MJ Had NO Demerol or Pain Meds in Blood

edited January 1970 in News
I have been waiting for someone or some news on tv to report this, but it seems everyone had just passed it by.
According the the autopsy report, MJ had NO demerol or any prescription pain meds in his blood or in his room!

Here is something to add to that, it's a theory that just came to me
-according to the autopsy report, MJ called Murray to come over to treat dehydration.
-the first thing you do to treat dehydration is start an IV.
-I was thinking that with all those sleeping meds in his system, MJ was out. (that could make a horse sleep)
-once he was asleep, Murray or someone administered propofol with the intent to kill, or....
-maybe the Dr. or someone else gave MJ some propofol so they could poke around and find and steal all that money MJ kept in his house and the jewels too. They have not been found, and the security tapes as well!
-maybe it was the intention to make MJ sleep to steal these things and things went to far, or maybe the intention was to kill him and the money and jewels was an after thought. Either way, I wouldn't be surprised if MJ didn't know about the propofol at all. All the other meds in his room are accounted for with a prescription, except the propofol (even if some use an alias, they are all legal)
Please feel free to add onto what I said.
BUT NO MATTER WHAT, DON'T FORGET! MICHAEL JACKSON DIED WITH NO ADDICTIVE PAIN MEDICATIONS IN HIS SYSTEM OR ANYWHERE IN HIS ROOM. HE WAS PAIN MED FREE, IF HE WAS EVER ADDICTED TO THEM IN THE FIRST PLACE (I think that is a load of bs to gain sympathy and to get out of legal contracts.) I honestly don't think he was ever addicted. As a side note, people who are addicted to those things lose thier drive. If MJ had no drive, we wouldn't have Bad, Moonwalker, Dangerous, ETC.....there is just no way! There is some deposition footage of MJ in pain and when he comes back from a break he admits to taking pain meds...that was ligit as he was recovering from dental work.


  • i know.. its all mind boggling.

    My thought from the very start of this was that MJ didnt use Propofol to sleep... the whole idea is poposterous. It knocks you out, doesnt rest you.

    My feelings are that MJ didnt use Propofol to sleep.... that if he has died, that maybe he was told he was "going under" to have some sort of cosmetic work done.... that would also explain why MJ wasnt in his usual room.

    That makes no sense.. if MJ wanted to sleep well, why wasnt he in his own bed????
  • LavdHimLavdHim Posts: 352
    I have been waiting for someone or some news on tv to report this, but it seems everyone had just passed it by.
    According the the autopsy report, MJ had NO demerol or any prescription pain meds in his blood or in his room!

    Here is something to add to that, it's a theory that just came to me
    -according to the autopsy report, MJ called Murray to come over to treat dehydration.
    -the first thing you do to treat dehydration is start an IV.
    -I was thinking that with all those sleeping meds in his system, MJ was out. (that could make a horse sleep)
    -once he was asleep, Murray or someone administered propofol with the intent to kill, or....
    -maybe the Dr. or someone else gave MJ some propofol so they could poke around and find and steal all that money MJ kept in his house and the jewels too. They have not been found, and the security tapes as well!
    -maybe it was the intention to make MJ sleep to steal these things and things went to far, or maybe the intention was to kill him and the money and jewels was an after thought. Either way, I wouldn't be surprised if MJ didn't know about the propofol at all. All the other meds in his room are accounted for with a prescription, except the propofol (even if some use an alias, they are all legal)
    Please feel free to add onto what I said.
    BUT NO MATTER WHAT, DON'T FORGET! MICHAEL JACKSON DIED WITH NO ADDICTIVE PAIN MEDICATIONS IN HIS SYSTEM OR ANYWHERE IN HIS ROOM. HE WAS PAIN MED FREE, IF HE WAS EVER ADDICTED TO THEM IN THE FIRST PLACE (I think that is a load of bs to gain sympathy and to get out of legal contracts.) I honestly don't think he was ever addicted. As a side note, people who are addicted to those things lose thier drive. If MJ had no drive, we wouldn't have Bad, Moonwalker, Dangerous, ETC.....there is just no way! There is some deposition footage of MJ in pain and when he comes back from a break he admits to taking pain meds...that was ligit as he was recovering from dental work.
    so so you think MJ was murderer ? <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->
  • i know.. its all mind boggling.

    My thought from the very start of this was that MJ didnt use Propofol to sleep... the whole idea is poposterous. It knocks you out, doesnt rest you.

    My feelings are that MJ didnt use Propofol to sleep.... that if he has died, that maybe he was told he was "going under" to have some sort of cosmetic work done.... that would also explain why MJ wasnt in his usual room.

    That makes no sense.. if MJ wanted to sleep well, why wasnt he in his own bed????
    you know, that could have something to do with the shirt in the closet with the blood on it....hmmm.
  • beatitbeatit Posts: 63
    I have been waiting for someone or some news on tv to report this, but it seems everyone had just passed it by.
    According the the autopsy report, MJ had NO demerol or any prescription pain meds in his blood or in his room!

