The real Murray was also at the child support hearing!

2good2btrue2good2btrue Posts: 4,210
edited February 2010 in News
I thought that this would be the topic where we can all gather evidence comparing all the real people from actors.........
I believe, without a doubt, that this is the other ?Murray? at the child support court case.
Also, check out the fake "blondes" in this. The bald man with larger ears behind Murray #1, is the same as the guy at the helicpoter video....and theres more. Check out the video.
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Please watch this video to remind us of WHY we are here.......look for all the wierd things, and see how Murray looks exactly the same position as he is in MJ court hearing. He has mastered to "stare into space" look......Two very weird looking women or men wearing blonde wigs..........


  • 2good2btrue2good2btrue Posts: 4,210
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    Dr Murray in church wearing the same yellow tie again??? Body guards in tow.

    He must love yellow!!!
  • DiscoDisco Posts: 286
    Isn't that "Murray 2" wearing the cowboy hat in the second photo, I seen the footage of that on the TV from the side and I knew him straight away!!
    Good job on the last photo, never even seen him there & who is that blonde, very manly looking to me?? <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
  • 2good2btrue2good2btrue Posts: 4,210
    Yes, Murray #2 puts on a cowboy hat and glasses when he leaves the court. He has been seen in both court cases......If you watch the footage of the No.1 child support case, the camera for no apparent reason, ZOOMS into a rubbish bin!
  • DiscoDisco Posts: 286
    Really good work here!!
    Well done! <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->

    I'm trying to figure out the pictures on the wall in the courtroom to see is there any clues in them?!? <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
  • WTH??????? That's definitely him in the child support case courtroom sitting against the wall w/ the bow tie...he must be the one with the child support troubles...cuz isn't the black Murray married with two grown children???
  • excuse me...but I think it was already debunked that this person
    is not "Murray 2" or "white Murray"
    but a lawyer...someone of "black Murray's" defense team.

    Matt Alford
    <!-- m --> ... lford.html<!-- m -->
  • Yes, Murray #2 puts on a cowboy hat and glasses when he leaves the court. He has been seen in both court cases......If you watch the footage of the No.1 child support case, the camera for no apparent reason, ZOOMS into a rubbish bin!

    the person of your 2nd attachment is this guy from the scream vid
    and he accompanied Liz Taylor, when she was out with MJ's kids in the
    Universal Studios at Halloween
  • simplymesimplyme Posts: 649
    excuse me...but I think it was already debunked that this person
    is not "Murray 2" or "white Murray"
    but a lawyer...someone of "black Murray's" defense team.

    Matt Alford
    <!-- m --> ... lford.html<!-- m -->

    Oh, Thank you for posting this and the other person for posting the video with Matt in it. I posted a little bit after the original photo was posted from that blog that I'd seen this person somewhere but couldn't place him. I knew he wasn't Dr. Murray. Jeepers. I've been thinking on it for days and it just dawned on me and searched here for his name before I posted his identity. Anyway thanks. I knew he had to be part of the legal team because of where if was sitting in the court room.
  • meheremehere Posts: 558
    If you go back to the child support hearing on youtube, he introduces himself as a lawyer from houston texas
    at the 1:16 mark
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  • He's also identified in this video as Matt Alford Dr. Conrad Murray's Attorney
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