is it possible?

acswtgrlacswtgrl Posts: 23
edited January 1970 in News
This thought just came to me, so please understand that I'm just going with it for now until I can develop it further if necessary.

In regards to the different trails, or what we sometimes call clues, we've been led on throughout this it possible that MJ knew all along there would be a lot of people who would try to capitalize on his "death" and therefore he let things go as is instead of planning EVERYTHING out like we have thought? The reason I say this is because some people we heard from months ago aren't really heard from anymore. Could it be that their 15 minutes of fame are up and/or they got what they wanted from MJ's death...

Now MJ can do what he really needs to do to have his message heard without these distractions? It's like he's realizing who his true friends are. I'm sure all of us at some point wonder who would really care if we died; or we have wondered what it would be like to be at our own funeral...can't blame MJ for doing it...

Time can heal wounds and death can also reveal all the bad rumors and lies, so finally the good that we all remember about MJ can be let back in. He is missed more and more everyday, and the memory of him is so positive now on award shows, etc... It's like the horrible gossip about him is dying instead of MJ. He is becoming stronger in our memory and although it is painful for us fans that we can't see him physically, we are getting a big dose of reality.

I do believe there are things that he planned and there is a final mission/message to the discrepancies in the whole death story. For as long as it took for the media/people to ruin MJ's life, it will be awhile for the fans and MJ to undo it. So we all need to remain patient and make sure we stay on the right trail and not veer off to follow the wrong people who are only out there for their 15 minutes of fame. I think we are figuring those people out!

"Keep the faith, because it's just a matter of time." ~MJ


  • becbec Posts: 6,387
    I like the way you think.
  • Good message, very well thought out, not to mention the MJ was psychic. Somethings call for extraordinary measures.
  • p
    Good message, very well thought out, not to mention the MJ was psychic. Somethings call for extraordinary measures.

    psychic? really? or was that a rumor?
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