ladylee1979ladylee1979 Posts: 257
edited January 1970 in News
Late pop star Michael Jackson has contacted his ex-wife Lisa Marie Presley from beyond the grave and has apologised to her for treating her badly.

Michael Jackson has apologised to Lisa Marie Presley from beyond the grave.

The spirit of the late 'Thriller' singer is believed to have made contact with his ex-wife and their friend Karen Faye - who used to work as the pop star's make-up artist - through a psychic last week, who told them Michael wanted their forgiveness.

Karen said: "He seemed to be on a mission to reach out to people in his life and be forgiven. Michael spent his time explaining his faults and wanting us to forgive him. He seemed unsettled.

"He seemed more jovial with Lisa. The psychic turned to me and said Michael is telling me, 'You took such good care of me, and I am so sorry I hurt you so much.'

"He said he should have listened to me more. It hit me straight in the heart."

Karen, 53, is convinced the clairvoyant was telling the truth because she had no idea they knew Michael before his passing and was able to give "deep insights" into his life.

She told The Sun newspaper: "There were definite, deep insights that would have been difficult to make up. It was detailed about the inner dynamics of his family and his levels of pain and emotional inability."

However, Michael apparently refused to discuss the charge of involuntary manslaughter made against his personal physician Dr. Conrad Murray in relation to his death last June from acute Propofol intoxication.

She explained: "He said he was detached from things."

Lisa Marie and Michael married in 1994 and split 18 months later.

Meanwhile, it has been announced Murray - who was charged on Monday (08.02.10) - will return to work while he waits for his next court appearance.

Murray's spokesperson Miranda Sevcik told website Radar Online: "Dr. Murray is still in Los Angeles. He is planning to leave to go back to work in a few days."

During Monday's hearing, Judge Keith Schwartz told Murray he was not allowed to possess, prescribe or administer the powerful sedative Propofol to anyone.

He is next due in court on April 5.

10 February 2010 09:50:38


  • what makes me laugh about this (Karen, 53, is convinced the clairvoyant was telling the truth because she had no idea they knew Michael before his passing and was able to give "deep insights" into his life) so it wasnt world knowledge then that michael and lisa was married hmmm and that the person sat before this clairevoyant was lisa marie i dont think so and supposing he was gone from this world whats the first thing on everyones lips? who killed you michael how did you die michael not some mushy sorries
  • loyalfanloyalfan Posts: 1,641
  • Well, if nothing else did it for me, this one does, as regards to Karen <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->

    Believing this psychic as to telling the truth??? And I agree, the first thing I'd be asking (if I believed in them) would be, who killed you, what happened, etc.

    And, isn't the Sun another tabloid???? What is she giving interviews to them anyway.
  • Tina K.Tina K. Posts: 1,589
    Karen is a nutcase imo <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
  • what she is sayin is michael was disattached from things meaning? wot that he was over dosed whilst unconsious in which case isnt that murder?
  • I don't know why you guys believe this story. And you guys talk about Karen. <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
  • its showing how all these people will do stuff for money <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->
  • Are we losing it here people?
    I do not believe this garbage... I can't believe I actually was interested in reading this post.
    I think the Sun newspaper is tabloid trash just like the Enquirer - TRASH TRASH TRASH
  • MJonmindMJonmind Posts: 7,290
    What kills me about this story is why is it that Michael is always portrayed as the wrongdoer that needs people to forgive him. Like everyone out there that has a problem just stomp on him or try to get money from him. He's like the world's punching bag. It's seems humanity is in two groups those who want to jump on to the pile, and those who can't stand what's happening to an innocent incredibly beautiful human being who has blessed us all so much. Is there one story of someone publicly asking his forgiveness for how they have hurt him? I guess that's why this whole Event has so gripped our hearts and we can't let it go.
  • I believe in such things and in fact you don't have to be a medium to contact someone's soul. We did it many years ago with my mother and my cousin and it was scarry back then, I was like 18 y.o. That was my first and last experience. I think it's wrong disturbing dead people's souls.
  • Tabloid Trash .....as usual.....

    Micahel surely wouldnt be THAT apologetic if he were REALLY dead IMO.......He did a splendid job as a human being....
  • Tabloid Trash .....as usual.....

