPinkTopaz Posts: 1,013
    @Kelly Wright.. apart from the time when MJ fired her in 2005 for talking about him on the internet and charging fans money to join... he fired her and closed the website. Karen NEVER returned the money.

    Oh.. and now she is whipping her "followers" up into a frenzy and encouraging them to hate on a man who hasnt been convicted yet... and putting them into potential danger. It isnt right.
    I agree. She is getting so caught up in her own little craze that she's not thinking clearly.. Who wants to bet that she'll be fighting to hog that camera?
  • They might as well leave.
    I don't think anything will happen Monday at the Court!!
  • darkchilddarkchild Posts: 1,161
    Exactly is KF posting on her FB page????? Could someone please explain what she is posting. Thank you in advance for your help! <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->

    I can understand that MJ's fans will be there for MJ! If I was in Cally, I would be there in a hot minute! <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
  • With all of this stuff supposedly going on Monday...I highly doubt that Murray will show up to the courthouse. Why didnt Latoya or KF show up on court last week, when it was expected Murray would surrender? The crowds will probably be another excuse to postpone Murray's arraignment...
  • mjboogiemjboogie Posts: 1,067
    I will tell u all one thing though , If Murray gets away with this I do feel that Murray will be in DEEP SHIT! And I am not saying this as a threat but this is Michael Jackson we are talking about. If he gets away there is going tobe a riot probably . DIE hard MJ fans (I have a feeling are not going to stand for this. I am not referring to us as I know we are true MJ fans as well. I am talking about the crazed die hard, fans . Fans that have been contemplating wheather they can go on with their life because of MJ passing. Fans that have been suffering from deep depression since June 25th. Fans that have refused to eat normal meals since June 25th. Fans that sit and cry almost every night for MJ. That is what I am saying. This thing could really turn ugly for LAPD and everyone involved. Honestly IMO I feel that IF MJ is really dead, he was definitley MURDERED. Yeah the media want to constantly bring up his addiction. F_ck the addiction! Murray is a dam DOC! Regardless he still should not have ADMINISTERED MJ all of those drugs PERIOD. YOU are the DOC! HEll, You call the shots! "I am sorry Mr. Jackson , but I cannot administer you any more drugs tonight. I do not feel that it is safe, we will maybe wait a while and try tommorrow. Even if he wanted to administer Propofol (even though we know it was not supposed to be used) the least Murray could have done was make sure that proper monitoring equipment was in place ! Seriously! That is BEYOND negligence in my opinion. I have talked with some people who actually feel that Murray should get off because of MJ's addiction. I just pray for these people . Murray knew EXACTLY what he was doing, and has probably been financially compensated for his actions.... or this is a HOAX. <!-- s:evil: -->:evil:<!-- s:evil: -->
  • WendyEWendyE Posts: 105
    I agree, if Micheal is indeed deceased (and I hate to think of that) then Murray is a murderer. "First do no harm" If it is true and the doctor gave him all the drugs he said he did then Michael was already asleep and never knew what hit him! If Micheal is gone then he was murdered and they will try and blame the victim! I hope and pray that Micheal is alive and well. They can't have it both ways. Either he was healthy and ready to rock and roll or he was under the influence. I do not believe the latter. I personally do not think that there will be any charges or a trial. If Michael is gone, yes he was murdered and it will be covered up! They couldn't get him in 1993 or 2005 so they did it this way. Either way we have to keep going and find the truth. I honestly believe that things are about to get very ugly and we have to look between the lies and do the right thing. I pray that Micheal will pop out soon and let us all know that he is okay. I pray for that everyday.
  • PinkTopazPinkTopaz Posts: 1,013
    I agree, if Micheal is indeed deceased (and I hate to think of that) then Murray is a murderer. "First do no harm" If it is true and the doctor gave him all the drugs he said he did then Michael was already asleep and never knew what hit him! If Micheal is gone then he was murdered and they will try and blame the victim! I hope and pray that Micheal is alive and well. They can't have it both ways. Either he was healthy and ready to rock and roll or he was under the influence. I do not believe the latter. I personally do not think that there will be any charges or a trial. If Michael is gone, yes he was murdered and it will be covered up! They couldn't get him in 1993 or 2005 so they did it this way. Either way we have to keep going and find the truth. I honestly believe that things are about to get very ugly and we have to look between the lies and do the right thing. I pray that Micheal will pop out soon and let us all know that he is okay. I pray for that everyday.
    Yes, so do I- every day I pray to the Lord for that, too.. I hope Michael realizes how hard this is on us..

