Will Michael Jackson Return in 2012?

lravinglraving Posts: 56
edited January 1970 in News
Interesting idea's I read about the reason why MJ did it.

<!-- m -->http://earthenigma.wordpress.com/2009/0 ... n-in-2012/<!-- m -->



  • lomaloma Posts: 1,366
    That's a great post. <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->

    Edit: except the gay part.
  • DatrootDatroot Posts: 1,314
    As for that Jason guy, if MJ were to have a male lover, I would hope he'd pick a more pleasant one than him - just my opinion - this bloke is deeply unattractive and not very respectful.
  • As for that Jason guy, if MJ were to have a male lover, I would hope he'd pick a more pleasant one than him - just my opinion - this bloke is deeply unattractive and not very respectful.

    I don't think that part is true. Just listen to how MJ speaks about him not beeing homosexual (I think he talked about it in an interview with Oprah). I don't mean to be disrespectfull to gay people. I just hate it when people assume things just because you are different and they desperately want to put a label on you. Life and people are not that black of white... thank God, it isn't!

    It's the second part of the article that caught my attention, about the mayan calender. Wouldn't it be great if that was true, not only because of his return, but the better world part.
  • he will return this year on valentines day he wouldnt make us wait till 2012 im sure <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->
  • It would be really too much time!!!!! 2012......
    If he wants come back, he has to do it when he is ready and when he wants to do it.....
    But I think that if we want "Save The World" "TOGETHER" ..... come back in 2012 would be "TOO LATE"....
  • Look dudes.....The world isnt comin'to an end in 2012....Oh Man! We've heard that shit before a million times havent we??? All right...the environment is facing a crisis....agreed...but apocalypse???? No Not Yet <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: -->
  • lomaloma Posts: 1,366
    I agree. No apocalypse, but the way things are going, I think there is going to be a big change.
  • Jason sounds like an obsessive fanatic who had it bad for Michael. Poor Michael had to put up with these random creeps and weirdos all of his life. Isn't soulmate the common term used by deranged stalkers when describing their prey?
    As for that Jason guy, if MJ were to have a male lover, I would hope he'd pick a more pleasant one than him - just my opinion - this bloke is deeply unattractive and not very respectful.
  • naturally I don't want to say "too late" because the world will end the 2012........... Never thought that.
    Always thought that The Human Being has to wake up.........
    Before,now,it is really important..... Don't wait 2012..
    People, we have a chance to Change The World.... We Can Make The Difference ... And I want a Better World ..... We have to do it togheter.....
    And it is great to have Michael like "Guide"..
  • he will return this year on valentines day he wouldnt make us wait till 2012 im sure <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->
    Imao, how are you so sure? <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) --> <!-- s:| -->:|<!-- s:| -->
  • I doubt he will come back in 2012. If his life was in danger. You don't if he will come back.
    He didn't go through all of this just for a comeback, it's more than that.
    He could appear in 2 months, 3.. No one knows..
  • Hi,

    I wrote this blog 'Will Michael Jackson Return in 2012' and after reviewing all the evidence, I do think Jackson is alive. He has faked his own death - possibly the greatest story of our time. He was surely Dave Dave on Larry King Live, no question, and the eye witnesses in Miami airport seem conclusive.

    You wait for 2012!! It's guna be awesome!

    Feel free to comment on my blog or email: <!-- e --><a href="mailto:earthenigma@googlemail.com">earthenigma@googlemail.com</a><!-- e -->

    Thanks for reading all!
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