We should ask Jesse Ventura to investigate all this

edited January 1970 in News
Do you think Jesse Ventura is credible with his investigations?
If he is, we should contact him and ask him to investigate MJ's death or hoax.


  • who is jesse ventura? sorry 4 my ignorance <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
  • darkchilddarkchild Posts: 1,161
    Or even ask Jay J. Armes to investigative MJ death or hoax? <!-- s:?: -->:?:<!-- s:?: --> <!-- s:?: -->:?:<!-- s:?: -->
    <!-- m -->http://www.jjarmes.com/<!-- m -->

    <!-- m -->http://www.pimall.com/NAIS/pivintage/jjarmes.html<!-- m -->

    As a private investigator, JJ Armes client list reads like a who's who of the rich and famous. Some of has clients have included Howard Huges, Elvis Presley, Elizabeth Taylor and Marlon Brando. While on assignment for Marlon Brando, he found and rescured his abducted son.

    <!-- m -->http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jay_J._Armes<!-- m -->
    Jay J. Armes
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    Jay J. Armes
    Photo:Adam HicksJay J. Armes was born and raised in El Paso, Texas located in the Southwest United States. At the tender age of eleven, Mr. Armes lost both hands in an explosion when an older friend brought a box of railroad explosives to his home. From that point on, Mr. Armes’ hands were replaced by two alloy steel prosthesis, which he quickly mastered. This obvious, and very visible aspect of his remarkable life has long been the source of speculation, and mis-information to this day. Mr. Armes can perform virtually any task with his prosthesis that can be performed with a human hand. Because of this fact, Mr. Armes has never viewed this as a “handicap”. Instead, it has been a source of motivation to work harder and excel in every aspect of his life. Today, his prosthesis have become somewhat of a trademark, making him almost instantly identifiable to those who know of him and his work.

    After a brief stint as an actor in California, Mr. Armes returned to El Paso. In 1958, Mr. Armes started his Private Investigative agency, The Investigators, with a dream of becoming the best in his field, and a larger goal of bringing respect and integrity to the private investigative profession. During the course of his unparalleled 51-year career, he has personally conducted literally thousands of investigations, and solved crimes that the experts deemed impossible. Over the years, Mr. Armes expanded his small private investigative firm into one of the most respected private investigative agencies in the world. A self-proclaimed workaholic, Mr. Armes’ drive in all aspects of his life has enabled him to succeed not only in the investigative profession, but in business as well. He is a published author, actor, and businessman. In 1978 he authored a comprehensive investigative training course, and founded The Investigators Training Academy. Designed as a correspondence based course, this accredited curriculum enabled students from around the world to obtain professional investigative training without having to re-locate, quit their day job, or even leave their home. Although almost common today, at the time this was a radical new concept that was unheard of at the time. In 1978, Mr. Armes launched The Investigators Security Force. Designed as a Mobile Patrol and Security Service, this branch of the organization served the community for a number of years until the Patrol division was discontinued. Today, The Investigators Security Force specializes in Government contracting (domestically), and Industrial security management and related services abroad.

    In 1976, Mr. Armes released JAY J. ARMES INVESTIGATOR, a best-selling autobiography about his life and exploits as an investigator. In 1977, Ideal Toy Corp. launched the Jay J. Armes Toy Line, which featured a Jay J. Armes action figure with detachable prosthesis, various “gadgets”, and a Mobile Investigation Unit. To this day, Mr. Armes is still the only private investigator in history to have an action figure modeled after him. In 1978, Jay J. Armes teamed with Ideal Toy Corp. once again to launch an Investigative Course for Children. This course was introduced to a number of school districts throughout the United States.

    Not one to stand by the sidelines and allow injustice to rule his community, Mr. Armes has run for public office on several occasions. In 1989, Mr. Armes was elected as a City Councilman where he served two terms. Known for his brash, direct, and sometimes-brutal management style, Mr. Armes identified numerous cases of waste, corruption, and scandal in El Paso city government. Because of his unyielding, no-holds-barred approach, the scandals and issues brought to light during Mr. Armes’ tenure caused a continuous backlash from the local press and media. In his own words, Mr. Armes was quoted in one interview as saying “…I didn’t run for this office to make friends, win a popularity contest, or to further my own interests. I am here to do a job. I am here to help my constituents and that’s exactly what I am going to do…” To this day, Mr. Armes and the local media share a love-hate relationship. Despite the controversy, his accomplishments while in office, and the improvements to his district, serve as a benchmark for present and future city representatives.