    Here is something to add to that, it's a theory that just came to me
    -according to the autopsy report, MJ called Murray to come over to treat dehydration.
    -the first thing you do to treat dehydration is start an IV.
    -I was thinking that with all those sleeping meds in his system, MJ was out. (that could make a horse sleep)
    -once he was asleep, Murray or someone administered propofol with the intent to kill, or....
    -maybe the Dr. or someone else gave MJ some propofol so they could poke around and find and steal all that money MJ kept in his house and the jewels too. They have not been found, and the security tapes as well!
    -maybe it was the intention to make MJ sleep to steal these things and things went to far, or maybe the intention was to kill him and the money and jewels was an after thought. Either way, I wouldn't be surprised if MJ didn't know about the propofol at all. All the other meds in his room are accounted for with a prescription, except the propofol (even if some use an alias, they are all legal)
    Please feel free to add onto what I said.
    BUT NO MATTER WHAT, DON'T FORGET! MICHAEL JACKSON DIED WITH NO ADDICTIVE PAIN MEDICATIONS IN HIS SYSTEM OR ANYWHERE IN HIS ROOM. HE WAS PAIN MED FREE, IF HE WAS EVER ADDICTED TO THEM IN THE FIRST PLACE (I think that is a load of bs to gain sympathy and to get out of legal contracts.) I honestly don't think he was ever addicted. As a side note, people who are addicted to those things lose thier drive. If MJ had no drive, we wouldn't have Bad, Moonwalker, Dangerous, ETC.....there is just no way! There is some deposition footage of MJ in pain and when he comes back from a break he admits to taking pain meds...that was ligit as he was recovering from dental work.

    If that was the case it would have come out in the investigation and they would be charged with Murder not misdemeanor manslaughter. Cause if that's what they where up to that would have been murder with the difference being premeditation. If order for it to be murder it has to be premeditated, meaning I have a plot to kill you, manslaughter is like you driving 30 in a 20 and hitting a kid, you broke the law and killed the kid but you didn't do it purposely so their for they would charge you with Manslaughter or vehicular homicide. Same thing as if your driving to fast in a parking lot and someone runs in front of your car.

    From a technical point of view if they wanted to they could charge you with that if you where going 30 in a 25. But that is something different.

    But I would have to disagree with that theory while a good one, I think that would have come out in the fact that the charge would have been different.
  • Well, you have to remember that they repeatedly changed the charge from manslaughter to murder to manslaughter again <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: --> I don't know what to think anymore. I've been following this thing since June 25th, and I've been catching every slip-up and change in story.

    My mom was watching this Paul Mooney comedy show where he started talking about Princess Diana and how he thought her death was an inside job. Not that I'm bringing it up, I just remeber him saying something like: "You can always tell when it's a conspiracy because no one's stories match up."

    Whatever's going on isn't normal, as to say, we're dealing with something very different than anything that's ever happened. Death hoax or not.
  • i know.. its all mind boggling.

    My thought from the very start of this was that MJ didnt use Propofol to sleep... the whole idea is poposterous. It knocks you out, doesnt rest you.

    My feelings are that MJ didnt use Propofol to sleep.... that if he has died, that maybe he was told he was "going under" to have some sort of cosmetic work done.... that would also explain why MJ wasnt in his usual room.

    That makes no sense.. if MJ wanted to sleep well, why wasnt he in his own bed????
    you know, that could have something to do with the shirt in the closet with the blood on it....hmmm.

    You know... you are right. I have wondered and wondered about that bloodied shirt and what it could mean... and you have just come up with a logical explanation.
    Was MJ having cosmetic work done at his house???? Is that why there was blood on that shirt??

    But why would the shirt have a price tag still on?? Also.. it was a very cheap shirt which i always pondered over. I would think MJ would always buy expensive clothes.

    WOW.. this theory will haunt me for a while.
  • mumof3mumof3 Posts: 1,973
    This whole thing will haunt me for the rest of my life if it does not opne up with the truth I just have terrible thoughts of Michael not quite asleep and somebody else coming in not the doc i always have thought that the doc is not the bad man there is somebody else,that is on the bad days on most of hte days i know it is a glaring hoax i dont believe in the doc at all I look at him and i dont see a killer i see a scared man or an acting man
  • beatitbeatit Posts: 63
    Well, you have to remember that they repeatedly changed the charge from manslaughter to murder to manslaughter again <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: --> I don't know what to think anymore. I've been following this thing since June 25th, and I've been catching every slip-up and change in story.

    My mom was watching this Paul Mooney comedy show where he started talking about Princess Diana and how he thought her death was an inside job. Not that I'm bringing it up, I just remeber him saying something like: "You can always tell when it's a conspiracy because no one's stories match up."

    Whatever's going on isn't normal, as to say, we're dealing with something very different than anything that's ever happened. Death hoax or not.

    True the repeated changes would make it strange but I was watching a youtube video on it that part of it just got debunked cause of did arrest the Dr. but one of the comments on the video make perfect since.

    "even if mj is out there alive and having a great big laf at the media on his "FAKE" death, he is still dead to the world....he will not and can not? come back....to himself and his close family and a handful of others would have been in on it....but to the rest of us (fans/ public) he is? no longer.....and even tho it hurts me to say this, maybe we shud respect his wishes and let him live his secret life"

    If he did fake his death we should respect that and let him live his secret life until he wants us to know, if he is dead may he RIP
  • Maybe the family took the tapes, to protect the hoax. Maybe something was on it that shouldn't be seen.
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