    However, you should calm down. Have you seen the thread about Murray going to FL yet? It's just pure hoax. He is alive, just remember that! This case is way too unrealistic and crazy to be real- all the times they've rescheduled it, how long it's been.. Even news reporters comment on how odd this "case" is! He is not dead by any means, so I don't see why you think things will get "ugly". How so since he's alive?
  • People who believe that MJ is dead are the ones that concern me. Some may get themselves worked up to take matters into their own hands. We believe in a hoaxed death so we are in on the "joke" so to speak. There are fans who are on the outside looking in on this and believing that Murray killed MJ. How far will they go if/when Murray is spotted on Monday? We are talking about a man suspected of killing MJ afterall.
  • PinkTopazPinkTopaz Posts: 1,013
    People who believe that MJ is dead are the ones that concern me. Some may get themselves worked up to take matters into their own hands. We believe in a hoaxed death so we are in on the "joke" so to speak. There are fans who are on the outside looking in on this and believing that Murray killed MJ. How far will they go if/when Murray is spotted on Monday? We are talking about a man suspected of killing MJ afterall.
    Hm, I guess that's my answer of how things could get ugly.. Let's just pray our fellow fans exercise reason.. or we could pop up on the normal fan forums and go "I know this is terrible, but don't freak out on Murray when you're there or you''l just make more trouble, MJ doesn't like trouble you know!"
  • I dunno guys, even Michael himself would understand what possible senario this could cause/bring about. Why would both Karen & Latoya been in support of this? Why would Michael allow it? If anything, Latoya would be the one to know if this was a hoax or not since she viewed his body and signed whatever forms she did at the hospital & coroners. Something is very off here.

    These actions confuse me. Whether they are to give Murray an excuse to postpone or not appear on Monday due to "safety reasons", or something more deeper, not sure. Having a family member be part of something that could turn very ugly, if not deadly concerns me.
  • DiscoDisco Posts: 286
    GOD ! People ,don't you understand that Murray is going to get away with murder . How can the coroner rule his death a homicide and not charge anyone ?The LAPD is corrupt and the DA's office too ,an involintary manslaughter dose not cut it ! Go listen to D.S> song by MJ talking about Sneddon "messin with the CIA " do you not take MJ seriously ?Why would anyone trust them ,they all along with the media {LAPD ,MEDIA , DA"s office ,and the FBI conspired to convict Mj of a crime he did not commit .So they could line their pockets and the media could line their pockets as well . Same cituation now .Murray was the Fall Guy . who is paying for Murray's defense ? He can't pay child support ! Why is he doing Photo ops at MjJ's grave ? { MEDIA } why are the DA office and the LAPD fighting {MEDIA } the public wants to see Murray in handcuffs ,& he wants to turn himself in quietly {they would not let Mj they took their handcuff pics }Well ,if he turns himself in quietly that probably renigs on the deal the LAPD has going on with the Media and AEG all of them using MJ as a" CAsh COW" That is why Latoya and Karen Faye are upset and I really don't understand people "dogging" and not trusting Karen Faye . Michael trusted her ! She worked for him for 20 yrs . She never said One bad word about him and I am sure she has been offered Millions . You should trust her .

    Sorry but I do not trust anyone that speaks about Michaels private parts or love life & especially when they claim to be a friend, Karen Faye says she was an friend, but she was an employee!!
    Karen Faye is taking gifts from fans in Michaels name on Facebook & that is not right, Anyone questions her regarding the photos sold to tmz & they are blocked from her page, they are Michaels fans not hers!! And she seems to be confused about that.........
    Now that Monday is not happening she has stirred it up for nothing, <!-- s:evil: -->:evil:<!-- s:evil: -->
  • DiscoDisco Posts: 286
    Sorry peeps!!
    Monday is going ahead, one of our fellow members posted an article stating it wasn't going ahead but it was an outdated article regarding last week.......
    So Monday still stands - So far any way! <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
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