Brits - message - please hear me out x

StargazerMJ11StargazerMJ11 Posts: 137
edited January 1970 in News
I have just seen the Brits & there is a lot of performance art related to Michael.If this is in the wrong section then feel free to move it but I have been looking into the VMAs & Grammys & Brits & to me it seems quite revealing so I wanted to write it down & see if anyone can see what I see.Move if in wrong section but I wanted to get this out there. Please give this a chance whatever you feel I am not trying to upset anyone x


1.Gaga - mind control,breaking out , turning pyramids upside down, monsters revolt(thriller)

2. Pink- freeing herself from control & recovering,healing & feeling safe

3. Beyonce - Protection by Michaels dancers = his army - protecing those who come out

4.L + Russel - Michaels pics - Gilda, house, ancient symbols. twintowers/Isis pillars etc.-showing he is revealing the truth to us - his fans

5.Taylor/Stevie - bringing the truth from the past into the present & bringing back the heart&soul of music ?

6.Blackeyed peas - The road to Oz is our future but if you take off the mask & stop hiding the truth future can be stopped.

7 - Haiti - show our love in generosity & action

8. Bon Jovi - Rise up & stand together & turn the darkness on its head.


1. Lilly Allen- sings of looking outside to material/superficial things but she said "I am programmed to think this way" .If I'm not mistaken there was a big 'MK'sign behind her just before she sang those words . There were also soldiers in pink - which we have seen a lot of - pink 'hello kitty' guns,tattoos on soldiers arms,pink & tanks all under this guise - she sings put down the guns...

2. Kasabian - Tribute to Michael - fire all around them - sings something like " I'm gonna get you , Bring you down " - makes sense as a tribute if it's the illuminati they want to bring down - are they also saying they are with/behind him? Could this be a statement from him to everyone? Odd tribute otherwise!
.Missing out some acts here - not all details are probably right I just wanted to get the main points.
4. Sheryl Cole - Starts dressed in white - jumping up out of the stage ,then her dancers follow = TII
Sings about keeping the love(don't quote me on lyrics please!)
Then the someone else(can't remember her name) sings "do you believe in me?" - TIAI also put Lenny Kravitz song - believe in me out to us - she sings this while Sheryl etc changes to black & black/red (illuminati colours) all over the background & she sings that we must not be afraid of the dark .
Afterward Phil Kay says"It's about keeping the love - never a truer word spoken" - indeed!

5.Gaga - wow what a performance - she is wearing a white lace wedding theme like something out of Great Expectations - I'll do my best here but I'm sure I have missed a lot!
She says this is for Alex (someone) - sings "don't call me 'cause my love & heart are on the dance floor" She gets up & does some strange dance ? Then she walks to a cell phone (large one) on the right side of a guitar - she presses the buttons & in a synth voice says "I am a Free -B...." - Poison,inject me - I'm free B....,I'm free"
She walks towards us and sings a few names "Sylvia "& someone else - Then sings " what do you think of that girls?" Don't quote me - only seen it once!
She mentions Liberace - remember Michael channels him!( I have to verify lyrics on some bits - just in case I'm wrong so removed this bit)
The victims are Called by phone to come back - she says dont call - I'm FREE!
When she finishes the other stars said they wished she'd done something they knew - meaning noone has heard this before?
As she collected her awards - she won 3 - they said - Gaga wants to change the world season by season ....
Then said Gagas album is MORE than just an album - "it's an ART MOVEMENT" - wow!

I didn't see all the others but I did see Robbie Williams & he was great. Something has changed
& he welled up with tears during the performance - it may be me but he seems different.

Anyway - I just wanted to put this out because I feel that all these performances mean something so I want to give you what I feel MAY be Michaels message from Grammys to Brits;

The music is being controlled to create monsters on stage & off but the monsters are in revolt & are breaking out. If inside the system you can break free & rid yourself of fear & heal in safety.I have my army who will protect those who need it while you break free & heal.I am getting my message & truth to my fans who are part of this change who will be there to support me & you.If you take off the masks & reveal the truth then we stop our journey on the road to Oz - no more robots,no more controlling secret societies.Show your love through action of giving & saying that you will be there.Then we can rise up together & change this world.Look inside yourself for answers not outside to the false messages of materialism.Put down your weapons & hatred that is still there even if it's pink.Live for love - love is the only thing worth fighting for.Believe in me.Do you believe in me - Michael? Then look at the dark and don't be afraid.If we stand up for eachother then love will win out & the darkness holds no fear.
What do you think?

