The Sun mag wrote, "Michael IS Alive"



  • Isn't his eye hazel colour? Look at this picture..

    Hmm...I've wondered about the color of his eyes a few times too, because his eyes are a different shade sometimes. Maybe he wore contacts occasionally? Or maybe he just had those amazing eyes that change color. Lol. I know someone who does. <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
  • Hi! <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D --> We've had a discussion on this subject, you can take a look & share your thoughts here if you want <!-- s:arrow: -->:arrow:<!-- s:arrow: --> <!-- l -->viewtopic.php?f=48&t=4113&start=50<!-- l --> (I believe it starts at page 3, also there is the article's scan at page 5)

    Thanks, love. <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
  • The tabloid's! No! No! No! I thought Michael wanted to burn the tabloids. Who's with me. The biggest barn fire ever, with nothing but Tabloid papers. What time do they start their routes?

    Lol. Yeah. That's what someone commented on the video. Seriously, I know Michael hated the tabloids. But the point here isn't to believe what they write but to see that some of these "reporters"(if you can call them that) are starting to write about Michael being alive. Of course, these are the same people who wrote that he was a pedofile.
  • Not sure I believe this, but it's interesting to say the least.

    Does anybody know what the '7 omens' are - maybe this has been the number '7' conncection from the start..?

    I agree. And there could be a connection. I mean the # 7 is everywhere in the bible. And we've been connecting Michael to some of the religious, or end of the world/world change type stuff.
  • this is a tabloid...that magazine was released the same time as the mag that said they were digging michaels body up. Sorry but even if it has the message that i want to see i am not going to buy that magazine and support any tabloid rubbish no matter what becuse they are using MJs name for money
  • I'm not A supporter of tabloids either but we have tabloids that say he is dead and we have tabloids that now say he is alive so therefore at least one is correct!I'm choosing to believe the one that is saying he is alive. It may be only half the truth in the article but it is a start! The fact that it is the Sun reporting makes me go hmmm and think there is a connection in some way. The tabloid MJ sings of is the SUN. Maybe he sent us a message in the Sun?

    (black or white lyrics)
    They Print My Message
    In The Saturday SUN
    I Had To Tell Them
    I Ain't Second To None

    And I Told About Equality
    An It's True
    Either You're Wrong
    Or You're Right

    Thanks! I totally forgot about the Sun being mentioned in Black or White. Good find. <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->

    And I agree with you. I'm not a supporter of them and I definitely don't believe anything they say. This was just interesting to see...while grocery shopping. Lol!
  • this is a tabloid...that magazine was released the same time as the mag that said they were digging michaels body up. Sorry but even if it has the message that i want to see i am not going to buy that magazine and support any tabloid rubbish no matter what becuse they are using MJs name for money

    I understand. There's a lot of crazy crap out there. I don't believe what the Sun or any other tabloid has to say. I believe that Michael could be alive. That possibility is what keeps me believing, not this article. It has no affect on my opinion. It's just...what it is. <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) --> It's out there so I decided to post it. I definitely wasn't going to spend my money on it. So I just took a vid. Lol. Keep the faith, hun.
  • MJFAN7MJFAN7 Posts: 3,063
    I'm not A supporter of tabloids either but we have tabloids that say he is dead and we have tabloids that now say he is alive so therefore at least one is correct!I'm choosing to believe the one that is saying he is alive. It may be only half the truth in the article but it is a start! The fact that it is the Sun reporting makes me go hmmm and think there is a connection in some way. The tabloid MJ sings of is the SUN. Maybe he sent us a message in the Sun?

    (black or white lyrics)
    They Print My Message
    In The Saturday SUN
    I Had To Tell Them
    I Ain't Second To None

    And I Told About Equality
    An It's True
    Either You're Wrong
    Or You're Right

    Wow! Incredible find!! Good work! <!-- s:o -->:o<!-- s:o --> <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
  • OK im completly baffled now do you mean the 'sun newspaper' here in the uk? or do you have a magazine in USA called the sun? cos i just spent half an hour scouring the mags that come with the sun newspaper looking for the article, and after watching the youtube clip im more confused cos it has the exact same heading for the sun as our british newspaper <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? --> but i never saw any story like that in the sun <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->
  • OK im completly baffled now do you mean the 'sun newspaper' here in the uk? or do you have a magazine in USA called the sun? cos i just spent half an hour scouring the mags that come with the sun newspaper looking for the article, and after watching the youtube clip im more confused cos it has the exact same heading for the sun as our british newspaper <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? --> but i never saw any story like that in the sun <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->

    Its a USA magazine... its not the same as the SUN newspaper in the UK.

