A.Jones explanation of the charges against Murray

edited January 1970 in News
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Because I have had so many requests, and because so many hearts are broken over Michael's death, I will try to explain, the best I can, what I understand about the charges against Dr. Murray and try to address the requests for harsher charges. First, let me be clear, that this is only my opinion, based on the years I have worked with the criminal justice system in the US. Most fans feel, and perhaps rightfully so, that Conrad Murray should have been charged with a crime harsher than Manslaughter for the death of Michael Jackson. I myself, being an expert in true crime, wanted to see a charge of Second Degree Murder. But here is a fact we must all deal with: the harsher the charge, the more impossible it is to prove in a court of law. That's the reality. It's the system in the USA. The innocent must be proven guilty. If you bring a stronger charge, such as Second Degree Murder, then you must prove, beyond a doubt, that Dr. Murray acted with "wanton disregard for human life." Now, I myself, feel the doctor crossed the line and DID display a wanton disregard for human life when he left Michael alone for almost an hour while Michael was sedated on propofol, etc. But here's the ugly truth: if ONE juror decided that Murray's actions were not "wanton" -- were not "deliberate" -- the man (Dr. Murray) would walk free... The LADA knows this all too well. The LADA does not want another OJ situation. The only way to make Conrad Murray pay is to charge him lightly and prove that lighter charge beyond a reasonable doubt. It may not seem like justice to MJ fans... but let's face it, will anything help the wounded hearts left in Michael's wake? Will anything be good enough? Isn't what we really want, is to bring Michael back? Let's ask ourselves, seriously, what the best result can be of the Murray trial? Perhaps it is to put that doctor behind bars, and MORE IMPORTANTLY, to strip Murray of his license and his dignity... And BTW, to the many who request that MEZ (Mesereau) get involved, I have asked him about that. MEZ reminded me that he is a criminal defense attorney. He is not the prosecutor and his role, therefore, would be on the OTHER side of the table. He would never stand up for Murray, of course. But Mez also cannot speak for, or add to, the LADA's battle against Dr. Conrad Murray.

I hope this clears up some of the pain and confusion surrounding Michael's death and the upcoming trial against Dr. Murray.



  • Can anyobe tell me if one phrase sounds right to you? I put it in red letters.
    Because I have had so many requests, and because so many hearts are broken over Michael's death, I will try to explain, the best I can, what I understand about the charges against Dr. Murray and try to address the requests for harsher charges. First, let me be clear, that this is only my opinion, based on the years I have worked with the criminal justice system in the US. Most fans feel, and perhaps rightfully so, that Conrad Murray should have been charged with a crime harsher than Manslaughter for the death of Michael Jackson. I myself, being an expert in true crime, wanted to see a charge of Second Degree Murder. But here is a fact we must all deal with: the harsher the charge, the more impossible it is to prove in a court of law. That's the reality. It's the system in the USA. The innocent must be proven guilty. If you bring a stronger charge, such as Second Degree Murder, then you must prove, beyond a doubt, that Dr. Murray acted with "wanton disregard for human life." Now, I myself, feel the doctor crossed the line and DID display a wanton disregard for human life when he left Michael alone for almost an hour while Michael was sedated on propofol, etc. But here's the ugly truth: if ONE juror decided that Murray's actions were not "wanton" -- were not "deliberate" -- the man (Dr. Murray) would walk free... The LADA knows this all too well. The LADA does not want another OJ situation. The only way to make Conrad Murray pay is to charge him lightly and prove that lighter charge beyond a reasonable doubt. It may not seem like justice to MJ fans... but let's face it, will anything help the wounded hearts left in Michael's wake? Will anything be good enough? Isn't what we really want, is to bring Michael back? Let's ask ourselves, seriously, what the best result can be of the Murray trial? Perhaps it is to put that doctor behind bars, and MORE IMPORTANTLY, to strip Murray of his license and his dignity... And BTW, to the many who request that MEZ (Mesereau) get involved, I have asked him about that. MEZ reminded me that he is a criminal defense attorney. He is not the prosecutor and his role, therefore, would be on the OTHER side of the table. He would never stand up for Murray, of course. But Mez also cannot speak for, or add to, the LADA's battle against Dr. Conrad Murray.

