Guess what - Linda from Starflight Tours

edited January 1970 in News
...that the lady Linda from Starflight Tours(the owner) has also doubts that MJ is dead.
I'm not sure how close she is to some celebreties, but Starflight Tours is in business for 75 years already and was founded by her grandfather.
Check out her comments posted 1 month ago on youtube about some videos of Dave Dave, Funeral:

"Your right & MJ was the 1st one to do prosthetics, then E. Murpy+M.Lawrence. Yes MJ wants those that don't easily believe the media to look beyond the hype, On page 83 of the MJ Tapes by Schmuley~He asked "Do you think you will decide to become a recluse & disappear "? MJ said "YES" ~NOT "I don't know" or "That's a tough question". In LEAVE ME ALONE video the sign~ it says "MJ frozen in time at the age of 50"

"The real Dave Daves eyes are blue... Michaels eyes & eylids & brows are identical to Michaels. Certain gestures are very similar as well. Michael if your reading this somewhere out there... I LOVE YOU MORE THAN ANY OTHER EXCAPE ARTIST~CAN YOU FEEL IT?"

"That's Michael in prosthetics. Look at the part of how they show how thin his ankles are compared to his wrists. Now look how fat his hand & forearm is compared to his thin upper arm-a smooth bust when MJ hugs that lady...Pause it...Print it...Now you be the judge. @memorial: mustache was black & the ends longer. Grey beard-gone? Gibb has wrinkles...PLEASE USE KEEN INTELLECT & X-RAY VISION. SEE: MAKING OF GHOSTS. HE DID A HOUDINI. MJ IN CASE YOUR BEAMING @ THIS LUV YA & I AIN'T MAD @ CHA!"

Here her youtube channel:

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  • OneLoveOneLove Posts: 470
    Someone from Starline tours should come forward now.
  • Someone from Starline tours should come forward now.

    why? <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->
  • maybe there trying to get more publicity

    i never heard of them before 25/06/09
  • This kind of thing, along with all the other well-meaning efforts do bother me sometimes. If it turns out he really needed to disappear for his own safety, then he doesn't need anyone "outing" him. That won't be doing him any favors.
  • pepperpepper Posts: 558
    Actually, this person says they are Linda with Star MAPS, who sells the maps at the corner of Michael's road. If you go to this link

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    and read the comment from 4 months ago, someone asks if this is her (the lady who sells maps). Her response from 1 month ago says "Yes I'm Linda my grand dad invented Star Maps 75 years ago." You can hear her talking to the paparazzi at :35 in this video

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    at :39 you hear them call her "Linda"

    You can also see her at the end of the ambulance video that was taken from the Starlines Tour bus - (I can't find this video anywhere but I know it is still online somewhere!)

    The Starlines Tour lady is named "Lisa"

    6:38 at this link
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  • Yes, this is Linda who was at the corner when the bus left. She had come up to the house when the ambulance was backing out. She said to Ben Evenstad: You'll see, he'll come out and will be alright. Ben kept saying: Oh Linda, come on Linda.
    She was devastated when they took Michael away.
  • OneLoveOneLove Posts: 470
    Someone from Starline tours should come forward now.

    why? <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->

    To give their account of what happened on June 25th, I mean they drove right in front of his house after the ambulance pulled out of the driveway. It seemed almost too staged.
  • OneLoveOneLove Posts: 470
    Starflight?! Does she not know the name of the company? It's Starline.
  • Starflight?! Does she not know the name of the company? It's Starline.
    sorry, i misspeled it
  • 2good2btrue2good2btrue Posts: 4,210
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    Is this the video you meant?????? It's taken from a person in the Starlight Tour bus.
  • pepperpepper Posts: 558

    Is this the video you meant?????? It's taken from a person in the Starlight Tour bus.

    Yes, thanks, this is the video with "Linda" the Star Maps lady at the end.
  • darkchilddarkchild Posts: 1,161
    ...that the lady Linda from Starflight Tours(the owner) has also doubts that MJ is dead.
    I'm not sure how close she is to some celebreties, but Starflight Tours is in business for 75 years already and was founded by her grandfather.
    Check out her comments posted 1 month ago on youtube about some videos of Dave Dave, Funeral:

    "Your right & MJ was the 1st one to do prosthetics, then E. Murpy+M.Lawrence. Yes MJ wants those that don't easily believe the media to look beyond the hype, On page 83 of the MJ Tapes by Schmuley~He asked "Do you think you will decide to become a recluse & disappear "? MJ said "YES" ~NOT "I don't know" or "That's a tough question". In LEAVE ME ALONE video the sign~ it says "MJ frozen in time at the age of 50"

    "The real Dave Daves eyes are blue... Michaels eyes & eylids & brows are identical to Michaels. Certain gestures are very similar as well. Michael if your reading this somewhere out there... I LOVE YOU MORE THAN ANY OTHER EXCAPE ARTIST~CAN YOU FEEL IT?"

    "That's Michael in prosthetics. Look at the part of how they show how thin his ankles are compared to his wrists. Now look how fat his hand & forearm is compared to his thin upper arm-a smooth bust when MJ hugs that lady...Pause it...Print it...Now you be the judge. @memorial: mustache was black & the ends longer. Grey beard-gone? Gibb has wrinkles...PLEASE USE KEEN INTELLECT & X-RAY VISION. SEE: MAKING OF GHOSTS. HE DID A HOUDINI. MJ IN CASE YOUR BEAMING @ THIS LUV YA & I AIN'T MAD @ CHA!"

    Here her youtube channel:

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    Amazing! Like I always tell my friends, Art is a diary. MJ, your lyrics tell one incredible story! <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
  • Yes that's Linda. She was there selling maps on June 25th. I live in L.A., not too far from Carolwood and she was always there selling those maps before and after MJ was suppose to die. She's a huge MJ fan.

    She seems a bit weird but she is making a whole lot of sense.
  • Someone from Starline tours should come forward now.

    The tourbus driver was interviewed by TV GUIDE for their special called Michael Jackson: Final Days. That aired sometime in the last few months, I believe. She's on this video, which was posted to YouTube in August.

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  • MJonmindMJonmind Posts: 7,290
    In the Leave me alone video it actually says, "MJ frozen for 50 years", big difference from "frozen at the age of 50" for this hoax.
  • She would know if those two videos were shot at the same time or on separate occasions right? <!-- s:P -->:P<!-- s:P -->
  • OneLoveOneLove Posts: 470
    Starflight?! Does she not know the name of the company? It's Starline.
    sorry, i misspeled it

    It's all good!
  • OMG in the sneak peak vid you can clearely see someone lying on the stretcher <!-- s:cry: -->:cry:<!-- s:cry: --> It look like MJ with the same white shirt or sheet as on the amb pic <!-- s:cry: -->:cry:<!-- s:cry: -->
  • OneLoveOneLove Posts: 470
    Someone from Starline tours should come forward now.

    The tourbus driver was interviewed by TV GUIDE for their special called Michael Jackson: Final Days. That aired sometime in the last few months, I believe. She's on this video, which was posted to YouTube in August.

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    Thanks <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
  • mjkatemjkate Posts: 276
    did you hear Ruda say something to the effect that they had spent the time on him at the house and once they got him to a certain point where they stabilized him there was no more they could do at the home so they packaged him up and took him to UCLA...wth???
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