I still wonder why

edited January 1970 in News
I still wonder why Michael hired John Branca and Frank Dileo after he fired them so many years ago. Why just a few weeks before he died? Isn't that strange, and they are back in their old jobs. Frank was even the one who supposedly told the kids their father passed away. My thoughts were that Michael would return of Christmas day than new year and than Valetines day now im keeping up my hopes for April fools day. That would be perfect so that michael can proof to the media that they are fools. He left them so many clues but they can't evern figure that out, and you know why, because they are just out to hurt him and say all the bad things about him.
I,love you Michael. please come back soon


  • ..
  • The thing about Dileo and Branca is that they were the primary people working for MJ when he was at the very height of his success. Branca in particular made a lot of good deals for him, and if I'm not mistaken was the one who first found and presented MJ with the opportunity to bid on the atv catalog. At MJ's request, MJ was apparently Branca's sole client b/c MJ wanted complete devotion. I think maybe Branca was one of the few business people that MJ had any amount of trust in.
  • That's a really good question. Branca was apparently hired back only a week before he "died". And Frank was hired back in May after he fired Tohme. It's said he has mob connections, but I don't know about that for sure. Either way, I think it's weird and kind of suspicious. Branca was investigated by MJ at one point and was found to have an offshore account with Motolla...supposedly that's why he fired him in the first place, because he thought they were trying to steal his Sony catalogue. He was also the only one with a copy of the 2002 will, as far as I know. I'm really not sure what to think of him. But I think Katherine initially wanted him removed as executor...not sure what changed.
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