Really dont bother what Joe and Latoya have to say.....

Doctor DeathDoctor Death Posts: 484
edited January 1970 in News
A lotta people have started bothering about the vALIDITY of a hoax beacuse Joe has started taking names and Latoya has started blowing her familair out-of-tune trumpet, which, by the way, she always does when she feels that she hasnt been given her due share of the spotlight.....So that she can get to the front of that Que and flash her moronic smile at those prying camera lenses.....Umm..No....Hawkeye shoud be a better term IMO.

Any way...I really do not give a damn to what Latoya has to say and unless any of you have gone cracked in the'd too wont give a damn....BECAUSE THIS IS THE SAME LATOYA WHO ACCUSED HER BROTHER OF CHILD ABUSE HALF A WORLD AWAY FROM ISRAEL IN 1993.....AND DIDNT SHE SAY BACK IN JULY THAT SHE KNEW THE PEOPLE WHO KILLED HER BROTHER????? WHATEVER HAPPEND TO THAT???

IMO Shes suffering from Amnesia....Shes probably forgotten the names....thats why she didnt tell the LAPD about it... <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->

And JOE...Oh Joe!! <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: -->

He needs to make himself sound more credible if he REALLY wants to mess with our belief.....The old chap just doesnt have any freaking idea what to make of this whole mess. And Larry King needs to stop bothering the poor man.....Coz everytime hes on the show, he sounds like hes fresh from God knows how many bottles of beer..and has no damn idea what to say.....he just mumbles about these "people" whos names he doesnt know but then again, knows them quite well........So what exactly are these people??
Are these people nothing more than shadows that Joe hallucinates about??? Giv the old man a break.....Larry Kng has to put in a Herculean effort to squeeze a no-nonsense sentenc out of his mouth......

And Mike..You better come u with something REALLY concrete to justify the hoax...if you blow your cover...Coz If you dont then that will be more embarassing than the many embarassments that you have faced in your life.


  • PinkTopazPinkTopaz Posts: 1,013
    Hell, boy, he's trying to expose conspiracies of all shapes, sizes and colors, and I got a feeling that he's not gonna let anything or anyone embarrass him- he'll brush their whiny pestyass words off of his shoulders like flies!

    But anyhoo, you are right on the dolla' with Joe and Toya, especially Joe. Their acting is so hammy I don't know if I'd believe them even if I didn't know about the hoax..
  • The fans started this hoax didn't they?
    These are Michael family members and if you love him you would respect his family, too. We are, his family of fans, and Michaels family
    we all want him to have happiness and justice that is good, but will it happen? I pray so.
  • PinkTopazPinkTopaz Posts: 1,013
    ^ Yeah, I guess Michael wouldn't like that.. Don't hate me, Mike, sooorryyy!
  • Hell, boy, he's trying to expose conspiracies of all shapes, sizes and colors, and I got a feeling that he's not gonna let anything or anyone embarrass him- he'll brush their whiny pestyass words off of his shoulders like flies!

    Well spoken! <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
  • But Joe said since the 'beginning' that there was much more to this than what we are told. So he might be building up to something. Though he does strike me as a bit confused at times I think he is leading it somewhere.
  • Esssence of Ebony.....This ones for you....

  • Moderators,

    You should delete this thread and moderate 'Doctor Death'. Bashing Michael's family shouldn't be allowed on this forum.
    There is enough of negative people and thoughts in this world, and we don't need them here.
  • DiscoDisco Posts: 286

    You should delete this thread and moderate 'Doctor Death'. Bashing Michael's family shouldn't be allowed on this forum.
    There is enough of negative people and thoughts in this world, and we don't need them here.

    Ahhh now come on!! "Doctor Death" has given real input & valid points to many of the threads on this forum, You must live in an ideal world if you call what he said "Bashing"
    We discuss views on this site & they are his views which he is entitled to, I think our moderators have more things to be doing.............
  • Ahhh now come on!! "Doctor Death" has given real input & valid points to many of the threads on this forum, You must live in an ideal world if you call what he said "Bashing"
    We discuss views on this site & they are his views which he is entitled to, I think our moderators have more things to be doing.............

    Come on, Disco ! Perphaps you didn't notice, but the guy even threatens Michael in his/her last phrase.
    There is no need to insult people to make one's point.
  • DiscoDisco Posts: 286
    Ahhh now come on!! "Doctor Death" has given real input & valid points to many of the threads on this forum, You must live in an ideal world if you call what he said "Bashing"
    We discuss views on this site & they are his views which he is entitled to, I think our moderators have more things to be doing.............

