Nancy Grace Live NOW - Regarding case

neversayneverneversaynever Posts: 362
edited January 1970 in News
Brian Oxman says the charge should of been 2nd degree. MJ was swimming in Propofal. It had leaked into the veins in his eyes. Oxman says this was done with malice intent. Sorry, I was late in catching the show it's almost over. Maybe it will on later again. Taking a deep breath and BELIEVING.... <!-- s:| -->:|<!-- s:| -->


  • i watch nancy every night. i am hearing this as well. they can not believe it is only INVOLUNTARY i always thought he was MURDERED. then i started to beLIEve and i still do. but knowing that if it isnt a hoax then CM should go down for MURDER>
  • Just a heads up...Brian Oxman and Joe are on LKL right now! <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
  • To be charged with murder there has to be intent or "malice aforethought". Conrad Murray did not mean to kill MJ. I believe MJ is still alive by the way.
  • To be charged with murder there has to be intent or "malice aforethought". Conrad Murray did not mean to kill MJ. I believe MJ is still alive by the way.

    You know gut feeling tells me the same. It's like we have been discussing in several threads... this is nothing but a show. It's going to bring down the Dr. Feel Goods. We'll see!
  • JennieJennie Posts: 514
    Just a heads up...Brian Oxman and Joe are on LKL right now! <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->

    I just caught the end of if when Brian Oxman was talking and said that if the victim were'nt Michael Jackson the person in Dr Murray's shoes would be looking at murder charges. <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: --> <!-- s:evil: -->:evil:<!-- s:evil: --> I glimpsed at Joe while Brian was saying all this and I found he kinda had a smurk of his face. Is it just me or did anyone else notice it?

    Other than that did I miss anything important that was said?
  • neversaynever, Let's hope so.
  • Brian Oxman says the charge should of been 2nd degree. MJ was swimming in Propofal. It had leaked into the veins in his eyes. Oxman says this was done with malice intent. Sorry, I was late in catching the show it's almost over. Maybe it will on later again. Taking a deep breath and BELIEVING.... <!-- s:| -->:|<!-- s:| -->

    How does propofal leak into the veins in his eyes? Is that possible?
  • Apparently there was so much in his system that it had spread through all the veins including the eye veins. ???? I have never heard of this either, until he brought it up.
  • virgo75virgo75 Posts: 514
    Apparently there was so much in his system that it had spread through all the veins including the eye veins. ???? I have never heard of this either, until he brought it up.

    That's effin ridiculous!!! <!-- s:evil: -->:evil:<!-- s:evil: -->

    This makes me wonder - why would there even be info like this in a "hoax?"
    I mean, intoxication, giving someone enough to kill them is easy if there were all these other drugs supposed to be present.

    Why to the point that it's literally coming out of his effin eyeballs?!?!
  • becbec Posts: 6,387
    Not posible. Propofol metabolizes within minutes.
  • Not posible. Propofol metabolizes within minutes.

    That's exactly what I thought. Brian said he was swimming in it and it had leaked to the veins behind his eyes. Well... if they performed the autopsy hours-days later - no trace should of been present. Correct???
  • virgo75virgo75 Posts: 514
    Not posible. Propofol metabolizes within minutes.

    That's exactly what I thought. Brian said he was swimming in it and it had leaked to the veins behind his eyes. Well... if they performed the autopsy hours-days later - no trace should of been present. Correct???

    Yes, I'm thinking if he's given a "normal" amount then it should have been gone.

    But it's also possible that if someone is given an extremely large dose that their body may shut down before it finishes metabolizing out. Meaning it will be spread through the body but doesn't get the chance to process out of the body.
  • katson45katson45 Posts: 116
    Interesting to see Nancy Grace apparently outraged in support of mj...after having condemned him herself during previous accusations of child m...... (did notice she still
    reserves judgement) even after acquittal.I think Nancy doesn't like to be proven wrong ? Now she's working on convicting Murray...
    mj you've got them where they don't know if they're coming or going! lol
  • Swimming in it? That's not plausible, at all. Does anyone on the panel know an anesthesiologist . . . someone who could give us feedback regarding Oxman's statement?
    I'm certainly not giving up. The ride is getting wilder but it's far from over . . .
  • mjboogiemjboogie Posts: 1,067
    Dam! Did Oxman have to put it like that. That made me cringe. All i could envision was MJ lying there with his eyes rolling in the back of his head. <!-- s:cry: -->:cry:<!-- s:cry: --> <!-- s:cry: -->:cry:<!-- s:cry: -->
  • LaLove09LaLove09 Posts: 120
    Brian Oxman says the charge should of been 2nd degree. MJ was swimming in Propofal. It had leaked into the veins in his eyes. Oxman says this was done with malice intent. Sorry, I was late in catching the show it's almost over. Maybe it will on later again. Taking a deep breath and BELIEVING.... <!-- s:| -->:|<!-- s:| -->

    I definitely have to watch it again @ 12am. Because if MJ "was swimming in Propofal"
    then it seems like it would have been the cause of death and not the cocktails. Or do I have it twisted?
    I need to go read the autopsy report on TMZ or whereever it is.
  • simalvessimalves Posts: 730
    Interesting episode this week of Grey' Anatomy.

    They are operating on a patient and she has a weird condition where her body metabolizes propofol quickly and she wakes up during the operation.

    The anesthesiologist apologises and says he is NOW PUSHING 150ml PROPOFOL. And that gets her back to sleep till the operation is over.

