Murray's defense pushing to have their day in court....

msteetee34msteetee34 Posts: 1,234
edited January 1970 in News
So I was on blackplanet and I came across this article. Notice in the article how the defense is upset that the prosecution is taking so long to press charges against Murray. <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: --> What the heck? Shouldn't it be the other way around with the prosecution being upset about things taking so long. You would think the prosecution would be very eager to get the ball rolling to press charges against Murray. Pay attention to what the female defense says for Murray regarding his day in court:

Murray’s attorneys have said they expect the Texas cardiologist to be charged with involuntary manslaughter for administering drugs to Jackson before his death on June 25. It was not immediately clear if Murray would return to Houston, where he has a practice, or remain in Los Angeles through the weekend.

Lead defense attorney Ed Chernoff spoke Thursday with prosecutor David Walgren and was told to be at the courthouse at 1:30 p.m. PST (2130 GMT) Friday, only to have the county sheriff’s department, which handles court security, publicly say hours later that it was called off, defense team spokeswoman Miranda Sevcik said earlier Friday.

“What does it take to surrender in L.A.?” Sevcik said. “I feel like Ed should show up in the courthouse with a big white flag.”

Walgren declined to comment Friday.

The legal gamesmanship over Murray’s surrender followed several days of negotiations in which his lawyers tried to arrange with prosecutors for the doctor to surrender for booking and arraignment.

Those plans were derailed by haggling between prosecutors and law enforcement officials over whether the physician should be arrested or allowed to turn himself in.

“It seems ridiculous to us that it’s been dragging on this long,” Sevcik said. “We’ve been here all week long, for God’s sake. What’s the holdup? To us this is showmanship and we are just done.”

In the seven months since Jackson’s sudden death at 50 while rehearsing for a major comeback concert series, Murray has largely stayed out of view. His lawyers have spoken very little. And prosecutors and investigators have been tightlipped.

RELATED: Janet Jackson Says She Blames Conrad Murray For MJ’s Death

Sevcik said prosecutors told Murray on Thursday he’d face one count of involuntary manslaughter.

Murray became the focus of the probe into Jackson’s death shortly after he called paramedics on June 25 to report that the singer wasn’t breathing. Murray told police he gave the Jackson a powerful anesthetic and other sedatives that were blamed on his death.

The doctor maintains nothing he gave Jackson should have killed him but sees a charge as inevitable, Sevcik said.

“We know he’s going to be charged with involuntary manslaughter and we are ready with a counter argument,” Sevcik said. “He’s not guilty — that’s our argument.”

Various factors weighed into the desire of the Los Angeles Police Department to arrest Murray, including the possibility he might flee before arraignment, just as O.J. Simpson did, a law enforcement official close to the investigation told The Associated Press.

Top brass at the LAPD, which spent the past seven months investigating Murray, were unhappy with the idea of him surrendering because it could appear Murray was being given special treatment, according to the official who was not authorized to speak publicly and requested anonymity.

The official said the district attorney’s office opposed an early plan for detectives to make the arrest Friday morning.

Did you hear what she said Sevcik who is on the defense team. "What's the holdup? To us this is showmanship and we are just done. <!-- s:o -->:o<!-- s:o --> She also says they already have their argument "He's not guilty." Also notice the part about the LAPD not wanting him to surrender so it won't seem like Murray is getting special treatment. Why do they care so much about the way he comes into court as long as he's there? Another thing the DA opposed an early plan to arrest Murray on Friday. What in the world is going on all these people are on a different page.


  • Well, and what shall we make out of THIS:

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    Jacksons seem to be worried already and kind of desperately ask fans for their future support (media frency ahead?)

    <!-- m --><!-- m -->

    abstract :

    Lawyers for Doctor Conrad Murray want to use old video footage of spaced-out Jacko to demonstrate the depth of his drug habit.

    His legal team hope Jackson's appearance from beyond the grave - which sounds like something straight out of his famous zombie video Thriller - will show Murray can't be guilty.

    Instead, they will suggest that the King of Pop knew how to self- administer and battled pill addiction for over 17 years.

    And in another wacko twist in the courtroom drama, Murray's legal team will also call two of Jacko's three CHILDREN to the stand.

    The defence will also show images from 2004 where he slurs his words and appears drunk in rehearsals for a film role at his Neverland home library. Jackson's sister La Toya is furious that Murray is contesting any charges - and has urged cops to push for a murder case.

    A legal source close to Murray, who will be charged in an LA court tomorrow, said: "Murray's legal team have quietly but steadily been building a robust defence case. A key element will be on-camera interviews Michael Jackson gave where he discusses and admits his drug use and others where he appears to be intoxicated."

    Any thoughts?

    (edited because link wasn`t working)
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