    Come on, Disco ! Perphaps you didn't notice, but the guy even threatens Michael in his/her last phrase.
    There is no need to insult people to make one's point.

    Could you please point out to me where a threat was made to Michael, Thanks <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->
  • Ahhh now come on!! "Doctor Death" has given real input & valid points to many of the threads on this forum, You must live in an ideal world if you call what he said "Bashing"
    We discuss views on this site & they are his views which he is entitled to, I think our moderators have more things to be doing.............

    Come on, Disco ! Perphaps you didn't notice, but the guy even threatens Michael in his/her last phrase.
    There is no need to insult people to make one's point.

    Sorry yspadda

    I dont see any threat to MJ at all, just an opinion which you maybe took a different way to which it was meant. I think it was a joking opinion not meant as a threat!
  • Could you please point out to me where a threat was made to Michael, Thanks <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->

    OK, Disco, you're right, there is no threat.
    That illustrate perfectly my point on the use of insults. This is violence, and if there is violence in the words, you see the author as violent. If 'doctor death' hadn't had adopted that rough and violent tone to speak about La Toya, I wouldn't have mistaken the last phrase for a threat.
  • ysppada,

    First of all I think you should read my previous posts and mybe then you'll find that I have NEVER used what you call "THREATS" against Michael.....

    If you are annoyed that I lashed out at Joe and Latoya then maybe you should go read Michael Jackson's biography and gather facts about his life from a reliable source.......

    The poor guy's father ridiculed his face which is why MJ thoght that his face was really bad....And that he needed to make it better and better.....He tried to do that and ended up being manipualted by his own Doctors and branded as a freak by the public.......Even Michael himself knew that......And filling his son's head with all kinds of insecurities OFFICIALLY makes Joe Jackson a bad parent.....And I'm sure even Micahel would agree with me.

    As for Latoya, well what can I say?? Her own family finds her totally intolerable......And I really dont mind saying that she should never be forgiven or be given a clean chit IF YOU REALLY ARE A TRUE FAN.......Because she, just for the sake of grabbing the headlines refused to stand beside her own brother when he was in trouble.....How would you feel if your sister did that to you? And what had Michael done to her to deserve such a betrayal?

    If MJ is truly dead then Joe and Latoya have blood on their hands too......Because they contributed ,even though on a small scale , to the emotional breakdown that MJ had towards his last years.
  • I said that Mike better come with something concrete because the media and certain sections of the public have the habit of making a mockery of him no matter what he does/did....Even if it were helping children.,,,No matter how serious the issue.....They would just look out for an excuse to lampoon him in public......I just dont want that to happen anymore.....Coz if that were to happen, then the whole purpose of this whole enormous hoax will not be successful......Remember, the apparent reason for this hoax is to clear the public mind of certain misconceptons.....I really wish him all success in his endeavours
  • I fully agree w/ DoctorDeath. Thank you DD.

    I know that MJ forgave LaToya and Joe, but that doesn't mean that I have to. And you can disagree w/ someone and still respect them.
  • Furthermore, DoctorDeath is not threatening anyone, especially Michael.

    DD is making valid points and this post should not be deleted. Gimme a break. <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: -->
  • I believe the opposite , I think you should listen to the family and Karen fAYE . After all they actually' KNEW " MJ Who do you think Loved him More , The Fans ,Kenny O , AEG ??????? Are you Kidding ? So No one is corrupt Liars ,except for the family? The family that was closest to him and loved him the most should be disregarded as drunks ,liars and thieves . YOU HAVE GOT TO BE KIDDING ! Some people on here got this so ass Backward <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: -->
  • miss jmiss j Posts: 346

    IMO Shes suffering from Amnesia....Shes probably forgotten the names....thats why she didnt tell the LAPD about it... <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->

    now i remember! and she said she will reveal all the names involved in michael's death, because she knows who they are. i even forgotten about that!
  • PinkTopazPinkTopaz Posts: 1,013

    First of all I think you should read my previous posts and mybe then you'll find that I have NEVER used what you call "THREATS" against Michael.....

    If you are annoyed that I lashed out at Joe and Latoya then maybe you should go read Michael Jackson's biography and gather facts about his life from a reliable source.......

    The poor guy's father ridiculed his face which is why MJ thoght that his face was really bad....And that he needed to make it better and better.....He tried to do that and ended up being manipualted by his own Doctors and branded as a freak by the public.......Even Michael himself knew that......And filling his son's head with all kinds of insecurities OFFICIALLY makes Joe Jackson a bad parent.....And I'm sure even Micahel would agree with me.