Love x


  • You have some great observations here. Unfortunately I missed the Brits but I'm sure it will be on again. I can't wait to see it all and the messages you see. Thank you.. <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
    They certainly are breaking out together imo, and it's wonderful to see their united message getting stronger and louder.
  • ShakeShake Posts: 45

    2. Kasabian - Tribute to Michael - fire all around them - sings something like " I'm gonna get you , Bring you down " - makes sense as a tribute if it's the illuminati they want to bring down - are they also saying they are with/behind him? Could this be a statement from him to everyone? Odd tribute otherwise!

    Sorry to correct you but I don't want you to get the wrong idea - this was NOT a tribute to Michael. Kasabian were just performing their song Fire and the host made a very stupid joke. He was referring to the Pepsi burn incident. It wasn't obvious at first, which is probably why the joke bombed.
  • You have made some really good observations and I really do feel that this is the message Michael is wanting to get out there. It's wonderful to see so many people in the music & entertainment industry making this very public demonstration for freedom. It's good to know that Michael is not a lone voice in the wilderness but has the backing of people who love & respect him for what he believes in. And it's all for L.O.V.E.

  • 2. Kasabian - Tribute to Michael - fire all around them - sings something like " I'm gonna get you , Bring you down " - makes sense as a tribute if it's the illuminati they want to bring down - are they also saying they are with/behind him? Could this be a statement from him to everyone? Odd tribute otherwise!

    Sorry to correct you but I don't want you to get the wrong idea - this was NOT a tribute to Michael. Kasabian were just performing their song Fire and the host made a very stupid joke. He was referring to the Pepsi burn incident. It wasn't obvious at first, which is probably why the joke bombed.
    Ok Thanx Shake for pointing it out I did say I wasn't sure about everything being right but I definately missed the joke.
  • You have some great observations here. Unfortunately I missed the Brits but I'm sure it will be on again. I can't wait to see it all and the messages you see. Thank you.. <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
    They certainly are breaking out together imo, and it's wonderful to see their united message getting stronger and louder.
    Thanx 4 the support x
  • DatrootDatroot Posts: 1,314

    2. Kasabian - Tribute to Michael - fire all around them - sings something like " I'm gonna get you , Bring you down " - makes sense as a tribute if it's the illuminati they want to bring down - are they also saying they are with/behind him? Could this be a statement from him to everyone? Odd tribute otherwise!

    Sorry to correct you but I don't want you to get the wrong idea - this was NOT a tribute to Michael. Kasabian were just performing their song Fire and the host made a very stupid joke. He was referring to the Pepsi burn incident. It wasn't obvious at first, which is probably why the joke bombed.
    Ok Thanx Shake for pointing it out I did say I wasn't sure about everything being right but I definately missed the joke.

    Yes, personally I though PK was bang out of order - this desperate attempt at humour was lost on the audience thank God.
  • You have made some really good observations and I really do feel that this is the message Michael is wanting to get out there. It's wonderful to see so many people in the music & entertainment industry making this very public demonstration for freedom. It's good to know that Michael is not a lone voice in the wilderness but has the backing of people who love & respect him for what he believes in. And it's all for L.O.V.E.

    Thankyou Emeraldcity,
    Sometimes it's hard to put an idea out there when noone sees it the same way. I'm not saying everything is right by a long shot but it does seem that as a collective the music industry seem to be doing things a little differently than usual.The messages seem to be in congruence with Michaels message at the very least & I thought what was said about Gaga was extremely poigniant let alone her performance.Thankyou for taking the time to read this.Much appreciated.
    Love x

  • 2. Kasabian - Tribute to Michael - fire all around them - sings something like " I'm gonna get you , Bring you down " - makes sense as a tribute if it's the illuminati they want to bring down - are they also saying they are with/behind him? Could this be a statement from him to everyone? Odd tribute otherwise!

    Sorry to correct you but I don't want you to get the wrong idea - this was NOT a tribute to Michael. Kasabian were just performing their song Fire and the host made a very stupid joke. He was referring to the Pepsi burn incident. It wasn't obvious at first, which is probably why the joke bombed.
    Ok Thanx Shake for pointing it out I did say I wasn't sure about everything being right but I definately missed the joke.

    Yes, personally I though PK was bang out of order - this desperate attempt at humour was lost on the audience thank God.
    Yes, for once I am actually glad to be an idiot! x <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D --> <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
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