Timeline for June 25 (using Kai Chase info)

truthprevailstruthprevails Posts: 878
edited January 1970 in News
I know the timeline has been discussed before, but I'm not sure if this particular thing said by Kai has been mentioned: Murray typically came down to the kitchen around 10-10:30, to get MJ's juices and deliver them to him. On June 25, he didn't... He only appeared downstairs sometime around 12-12:10, screaming and telling her to "go get Prince" and "call security". This raises the following points:

1. MJ must have been typically awake by 10-10:30? I would assume so, given that the kids had breakfast around 9 AM and had lunch with their father, according to Kai, around 12:30. And in any case, MJ should have been up by lunchtime?! This raises other questions:
Given that MJ got home around 1 AM the night of June 25 and tried to sleep, did he fail to fall asleep until the morning? And at that point he still wanted to sleep, knowing that the kids had breakfast at 9 and he had rehearsals later that day?! What time did MJ allegedly ask for the propofol and had it administered? What time did MJ stop breathing? The reports I read about Murray's behavior (incl. his insistence not to declare MJ dead and instead take him to hospital) suggest that Michael might have been dead when Murray discovered him, and it was impossible to revive him... and Murray, who might have fallen asleep during that night or that morning, just wanted to clear his tracks and avoid liability.

2. Why, on that particular day, did Murray not come downstairs at the usual time? That makes me believe that, as mentioned above, he might have dozed off/fallen asleep. After all, he was supposed to be working night shifts (watching over MJ at night) and that might have got tiring. But then again, when did he administer the propofol? Was there a system set up where propofol could just pour into MJ at some intervals? Sometimes periodic doses are administered over the course of several hours... Is that what Murray did, or was there one dose? I believe it was the former, given the 3 IVs inserted into MJ's body. (Very disturbing!) If Murray started administering the propofol after 10 AM, I consider that very suspicious given that Michael was supposed to be up at that time!

The whole timeline is strange to me, and I believe that Murray either had the intention to kill MJ or otherwise was criminally irresponsible/reckless. I mean, administering propofol in a non-clinical setting without proper equipment and supervision in itself is outrageous!! What was CM thinking?! Even if a patient were to ask for propofol, you shouldn't just say, as a doctor, "You got it, buddy. It'll probably kill you, but I'll do anything for you."

The autopsy report says that rigor mortis hadn't set in as of 6 PM on June 25, which confused me because it's supposed to set in around 3 hours after death (acc. to Wikipedia - not sure if accurate). If a better informed person can approximate the time MJ passed away, I think it would be helpful.

As you must have noticed, I'm operating on the assumption that MJ isn't alive anymore and we need to dig up the truth. If you want me to get off of the forum, just tell me and I'll go.

Take care. I really admire and respect all your work and dedication!

PS: Murray going to FL was unbelievable to me! If I had killed MJ, even accidentally, I would *want* to go to jail b/c I'd feel tremendous guilt and don't think I could live with myself. CM is really sketchy... all the more so if this is not a hoax!
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