Murray left voicemail

QuirkyDianaQuirkyDiana Posts: 386
edited January 1970 in News
<!-- m --> ... -jail.html<!-- m -->

I was just wondering, because this has been done before, but what if what Murray is saying in the voicemail is a coded confirmation that Murray has 'done his job' with MJ - by that i mean murder. Just a thought, only a thought.


  • plz, dont say that <!-- s:cry: -->:cry:<!-- s:cry: -->
  • Yeah, when I'd read the transcript of the message a while ago, that's exactly what came to my mind.
  • YIKES.
  • beatitbeatit Posts: 63
    That does make since what they say in the article all of it, it makes no since why he would be on a call at the time he was supposedly giving CPR maybe he was covering tracks. Or maybe the LAPD just "Forgot" that he said that because of the pressure to charge someone.
  • ZenZen Posts: 341
    I think they need a copy of "Bob's" cell phone records. WHO did Bob call afterwards?
    Who really is this Bob?
  • mjboogiemjboogie Posts: 1,067
    Yep WHo the hell is BOB anyway? REally BOB? Comeone! Could very well be a coded message. WHy the hell u gonna call your other patient during a time like that! THis shit is crazy? LAPD need to get on their job or do they even care?
    Remember Murray told BOB he got the results of his EECG or something? WHat the hell is that? I thought it was EKG ? IDK. CRAZY! <!-- s:evil: -->:evil:<!-- s:evil: -->
  • mjboogiemjboogie Posts: 1,067
    Someone should email LAPD and suggest that to them since this is such a DELICATE case! Tell them to research BOB phone records for that Murray voicemail. <!-- s:evil: -->:evil:<!-- s:evil: -->
  • It is very strange. As I remember LAPD knew about this message. Not sure if they investigated who is Bob and who he called after that. But even if Bob called someone after that he probably called from different phone number.
    And BTW who is paying Murray's attornies fees? Or his attornies on this case for free for publicity?
  • It is obviously a code message...

    Maybe I´m so convinced of the hoax already that can´t think of other option.... but if I try to think he murdered him and was so relax on that call... hmmmmm I don´t think so....

    So.... maybe Michael was not at the house that day.... and HE is Bob.... or.... maybe there was someone they had to let him know about the plan beggining....
  • First of all...
    NOTW is a just a tabloid....
    they earn money for printing sh**

    and 2.
    Am I the only one who misses the carribbean accent of Murray?
    Already forgotten: "Da troot will prevail" ?

    Here for you comparison
  • <!-- s:?: -->:?:<!-- s:?: --> Finally we are back to the content of that voicemail which has bugged me for a long while. If you haven't seen this post from last week.......
    WHO is in on the HOAX ? ? ? ?

    <!-- s:arrow: -->:arrow:<!-- s:arrow: --> Post by karmaknowstruth » Sun Feb 07, 2010 5:51 pm
    With everything about to hit the fan and with MJ's fans there on the scene along with more media sources ever in almost 8 months brace yourselves for whatever shit hits.

    We can speculate or we can simply sit back and watch the show. I just prey that MJ fans and others do not instigate a riot.

    The fact that DR Murray is finally now in the present spotlight and with all his very strange behavior and after watching the Dateline special last Saturday, the time line of events sure do seem intentional leading up to unexpected revelations.

    It seems obvious to us there is in fact a death hoax going on, but how will we ever know for sure who is in on the death hoax??

    <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: --> Murray could be the patsy.
    <!-- s:twisted: -->:twisted:<!-- s:twisted: --> Murray could be a murderer.
    <!-- s:oops: -->:oops:<!-- s:oops: --> Murray could have made a neglectful mistake

    MURRAY COULD VERY WELL BE IN ON THE HOAX, but screwed up during the plan.

    The newly reveled exclusive (from Dateline) cell phone message Murray gave to his patient Bob Russell is really bugging me A LOT. I got to wondering why Murray would say he gave MJ propofal @ 10:50, then leave the room to pee and make a phone call 4 minutes later. Was that phone call spoken in code to let Bob know some plan had been put into action ?
    Excerpt from Dateline story:
    But Dr. Murray's cell phone records tell a very different story, according to the LAPD. They show that during the time that Murray says he was monitoring Jackson --essential for someone under the influence of Propofol-- the doctor was on the phone, calling a friend, his medical office - and his patient - Bob Russell. Murray got Russell's voicemail. We've obtained the message he left.