    Micahel surely wouldnt be THAT apologetic if he were REALLY dead IMO.......He did a splendid job as a human being....

    You are wrong because we didn't know Michael in his own world. We only knew "public Michael", and believe me even perfect people make many mistakes in life that they regret them later or when they leave to spiritual level of life.
  • Yeah ,she is a nutcase , Isn't that what the media said about Michael ?. How do we know this article is telling the truth ? Did yall here that straight from her mouth ,It seems as tho a lot of people act like "cause that read it or saw it in a mag or on TV that it is Factual " hello sound familiar , The Sun have been known for being terrible liars . Did she post it on her Facebook ? Stop being so quick to judge people . Karen F. clearly loved MJ and apparently he loved her too . Cut this women some slack !!!!!!!!
  • LauraLaura Posts: 67
    So, LMP came back from London for this appointment.. And the person did no know who they were?? Anything else??

    This is just beyond stupidity <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->
  • If anyone should be apologising it should be Lisa Marie IMHO and as for karen, did he tell her to give back the money she charged fans so they could sit online and read about her almost fan fic like posts about his peen??? LOL <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
  • LouLou Posts: 169
    <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
  • More tabloid trash <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
  • darkchilddarkchild Posts: 1,161
    what she is sayin is michael was disattached from things meaning? wot that he was over dosed whilst unconsious in which case isnt that murder?
    Hmmm, It is interesting that MJ would not give such important information regarding his "supposed" murder from the afterlife since he mentioned to friends that he thought his life was in danger on this side of life. <!-- s:?: -->:?:<!-- s:?: --> <!-- s:?: -->:?:<!-- s:?: --> <!-- s:?: -->:?:<!-- s:?: --> <!-- s:?: -->:?:<!-- s:?: --> <!-- s:?: -->:?:<!-- s:?: --> Sounds like rubbish to me. MJ, my darling, what a loving angel to be asking for forgiveness from others, my sweet. I think it should be the other way around. <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) --> To all those who tormented MJ, it is you who should be asking for forgiveness from God and MJ himself. MJ, I love you more than words can express, my love. <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
  • Tay3Tay3 Posts: 44
    This is so dumb. I don't believe this at all. Karen Faye is just trying to make herself look good in the eyes of Michael's fans. <!-- s:x -->:x<!-- s:x -->
  • ShakeShake Posts: 45
    There's a thread about this: <!-- l -->viewtopic.php?f=81&t=4889<!-- l -->

    Where the comments allegedly appeared on her Facebook and disappeared. You don't say where this is from but I'm assuming it's a published article - so now it's out in the open, surely LMP would have something to say about it if it's true/false? What about on the same blog where she first commented after his death, I'm not sure where that came from, anyone know?
  • CCCC Posts: 2,136
    Murray's spokesperson Miranda Sevcik told website Radar Online: "Dr. Murray is still in Los Angeles. He is planning to leave to go back to work in a few days."

    During Monday's hearing, Judge Keith Schwartz told Murray he was not allowed to possess, prescribe or administer the powerful sedative Propofol to anyone.

    He is next due in court on April 5.

    10 February 2010 09:50:38

  • I'm generally skeptical of psychics anyway...HOWEVER, if this is a real psychic who really has ESP or whatever, it doesn't seem to have been mentioned that she could be sensing the deep personal stuff that would be hard to make up if he's still alive...just like if I were to go to a psychic and they could tell me personal things about myself they don't know beforehand...I'm not dead. I find the fact that he apparently didn't want to discuss the Murray issue interesting, also.
  • Venus Dahling.......I may have never known Michael JAckson in his private life but I am pretty sure that he musnt have "HURT" LMP to the extent that this so-called clairvoyant says he did......I mean shamone! MJ wouldnt have beaten LMP up or something....A or disagreement or two is all that must have happened.....Plus he was never a molestor......Didnt do steroids (apparently).....Liked her company.....Was associated with 29 different charity organiosations.........Why should he be THAT apologetic????
  • Karen is a nutcase imo <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->

    AGREED <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
  • However, Michael apparently refused to discuss the charge of involuntary manslaughter made against his personal physician Dr. Conrad Murray in relation to his death last June from acute Propofol intoxication.

    Wow! ....interesting.... <!-- s:?: -->:?:<!-- s:?: -->
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