Frank DiLeo

OneLoveOneLove Posts: 470
edited January 1970 in News
On Saturday January 30, Frank DiLeo accepted a special merit Lifetime Achievement Grammy Award for Michael. The event was not aired on television, but none of the Jackson family was there. In his speech, he described Michael something along the lines of "he was a funny guy and had a great sense of humor like no other."

My question is who hired him or told him of the event?

Tonight on Larry King, Joe said Frank is bad.

I'm confused as to how he got the authority.


  • I still have some questions about Dileo but, ... if frank is ''bad'' what JOE is? <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: -->

  • On Saturday January 30, Frank DiLeo accepted a special merit Lifetime Achievement Grammy Award for Michael. The event was not aired on television, but none of the Jackson family was there. In his speech, he described Michael something along the lines of "he was a funny guy and had a great sense of humor like no other."

    My question is who hired him or told him of the event?

    Tonight on Larry King, Joe said Frank is bad.

    I'm confused as to how he got the authority.

    That would be the Estate Executors since they are the ones with complete control over all things MJ. They are the ones making the decision (remember they blocked Joe's request for the medical records etc)
  • agathiagathi Posts: 156
    i agree Frank is a bad guy he use Michael to get his money!!!he was the one to get Murray in his life. <!-- s:evil: -->:evil:<!-- s:evil: -->
  • On Saturday January 30, Frank DiLeo accepted a special merit Lifetime Achievement Grammy Award for Michael. The event was not aired on television, but none of the Jackson family was there. In his speech, he described Michael something along the lines of "he was a funny guy and had a great sense of humor like no other."

    My question is who hired him or told him of the event?

    Tonight on Larry King, Joe said Frank is bad.

    I'm confused as to how he got the authority.

    That would be the Estate Executors since they are the ones with complete control over all things MJ. They are the ones making the decision (remember they blocked Joe's request for the medical records etc)

    mmmm, yeah... But Im still lost with some new things <!-- s:x -->:x<!-- s:x -->
  • mjboogiemjboogie Posts: 1,067
    OK, then there are conflicting reports about this because on Dateline a journalist stated someone who introduced Murray to Mj and I dont remember who he said it was. ALso, I thought it was Joe who knew Murray from Vegas and introduced him to MJ? I dont know what to think. And I believe Katherine was at the awards but none of the other members of the Jackson clan except for 3T . SO I do find this odd, personally, I feel that the Jacksons might have had some sort of falling out with the executors in regards to the Grammys? Just a thought? Because originally, it was said that Joe did not want the kids giving speeches right? Also everytime I think of Frank on the TII red carpet with that cigar! UGGG! <!-- s:evil: -->:evil:<!-- s:evil: -->
  • deedee75deedee75 Posts: 192
    for once I think Joe might be right I never really trusted Frank Dileo and there to many people from MJ past that came back right before he died and most of them was fired by MJ
  • Don't forget, it was also the Estate Executors and AEG who were saying that Katherine was being an annoyance for requesting the AEG contract. They have also blocked alot of things that Jacksons have requested acting as if it they are being bothersome.

    I don't trust any of them. Although people bag out Joe and yes he has done some horrible things and said some things that have made us go "WHAT"..... I think there is some truth to his claims regarding these people as well as Michael's genuine "fear of life" toward them.
  • teine21teine21 Posts: 898
    Someone or some people behind the "scenes" are up to something. I still feel like MJ might be alive, but in hiding from these people. I think the executors are sketchy as well, & DiLeo accepting that award is possible BECAUSE the family wasn't INVITED at all. Last minute they let the kids do it, but that's it. So something was going on there & I don't think Joe saying names on tv was a good thing to do, sorry but I worry for that man now <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? --> I honestly think he is concerned about these people & has the grounds to say something now that things are in the open sort of & people are being looked at. Had he tried to say something before all this he probably wouldn't have been heard. I do think he wants justice for his son. No matter their relationship, that is still his SON. I just hope the family isn't being kept away because the "bad" people are on to something, like maybe now because of us digging up clues or inconsistencies, they are starting to think he's alive too & are trying to get to him <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->
  • OneLoveOneLove Posts: 470
    No Frank did accept it. It was another part of the Grammys that was not on tv. The kids accepted Michael's award on the televised Grammys.
  • teine21teine21 Posts: 898
    Yeah, I know I watched the Grammys. I'm just saying the family except the kids (at the last minute when the family said something about it) weren't included or invited to any of it. That's weird to me.
  • OneLoveOneLove Posts: 470
    Oh, I see. Everything is just strange. Those kids are so brave though. The teleprompter was blank at the Grammys when Prince did his speech. He may have practiced over and over but, most kids forget. He didn't even hesitate saying his message was simple, Love.
  • Don't know much about Frank but Michael did re hire him so what do you guys think about that?
  • Who knows maybe Michael was forced to rehire him. Maybe because they think he is alive they allowed
    the Grammy people to disrespect the Jackson's (by not letting them accept the awards), therefore upsetting Michael. Maybe thinking if we do this enough case and point:( allowing Dileo to accept an award
    instead of the family). Maybe they think Michael will eventually come out or back. Anyways something is going on as we all know Jermaine would have been very happy to accept the award in Michael's abscence.
  • teine21teine21 Posts: 898
    Who knows that Michael rehired him himself. Maybe his people rehired him, whoever his people were at the time. There's a lot of weird crap going on that we can see from the outside but who knows just how much really was behind everything. Kind of scary to think about. I hope Joe didn't get himself in trouble on LKL by throwing names out there, if Michael was indeed in danger, which is looking more & more like a big possibility <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( --> but a lot of what people are coming out & saying on LKL etc is actually supporting the hoax theory imo rather than make me think he's gone.
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