    I hope this clears up some of the pain and confusion surrounding Michael's death and the upcoming trial against Dr. Murray.

  • simplymesimplyme Posts: 649
    It sounds fine. She's not dropping anything. What she's saying is, the gaping wounds will still be there no matter what happens to Murray. An eye for an eye will not make the heartbreak go away. If we could have Michael back, we'd settle and let Dr. Murray go because, after all, Michael to grace us with is presence again is all we really want. We can not bring back loved ones. Nothing lasts forever. I just thought this book was too short. A lot of books are too short. I will never forget any of this. We have many memories. The older folks like me have many more. My heart warms when I watch the dance tributes all over the world, by the prisoners, mobs and lets not leave out the 13,957 thousand Mexicans. What a display that was. Another one of my favorites was the giant sand sculpture in India. There really are too many to mention here. They're all great. I've never seen anything like it in my days and never will again. Keep your chin up, put one foot in front of the other and make a difference.
  • It sounds fine. She's not dropping anything. What she's saying is, the gaping wounds will still be there no matter what happens to Murray. An eye for an eye will not make the heartbreak go away. If we could have Michael back, we'd settle and let Dr. Murray go because, after all, Michael to grace us with is presence again is all we really want. We can not bring back loved ones. Nothing lasts forever. I just thought this book was too short. A lot of books are too short. I will never forget any of this. We have many memories. The older folks like me have many more. My heart warms when I watch the dance tributes all over the world, by the prisoners, mobs and lets not leave out the 13,957 thousand Mexicans. What a display that was. Another one of my favorites was the giant sand sculpture in India. There really are too many to mention here. They're all great. I've never seen anything like it in my days and never will again. Keep your chin up, put one foot in front of the other and make a difference.

    Thank you for great explanation.
  • The truth in that it won't bring Michael back is true for anybody. That we should sit quietly and accept that he is gone due to Murray's obvious unconcern for Michael's safety and well being while being entrusted to an idiot's care is totally different. I put myself in his mother, his children's shoes. Hell, the man is about to get away with admittedly neglecting his duties and as a result taking the life of my son or my father, and they want me to accept that in so charging him, he stands to walk away a freeman or get a light pat on the back for "making a mistake". Yes, I agree that there might be one or two crazies out there who still feel that Murray's behavior on that morning was "forgivable". However, I would rather see them sit through a longer trial, bring in more credible witnesses and experts, give drawn out testimonies and discuss scientific data of which I probably would not fully grasp the meaning of, and make an attempt, a serious attempt, at making a strong enough case to sway those jurors than for them to give up. That says a whole helluva lot about how much they believe in themselves in their own judicial process. I would rather he walked after everything possible had been laid out on the table and a good fight had been fought for justice than to see them say we'll take the low road, the easiest way out, and at least he'll get SOMETHING. No. I can't go for that. The message I get is that it just isn't worth the time, money or the energy. But isn't that what the judicial system is for? We vote them in so for heaven's sake, let them or rather make them work for our due process. Who's to say he won't walk anyway? But at least make him sweat during the process. I think Murray should be charged for the crime he committed, and it definitely was more than involuntary manslaughter <!-- s:evil: -->:evil:<!-- s:evil: --> In the end, before it's over, the world will stop once again like it did on 6/25/09, and every one will know once again that Michael is still in charge. He never stopped being and he never will. He is worth it.

    Michael, I love you more <!-- s:cry: -->:cry:<!-- s:cry: -->
    <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->

    However that whole scenario would be valid ONLY if he were NOT alive. I'm offering this statement as a rebuttal only to the original post. But we all know that there won't be a trial, Murray will go free, endgame, because that's the way it was meant to be. This is Michael's world and in it he reigns supreme. But for drama's sake,we'll just let it simmer...then BAM, let it burn.
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