    They do a lot of research and for sure they know the amounts needed to sedate someone. So 25ml (according to CM) isn't enough to ooze out of eyeballs. Remember there was only one broken vial and they don't say the capacity of the vial or did I miss it.
  • InhalibInhalib Posts: 170
    My cousin is an anesth.. whatever it spells :p but I need to see the interview, I just can't ask him if you can o r can't be swimming on propofol! LOL... so, if someone can post a link please, i will aprecciate it.. my first language is spanish and he doesn't understand english, so I must translate to him.. don't worry.. I'm a better listener than a writter in english <!-- s:P -->:P<!-- s:P -->

    lots of L.O.V.E!
  • They replayed the 911 call. They said Fire Department 33. When MJ rode in his go cart in the interview it was number 33. Janet's Number Ones has 33 songs on it. That is a Master Mason number. The ambulance had 71 on it. Nancy was battled by the manslaughter charge herself. I have been thinking of what Marlon said "maybe now they will leave you alone". What about the name of the med school Jane.
  • My cousin is an anesth.. whatever it spells :p but I need to see the interview, I just can't ask him if you can o r can't be swimming on propofol! LOL... so, if someone can post a link please, i will aprecciate it.. my first language is spanish and he doesn't understand english, so I must translate to him.. don't worry.. I'm a better listener than a writter in english <!-- s:P -->:P<!-- s:P -->

    lots of L.O.V.E!

    I can't find the link to the show - possibly because it's still so new. But here are the transcripts taken from the CNN website.

    <!-- m --> ... ng.01.html<!-- m -->
  • My cousin is an anesth.. whatever it spells :p but I need to see the interview, I just can't ask him if you can o r can't be swimming on propofol! LOL... so, if someone can post a link please, i will aprecciate it.. my first language is spanish and he doesn't understand english, so I must translate to him.. don't worry.. I'm a better listener than a writter in english <!-- s:P -->:P<!-- s:P -->

    lots of L.O.V.E!

    I can't find the link to the show - possibly because it's still so new. But here are the transcripts taken from the CNN website.

    <!-- m --> ... ng.01.html<!-- m -->

    I found a couple of things - the first is a funny (but true) comment regarding the fans. The second says that Dr Murray can't practice in California but can practice in other states. Does my memory serve me right that he didn't even have a California license to begin with? If that is the case he didn't get any punishment today as he can go back to Texas and see his patients. As a Cardiologist he wouldn't be prescribing propofol anyway, would he (the other thing he was banned from doing)?

    Back to you, Kevin Frazier with "Entertainment Tonight," joining us. He`s there at the L.A. Courthouse. Kevin, how do all these people find out what`s going to happen in court, that Conrad Murray is going to be coming in, the alleged killer of Michael Jackson? How do they know to show up and start heckling?

    FRAZIER: Well, Michael Jackson fans always seem to be in the know. And they were out here in full force, signs and everything, Nancy. You`ve experienced what Michael Jackson fans are like. And they were very upset, along with the family, and they wanted justice served.

    The other point I want to make here, Nancy, is that in the court today, the prosecution did mention that they are seeking to revoke Conrad Murray`s license in the state of California, but he is allowed to practice in other states. You heard the judge`s warning about staying away from strong anesthesia. But he can still write prescriptions. He`s a cardiologist. And as the judge said...
  • Nancy was pretty steamed at the lame charges <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> It's funny to see her so worked up when she has made it clear she doesn't like Michael.
  • Nancy Grace is money and fame hungry hypocrite with an angry face. More tragedy and scandal in her show-that brings more viewers. No matter who she has to drag trough the mud, as long the case is big as MJ's. His case brought lots of viewers in 2005, and now is the same thing, she is bashing Murray for MJ's death and again she is getting high viewers ratings. Anything that is "MJ"-means lots of money.
    I don't care what she has to say now, even if she is talking about justice for MJ, because of her shit-mouth in 2005, she is a media whore, just like all of them who works for the media.
  • lisap27lisap27 Posts: 1,100
    read the autopsy guys, Michaels eyes where clear, and most of his organs were classed an unremarkable!! he was fit as a fiddle apart from the odd thing here and there, i don't believe the eye thing sorry

    theres 51 pages of the autopsy nasty in deepth stuff what he had done, if it was him <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) --> but enlightening how fit his interior was, can't say the same for the outside according to the report!! <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( -->
  • My cousin is an anesth.. whatever it spells :p but I need to see the interview, I just can't ask him if you can o r can't be swimming on propofol! LOL... so, if someone can post a link please, i will aprecciate it.. my first language is spanish and he doesn't understand english, so I must translate to him.. don't worry.. I'm a better listener than a writter in english <!-- s:P -->:P<!-- s:P -->

    lots of L.O.V.E!

    Here you go and thanks for finding out:

    GRACE: He had propofol in his eyes?

    OXMAN: He has it in the vitreous humor of his eyes. He has -- acute propofol intoxication. This is one of the worst cases that I could possibly imagine. To say that the prosecution evidence is weak, it is overwhelming here that there is malice implied from the recklessness with which this drug was administered to Michael Jackson. And I will put that up against any 12 people anywhere, any time.

    GRACE: Is that true, Jean Casarez, that he had it in the vitreous? His body was swimming in propofol?

    CASAREZ: That`s right. That is -- that was just released today with the autopsy report.
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