    Here is the entire phone message Murray left to his patient Bob:

    "This is Doctor Murray, Bob. Hi, how are you? Um, sorry I missed you.
    Just wanted to talk to you about your results of the EECP. You did quite well on the study.
    We would love to continue to see you as a patient even though I may have to be absent from my practice for uh-because of an overseas sabbatical."

    "Sorry I missed you..." would this mean that Bob had called him but Murray wasn't able to answer his phone? And when is it normal practice that a patient has a Dr's cell number or a Dr calls patients from their cell phone outside the office setting, (oh, I forgot that doc Murray wasn't practicing any longer). I guess it was a Thursday normal business hours, eh?

    "Just wanted to talk to you about your results of the EECP. You did quite well on the study."
    FYI >>>>
    Enhanced External Counterpulsation Treatment (EECP) is a treatment, not a study.

    Please if you want a quick lesson on EECP treatment here's a link.
    <!-- m --> ... tment.aspx<!-- m -->

    An EECP study is quite a time involved treatment, that was not done by Murray personally. Talking to Bob about the results would mean Bob saying if he was feeling better, not Murray giving him some sort of test results.
    Someone please tell me if I'm wrong in assuming that.

    "We would love to continue to see you as a patient even though I may have to be absent from my practice for uh-because of an overseas sabbatical".

    Everyone knows (and Dateline confirmed) that Murray left his practice in early 2009 to be MJs personal doctor,so why did Murray repeat it to Bob in the cell message?

    Was this a hidden code saying things are in action so I will be seeing you soon so I can hide out with you? Or could it be saying "We would love to continue to see you as a patient even thought I MAY HAVE TO BE ABSENT FROM....MAY being the key word used here.
    Did Murray say it that way knowing he may or may not be absent from his practice because of something that had just happened or was about to happen, HOAX or MURDER?

    A few Definitions of sabbatical:
    >>An extended period of leave, often one year long, taken by an employee in order to carry out projects not otherwise associated with the employee's job. ...
    >>Noun 1. sabbatical leave - a leave usually taken every seventh year
    >>sabbatical leave a year or shorter period of absence for study, rest, or travel, given at interval.
    This is Bob's comment from the Dateline interview concerning Murray's sabbatical indicating that obviously he already knew about it before Murray's cell phone message.

    Bob Russell: "He was so excited. I mean it was just evident-- with his excitement and-- you know, kind of repeating, "Hey, I'm going to-- you know, I'm going with Michael and I'm heading off to Europe." He was just like, you know, a kid ready to do a cartwheel, "Man, I'm-- I'm-- I'm heading up the mountaintop.
    I think he just got enamored with the-- the star, the-- wow-- I-- I don't know how to-- how to define it.

    In your mind is BOB RUSSEL involved deeper with Murray than we know?

    Here is Bob's final comment he made during the Dateline interview:
    Bob Russell: "I'm going to say that I-- I don't want to believe it. It is hard to reconcile the doctor they describe as saving their lives with one who could take a life by giving a patient a potentially deadly drug without the proper safeguards in place simply because that famously rich, troubled patient asked for it.
    The comeback tour that never happened could have been memorable for both the artist and his physician. It seemed so perfect for both of them. The weeks ahead may provide answers to how all of that ended in tragedy for both doctor and patient."

    Some further review information and and videos I ran across while researching Conrad Murray.
    Snyderman says what I remember that Murray did not ride in the ambulance with MJ and was missing.....perhaps went to hide out at Bob's?
    NBC interview with Dr Nancy Snyderman NBC News Chief Medical Editor
    <!-- m --> ... re=related<!-- m -->
    <!-- m --><!-- m -->
    Watch the beginning showing Murray's lawsuits & debts against him
    and that he was hired by AEG but MJ never signed the pmt contract.
    MICHAEL JACKSON's death - MONEY- Suspicious behavior, Nurse lee and others-
    <!-- m --><!-- m -->
    comment on blackskinqueen's youtube channel

    OH! And BTW! I just read where Dr. Murray hired the same lawyer that got this nurse off the hook for administering the SAME drug to a patient that died.......It's been 7? months now? This is terrible. It's soo obvious that this Dr. is shaky and very guilty of negliance! (sp?) I'm still sick over the disrespect Michael has endured while he was alive AND NOW in death!
    CONRAD MURRAY VIDEO MESSAGE: "Truth will prevail"
    <!-- m --><!-- m -->

    I think there is more to Murray than we know right now. I sure hope Michael doesn't have to come out of hiding to save his sorry ass, what a mess for MJ that would be.

