Solid121Solid121 Posts: 292
edited February 2010 in News
"Michael Jackson’s doctor Conrad Murray will reportedly use old video footage of the pop legend as defence against the manslaughter charges against him.

Lawyers for Dr. Murray want to use footages of a spaced-out Jackson to demonstrate the depth of his drug habit, News of the World reported.

The personal physician is set to stand trial on an involuntary manslaughter charge for administering propofal to Jackson shortly before his death in June last year.

Key videos will include footage of a frail Jackson during his This Is It rehearsals and a 2007 court deposition where he discusses his pain medication.

“Murray’s legal team have quietly but steadily been building a robust defence case. A key element will be on-camera interviews Michael Jackson gave where he discusses and admits his drug use and others where he appears to be intoxicated,” said a legal source close to Dr. Murray.

“In effect, Michael Jackson himself will be the defence’s star witness as they set out to prove he was a seasoned and habitual user and knew how to self-administer,” the source added.

The lawyers also want the pop icon’s children Paris and Prince to describe how their father constantly complemented Dr. Murray and claimed that he was “making him better”."

(<!-- m -->http://beta.thehindu.com/news/internati ... 102458.ece<!-- m -->)
WTF!! Can this be true?!!

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"Key videos will include footage of frail Jacko during his This Is It rehearsals and a 2007 court deposition where he discusses his pain medication.
The defence will also show images from 2004 where he slurs his words and appears drunk in rehearsals for a film role at his Neverland home library. Jackson's sister La Toya is furious that Murray is contesting any charges - and has urged cops to push for a murder case.
A legal source close to Murray, who will be charged in an LA court tomorrow, said: "Murray's legal team have quietly but steadily been building a robust defence case.
"A key element will be on-camera interviews Michael Jackson gave where he discusses and admits his drug use and others where he appears to be intoxicated.
"In effect, Michael Jackson himself will be the defence's star witness as they set out to prove he was a seasoned and habitual user and knew how to self-administer.
"The interviews and other evidence aim to show that Jackson had been addicted to prescription drugs for at least 15 years.
"They will try to prove that Jackson was in poor health and therefore the build-up of drugs and the effects of further doses were increased tenfold because of a weakened system.
"For these reasons, they will say Murray is not culpable and should therefore be found not guilty."
The News Of The World revealed last year how Murray claimed Jackson, 51, was an expert in running IV drips, including one for the drug Propofol - which he overdosed on.
LaToya - who famously told us last July that she felt Jackson was murdered - spoke out after Murray returned to LA last week to surrender to cops.
She said: "He should be charged with murder, not manslaughter. It is terribly wrong."
Brother Jermaine, referring to Jackson arrest on child abuse charges, added: "Murray should be cuffed, he should be fingerprinted, he should have his mugshot just like they did my brother!
"It's all on the doctor. It could be first-degree murder, it could be whatever - Michael's not coming back, so where's the closure?"

Last week Murray visited Jackson's crypt at Forest Lawn Memorial Park in Glendale, California.
He was seen walking up to the doors then sitting down on a wall outside as he paused for reflection.
A Jackson family insider said they were "shocked and upset" that Murray went to the star's final resting place.
The insider added: "It just seems like a calculated PR stunt before he's brought to trial."
Currently the LAPD and the district attorney are arguing over how Murray will enter court, either as a volunteer or in handcuffs. He is likely to be given $25,000 bail.
Sources say Murray could avoid a trial by plea bargaining a deal to a suspended sentence with a guilty admission.
Last night a spokesman for Dr Murray had no comment."

(<!-- m -->http://www.newsoftheworld.co.uk/news/72 ... fence.html<!-- m -->) - The Original source (BRITISH TABLOID!) hmmmm, can we believe it, I don't think so...


  • And I wonder when that footage of a spaced out Michael was filmed????? <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) --> <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
  • lomaloma Posts: 1,366
    What's wrong with it?
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