The Latest Sign of People Loving King of Pop All Over Again



  • sadly after his death younger generations realized what a good person he was. me for example. i'm 15 and my friend and my cousin in peru . we all like and respect him as a person and as a great entertainer he is/was.
  • gwynnedgwynned Posts: 1,361
    But isn't this the way it always is? People often have to die before you appreciate them. Lucky for us, MJ only had to FAKE his death to get people to wake up. Oh, and I wouldn't worry about how the press will handle it. I have to think MJ is fully in control of how that scenario will play out. I'm having fun steering the conversation with friends to MJ and then boldly announcing he's not dead. As time goes on, people are seeming to be more open to the possibility. Perhaps it's because the absurdity of it all is starting to hit home with them. Perhaps it's because it's starting to dawn on people that something is not right with this world, or at least with tHIS story.
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