    What do you thing about Murray and Bob? Is Bob involved?
    Am I thinking way too deeply?

  • :?: Finally we are back to the content of that voicemail which has bugged me for a long while. If you haven't seen this post from last week.......
    WHO is in on the HOAX ? ? ? ?

    <!-- s:arrow: -->:arrow:<!-- s:arrow: --> Postby karmaknowstruth » Sun Feb 07, 2010 5:51 pm
    With everything about to hit the fan and with MJ's fans there on the scene along with more media sources ever in almost 8 months brace yourselves for whatever shit hits.

    We can speculate or we can simply sit back and watch the show. I just prey that MJ fans and others do not instigate a riot.

    The fact that DR Murray is finally now in the present spotlight and with all his very strange behavior and after watching the Dateline special last Saturday, the time line of events sure do seem intentional leading up to unexpected revelations.

    It seems obvious to us there is in fact a death hoax going on, but how will we ever know for sure who is in on the death hoax??

    <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: --> Murray could be the patsy.
    <!-- s:twisted: -->:twisted:<!-- s:twisted: --> Murray could be a murderer.
    <!-- s:oops: -->:oops:<!-- s:oops: --> Murray could have made a neglectful mistake

    MURRAY COULD VERY WELL BE IN ON THE HOAX, but screwed up during the plan.

    The newly reveled exclusive (from Dateline) cell phone message Murray gave to his patient Bob Russell is really bugging me A LOT. I got to wondering why Murray would say he gave MJ propofal @ 10:50, then leave the room to pee and make a phone call 4 minutes later. Was that phone call spoken in code to let Bob know some plan had been put into action ?
    Excerpt from Dateline story:
    But Dr. Murray's cell phone records tell a very different story, according to the LAPD. They show that during the time that Murray says he was monitoring Jackson --essential for someone under the influence of Propofol-- the doctor was on the phone, calling a friend, his medical office - and his patient - Bob Russell. Murray got Russell's voicemail. We've obtained the message he left.

    Here is the entire phone message Murray left to his patient Bob:

    "This is Doctor Murray, Bob. Hi, how are you? Um, sorry I missed you.
    Just wanted to talk to you about your results of the EECP. You did quite well on the study.
    We would love to continue to see you as a patient even though I may have to be absent from my practice for uh-because of an overseas sabbatical."

    "Sorry I missed you..." would this mean that Bob had called him but Murray wasn't able to answer his phone? And when is it normal practice that a patient has a Dr's cell number or a Dr calls patients from their cell phone outside the office setting, (oh, I forgot that doc Murray wasn't practicing any longer). I guess it was a Thursday normal business hours, eh?

    "Just wanted to talk to you about your results of the EECP. You did quite well on the study."
    FYI >>>>
    Enhanced External Counterpulsation Treatment (EECP) is a treatment, not a study.

    Please if you want a quick lesson on EECP treatment here's a link.
    <!-- m --> ... tment.aspx<!-- m -->

    An EECP study is quite a time involved treatment, that was not done by Murray personally. Talking to Bob about the results would mean Bob saying if he was feeling better, not Murray giving him some sort of test results.
    Someone please tell me if I'm wrong in assuming that.

    "We would love to continue to see you as a patient even though I may have to be absent from my practice for uh-because of an overseas sabbatical".

    Everyone knows (and Dateline confirmed) that Murray left his practice in early 2009 to be MJs personal doctor,so why did Murray repeat it to Bob in the cell message?

    Was this a hidden code saying things are in action so I will be seeing you soon so I can hide out with you? Or could it be saying "We would love to continue to see you as a patient even thought I MAY HAVE TO BE ABSENT FROM....MAY being the key word used here.
    Did Murray say it that way knowing he may or may not be absent from his practice because of something that had just happened or was about to happen, HOAX or MURDER?
    A few Definitions of sabbatical:
    >>An extended period of leave, often one year long, taken by an employee in order to carry out projects not otherwise associated with the employee's job. ...
    >>Noun 1. sabbatical leave - a leave usually taken every seventh year
    >>sabbatical leave a year or shorter period of absence for study, rest, or travel, given at interval.
    This is Bob's comment from the Dateline interview concerning Murray's sabbatical indicating that obviously he already knew about it before Murray's cell phone message.