    MJs eyes are dark brown... always have been and he also has always had black hair.
  • AngelicaAngelica Posts: 100
    It is with great surprise to see this topic.
    I do not know if you are aware but Jarmanie gave an interview to ET, with respect to the doctor, he says that justice took too long to hold Murray
    but this is not the most important, he asks at the end so that people stop with these theories that "Michael is alive, it would not be good.!
    Now I wonder: Would not it be good for whom? And why?
    Did it it will also require that the press does not imply that Michael may have faked his death?
    Very interesting that he speaks, The Sun publishes its suspicious ... hahahah <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
    What do you think friends?

    <!-- m --><!-- m -->
  • OK im completly baffled now do you mean the 'sun newspaper' here in the uk? or do you have a magazine in USA called the sun? cos i just spent half an hour scouring the mags that come with the sun newspaper looking for the article, and after watching the youtube clip im more confused cos it has the exact same heading for the sun as our british newspaper <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? --> but i never saw any story like that in the sun <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->

    Its a USA magazine... its not the same as the SUN newspaper in the UK.

    MJs eyes are dark brown... always have been and he also has always had black hair.
    Uh No; I agree his eyes are dark brown; but his natural hair color is dark brown, not black. Michael dyed his hair, and wore Jet black weaves, and wigs.

    The first autopsy report I read said that MJ was 5'9 and MJ clearly states I believe in Moonwalk that he's 5'11. He hadn't shrunk yet lol.
  • mjgirl86mjgirl86 Posts: 316
    Regardless of this being a tabloid, thank you Sun, for this! Michael we love you! He is definitely letting us know he's out there, for those slipping with doubt, and we are keeping the faith! <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D --> <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
  • akirakaakiraka Posts: 202
    I think is very important this topic.

    Let's think about this: MJ alawys said Tabloid lies. Look now at this NEW scenario: what if more and more tabloids will write MJ ALIVE?

    Remember also the MJ's brothers tweet :"it's important to raise our followers so we can share truths to fans over the coming months of media madness. that is very important to us"

    So do you understand what could happen? that we, the believers for the first time agree with these articles, so with tabloids, and the brothers fight against them saying that they are lieing as always did (also as MJ said) so they will bring MJ's words in front related to them.

    I was just thinking, it's a possibility hard to deal with. Hope I'm wrong.

    Or.... tabloids want now to get some capital of image, I'm sure they know all this debate Alive or not, they also know these articles sell.
  • OK im completly baffled now do you mean the 'sun newspaper' here in the uk? or do you have a magazine in USA called the sun? cos i just spent half an hour scouring the mags that come with the sun newspaper looking for the article, and after watching the youtube clip im more confused cos it has the exact same heading for the sun as our british newspaper <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? --> but i never saw any story like that in the sun <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->

    In fact, theres a saturday sun magazine here in the us, the one he talks in black or white, the sun magazine from the uk is the one that reprted the article.

  • OMG ... People... really?

    This is the same junk tabloid that says Elvis is alive every other week and that we are under attack from aliens.... and any other sci phi story, over the top bs you can think of.....

    I am not supprised to see this, I can't believe you guys are. I keep coming back here to this web site hoping and praying to find somthing new... but after the autopsy I don't think there is any more hope.... It was a real autopsy. I would give anything to bring Michael back or to undo what was done on 6/25/09, but I don't see any way Michael is still alive... Please somone convince me with an INTELIGENT answer that I am wrong.... Please!!!!!!!!!!!!

    On the other had to keep going on writing about this stuff could possibly give Murray something he could use in his defence... Have you thought about it? What is something we said on this site gives Murray a defence? What if it is used against Michael? What if he gets off of the already "not enough" charges that he faces... Already the Maximum he could get is 4 years, What if it is a big fat 0..... Probation or worse aquital?
    Are we really thinking this thruough when we come up with these stories?
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