CNN Topic on Autopsy Report

MeandMyShadowMeandMyShadow Posts: 385
edited January 1970 in News
Here is the link to CNN news article in regards to autopsy report.

<!-- m --> ... n.autopsy/<!-- m -->

Look at what they supposedly used to identify it as really MJ's body.

Coroner investigators first examined Jackson's body at UCLA Medical Center less than three hours after he was pronounced dead. They used the picture on his California driver's license to confirm it was the singer.

I am not in the medical field, or anything like that, but doesn't it seem odd to confirm it was him by a picture on a drivers license? Seems like dental records or something along that line would be used, not just a picture.


  • deedee75deedee75 Posts: 192
    that was a odd way to Identify him in most of all his picture he looks different and when was the last time he took a driver license pic anyway
  • that was a odd way to Identify him in most of all his picture he looks different and when was the last time he took a driver license pic anyway

    Yes, this is quite odd because generally if the identity was unknown a family member would make the identification. If that was impossible (due to trauma/injury) to do, they would use dental records.
  • msteetee34msteetee34 Posts: 1,234
    Umm this sounds suspect. Don't they usually identify people by their dental records, finger prints, DNA. So if there was a person that look just like MJ like an impersonator who died they could say it was MJ because it looks like his driver's license photo? What the heck?
  • That is suspicous I mean I always thought family identifies the body because although they already knew my mom said it was my father she had to still go and identify his body so they could be absolutely sure it was him <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) --> they didn't use a driver liscense and just to throw a random question out if they supposedly say Michael had all these sugeries wouldn't he look diff than back then <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->
  • Well it states they took fingerprints so why not also use that to id the body. They have mjs prints on file from the trial.... Oh wait they did compare them but uhhh no
  • darkchilddarkchild Posts: 1,161
    I think that it is very strange MJ's driver license would have been used to confirm his indentity.
    I think that a family member would have confirm that it was MJ, or dental record, or even a DNA test. This statement made on the autopsy report that I read last night was a real tip off that something with the report is not right. Smelly very fishy to me. Thank you for very informative post. God bless you,MeandMyShadow! I so appreciate everyone's contributions and research on the site. I know that we will find the truth together! God bless everyone here!
  • Umm this sounds suspect. Don't they usually identify people by their dental records, finger prints, DNA. So if there was a person that look just like MJ like an impersonator who died they could say it was MJ because it looks like his driver's license photo? What the heck?

    Something like that was discussed here...

    White Orchid made a great job in this post.

    <!-- l -->viewtopic.php?f=48&t=5275<!-- l -->
  • Maybe I am beating a dead horse with this, but, I am weirded out by this as to how they identified the body. How did they have his license anyway? Did he not have clothes on, or was he clothed and then stripped from all clothing? I don't understand this. Did CM bring his wallet with him in the ambulance, or wherever MJ kept his license.

    I know he is a regular human being like everybody else, but I just can't picture a major celeb carrying around a wallet with the regular stuff, such as a license.

    My husband seems to think that maybe they used the i.d. initially, but used finger prints or a family member came and identified him later, and they just didn't elaborate on it in the news article.

    Still ... makes me wonder.
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