    Bob Russell: "He was so excited. I mean it was just evident-- with his excitement and-- you know, kind of repeating, "Hey, I'm going to-- you know, I'm going with Michael and I'm heading off to Europe." He was just like, you know, a kid ready to do a cartwheel, "Man, I'm-- I'm-- I'm heading up the mountaintop.
    I think he just got enamored with the-- the star, the-- wow-- I-- I don't know how to-- how to define it.

    In your mind is BOB RUSSEL involved deeper with Murray than we know?

    Here is Bob's final comment he made during the Dateline interview:
    Bob Russell: "I'm going to say that I-- I don't want to believe it. It is hard to reconcile the doctor they describe as saving their lives with one who could take a life by giving a patient a potentially deadly drug without the proper safeguards in place simply because that famously rich, troubled patient asked for it.
    The comeback tour that never happened could have been memorable for both the artist and his physician. It seemed so perfect for both of them. The weeks ahead may provide answers to how all of that ended in tragedy for both doctor and patient."

    Some further review information and and videos I ran across while researching Conrad Murray.
    Snyderman says what I remember that Murray did not ride in the ambulance with MJ and was missing.....perhaps went to hide out at Bob's?
    NBC interview with Dr Nancy Snyderman NBC News Chief Medical Editor


    Watch the beginning showing Murray's lawsuits & debts against him
    and that he was hired by AEG but MJ never signed the pmt contract.

    MICHAEL JACKSON's death - MONEY- Suspicious behavior, Nurse lee and others-

    comment on blackskinqueen's youtube channel

    OH! And BTW! I just read where Dr. Murray hired the same lawyer that got this nurse off the hook for administering the SAME drug to a patient that died.......It's been 7? months now? This is terrible. It's soo obvious that this Dr. is shaky and very guilty of negliance! (sp?) I'm still sick over the disrespect Michael has endured while he was alive AND NOW in death!
    CONRAD MURRAY VIDEO MESSAGE: "Truth will prevail"

    I think there is more to Murray than we know right now. I sure hope Michael doesn't have to come out of hiding to save his sorry ass, what a mess for MJ that would be.

    What do you thing about Murray and Bob? Is Bob involved?
    Am I thinking way too deeply?

    Interesting post.You have a point. Maybe Dr Murray KNEW that he was not going to be around and that is why he mentioned an overseas sabbatical.
    If he was employed to be Mj's doctor in the UK, then it would not be considered a sabbatical no? It would be employment?
    I looked at the meaning of sabbatical:
    <!-- m --><!-- m -->
    Noun 1. sabbatical leave - a leave usually taken every seventh year
    leave, leave of absence - the period of time during which you are absent from work or duty; "a ten day's leave to visit his mother"
    sabbatical year - a sabbatical leave lasting one year




    sabbatical (plural sabbaticals)

    1. An extended period of leave, often one year long, taken by an employee in order to carry out projects not otherwise associated with the employee's job. During the sabbatical, the employer may pay some or all of the wages that would have been otherwise earned or some or all of the expenses incurred. University lecturers, for example, may be granted a one-year paid sabbatical once every seven years.

    Being in jail may constitute to a sabbatical?? <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
  • He's not dead, people...get a grip...<!-- l -->posting.php?mode=reply&f=48&t=5559#<!-- l -->
  • I remember murray's lawyer saying of the affidavit that "much of [the report] is factual ... much is police theory."

    Also, "The timeline reported by law enforcement was not obtained through interviews with Dr Murray, as was implied by the affidavit,' he said. 'Dr Murray simply never told investigators that he found Jackson at 11am not breathing."

    Also, "Dr Murray never said that he left Jackson's room to make phone calls," Chernoff insisted."

    <!-- m --> ... ice-theory<!-- m -->

    So the timeline of events as we know it is suggested to be false. If Murray never told police the timeline (I don't know whether police would have recorded his interview) where did they get such specific information from? In order for LAPD to use the voicemail in prosecution they have to have evidence of the time he was dead. Likewise, if the voicemail exonerates Murray, why did he not mention any of the phone calls to police?
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