    In addition to his work as an International Private Investigator, Mr. Armes has been a certified Peace Officer. He served eight (8) years as Chief Deputy Constable for the El Paso County Constables Department, Precinct 2; and four (4) years as Chief Deputy Constable, Precinct 3. He is also a former Law Enforcement Instructor for the El Paso County Sheriff’s Department. He has extensive experience in the Security field and has served as Director of Security for a number of major manufacturing clients abroad.

    Because of the many hi-profile cases that Mr. Armes has solved, his exploits around the world have routinely made national and international headlines. Mr. Armes has been featured in countless major publications around the world to include national and international news programs, magazines, and local news articles. In 1975, Mr. Armes was featured in People Magazine as one of the "The 25 Most Intriguing People" of the year. In 1976, he received the “Golden Plate Achievement Award.” In 1977, he was featured in the "Book of Lists". In 1979, Mr. Armes was selected as one of forty individuals honored as the "Most Successful Celebrities of America" by the Academy of Achievement in Beverly Hills, California. In 1981, Mr. Armes was featured in the book, "Dreaming and Winning in America". In 1989, he was the Recipient of the International Society of Private Investigators (ISPI) "Most Successful Investigator in the Country" Award. In 1991, he was featured in the book, "Watching the Detectives" which featured the world’s top private investigators to include Alan Pinkerton, William Burns, Bill Dear and Logan Clarke. In 1992, he was honored as a member of the "Who’s Who is Leading American Executives.” In 1994, Mr. Armes and his son, Jay J. Armes III, were featured in Time Life Book Series, "Crimes of Passion" for their work on an international murder case. In 1996, Mr. Armes was recognized as one of "501 Great Things about Greater El Paso". In 1997, Mr. Armes was featured in the "The Hispanic-American Hall of Fame" Poster, Card Set and Learning Guide.

    Over the years Mr. Armes has been approached by numerous movie & television producers wanting to make a movie and/or television series based on his real-life exploits. More recently, he was working on a project with creative genius Stan Lee of Marvel comics’ fame. (Mr. Lee is the creator of Spider-Man, X-Men, Incredible Hulk, Daredevil, Iron Man, Thor, Dr. Strange, Silver Surfer, etc.) If the project comes to fruition, Jay J. Armes will be the first “superhero” based on a real live person. If not, you will undoubtedly see his story on the big screen sometime in the future via a major studio.

    Still active today, Mr. Armes is widely respected by his peers. He is considered as an innovator in the industry, and will continue to be a driving force in the private investigative field in the years to come.
  • beatitbeatit Posts: 63
    who is jesse ventura? sorry 4 my ignorance <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->

    It is not ignorance, Jesse Ventura is a guy on TRUtv that investigates "hoax's" In my opinion he usually ends up leaving me with more questions then he answered and does not do a very good job at it. That is my opinion and I know I am not alone on this do a good search you will see others that think he is retarded. He was also a pro wrestler, he was also a governor of Minnesota and a Navy Seal.
  • ShakeShake Posts: 45
    It seems a little selfish to me. It's only us that would gain something from him being hunted down before he is ready.
  • simplymesimplyme Posts: 649
    who is jesse ventura? sorry 4 my ignorance <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->

    It is not ignorance, Jesse Ventura is a guy on TRUtv that investigates "hoax's" In my opinion he usually ends up leaving me with more questions then he answered and does not do a very good job at it. That is my opinion and I know I am not alone on this do a good search you will see others that think he is retarded. He was also a pro wrestler, he was also a governor of Minnesota and a Navy Seal.

    Jessie is another person with good energy and he's "real" and honest. When's the last time you saw that in politics.
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