    As for Latoya, well what can I say?? Her own family finds her totally intolerable......And I really dont mind saying that she should never be forgiven or be given a clean chit IF YOU REALLY ARE A TRUE FAN.......Because she, just for the sake of grabbing the headlines refused to stand beside her own brother when he was in trouble.....How would you feel if your sister did that to you? And what had Michael done to her to deserve such a betrayal?

    If MJ is truly dead then Joe and Latoya have blood on their hands too......Because they contributed ,even though on a small scale , to the emotional breakdown that MJ had towards his last years.
    Mm, especially that part always makes me wring my hands, because someone close to me had a father that was very much like ol' Joe, and I see how the negative impacts of his behavior in every trace of this person's personality.. Abusive parenting is a terrible, terrible thing, and I must say that directly after the 25th, before discovering the hoax, I inflicted Joe with a heavy amount of blame. Honestly, your upbringing is your blueprint for the rest of your life, therefore a bad childhood can be the roots of a lot of problems in your later life..

    It so saddens me that in the past, MJ couldn't even see his own beauty because of the way Joe smudged his view of himself.. I hope he realizes now that his looks have always been breathtaking, no matter what, and no longer hates his appearance..
  • Kelly Wright.......

    Its not me who got this ass backwards......I only named 2 people who werent fair to Michael Jackson in his lifetime.I DID NOT lash out at his WHOLE family.....And I just cant figure out why some you guys have the habit of Misunderstanding me the moment I open my mouth....Cant some of you at least use your eyes and brains to try and perfectly understand what the hell am I trying to say?

    Read the entire thread...or at least my comments...AND THEN DRAW CONCLUSIONS ABOUT ME.

    Joe and Latoya played dirty tricks on Mike......And that is an unchangeable fact......Had they refrained from doing so, then perhaps a lot of pain that that man went through in his life could've been relieved.....

    And If MJ is really gone I'll never forgive Joe for promoting his record label instead of grieving for his son.....or at least having the good manners to say "I really miss him". <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: -->
  • ysppada,

    First of all I think you should read my previous posts and mybe then you'll find that I have NEVER used what you call "THREATS" against Michael.....

    If you are annoyed that I lashed out at Joe and Latoya then maybe you should go read Michael Jackson's biography and gather facts about his life from a reliable source.......

    The poor guy's father ridiculed his face which is why MJ thoght that his face was really bad....And that he needed to make it better and better.....He tried to do that and ended up being manipualted by his own Doctors and branded as a freak by the public.......Even Michael himself knew that......And filling his son's head with all kinds of insecurities OFFICIALLY makes Joe Jackson a bad parent.....And I'm sure even Micahel would agree with me.

    As for Latoya, well what can I say?? Her own family finds her totally intolerable......And I really dont mind saying that she should never be forgiven or be given a clean chit IF YOU REALLY ARE A TRUE FAN.......Because she, just for the sake of grabbing the headlines refused to stand beside her own brother when he was in trouble.....How would you feel if your sister did that to you? And what had Michael done to her to deserve such a betrayal?

    If MJ is truly dead then Joe and Latoya have blood on their hands too......Because they contributed ,even though on a small scale , to the emotional breakdown that MJ had towards his last years.

    Hello Doctor Death,

    Read my second message to Disco where I corrected what I had previously told on the threat.
    I know which kind of father Joe was, and I agree than he is criticable, but there is no need to be rough and insult him or La Toya. You don't know the childhood Joe had and you don't know what turned him this way. I think Michael had made his peace with him, and Joe supported his son during the trials, which is a big thing to put on his credit.

    Now if you understand how Joe's violence could destroy Michael, you should also understand that the same violence had all the chance to have destroyed La Toya either, as well as the other children. La Toya had the same childhood and she also experienced violence as an adult. She must be as damaged than Michael was, and she deserves understanding and not insults.
  • Moderators,

    You should delete this thread and moderate 'Doctor Death'. Bashing Michael's family shouldn't be allowed on this forum.
    There is enough of negative people and thoughts in this world, and we don't need them here.

    I absolutely agree, stop bad mouthing Mics family. HE loved them , they are his family. I dont think Michael would be happy about it. Where is the respect.. even just the fact that they are elders.i have continously said this to peeps who bash the family, u dont know his family..... wtf..... <!-- s:evil: -->:evil:<!-- s:evil: --> This goes against Mics L.O.V.E.
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