M J could still be alive (sequel part 26)!!!!

IntegrityIntegrity Posts: 449
edited January 1970 in News
Please check out PianoGames new video on youtube.
Just type Michael Jackson could still be alive (sequel part 26) and tell me what you think!!!


  • tabloidburntabloidburn Posts: 1,621
    Please check out PianoGames new video on youtube.
    Just type Michael Jackson could still be alive (sequel part 26) and tell me what you think!!!

    <!-- s:evil: -->:evil:<!-- s:evil: --> gaaahhh!!! 'not available in your country'!?!?!?!
    i'm really starting to get furious (*lookin' for things to throw*) here!!! <!-- s:evil: -->:evil:<!-- s:evil: -->
  • katson45katson45 Posts: 116
    gotta link?
  • Sorry I do not have a link. It is on Youtube!!
  • [youtube:13ccsju7]

    Here you go <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
  • Mammu94Mammu94 Posts: 232

    Here you go <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
    omg eestlane vää?? jeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeei <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
  • Interesting.
  • Okay guys!

    Look what I found while watching the vids on youtube.

    <!-- m -->http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=34rtG7lEjDo<!-- m -->
  • Infinitylady » Mon Feb 22, 2010 6:21 pm

    Okay guys!

    Look what I found while watching the vids on youtube.

    <!-- m -->http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=34rtG7lEjDo<!-- m -->

    I emailed the person who made this comment. I await to see what they got to say.
  • here are some replies to this person response.

    Just read. Of course people are going to say anything but what they are saying is no different than the info that posted here about the illuminati and anywhere else.

    lolmik3 (4 days ago) no! dont watch the hoax videos..? all they do is take u away from the TRUTH! which is that illuminati murdered michael! if u support the hoax.. ur supporting the people that killed michael.. and this is not what he would want!!! watch the video on my channel... L.O.V.E

    thisisitSECRET (4 days ago)
    @lolmik3 i tottaly agree with you because they dont talk about the illuminati the real truth?
    lolmik3 (4 days ago) Show Hide +1 Marked as spam Reply | Spam @thisisitSECRET - thankyou! and yes.. my point exactly! keep up the great? videos! we have to do all we can to expose the truth.. its all michael ever wanted.. ? L. O. V. E. ?

    9nadi0 (3 hours ago) It's not "I'M TOO LIGHT OFF THE WORLD I'LL FEEL GRAND",

    iamaksd (52 minutes ago)
    Takes us away from what truth. Really the truth is there. Michael has been singing messages within its songs and the symbols yes? are obvious. There is more evidence that something is strange going on than anything. But all you are saying is the same thing then it is no different then what I have read on other forums that share info about the illuminati/NWO in which I am fully aware and in no doubt believe exist.

    iamaksd (52 minutes ago) Perhaps the Pianogame dude didn't intentionlly not add? illuminati but given more harder clues to understand the possibilities that he may did pull this off.

    TOUROFTHEUNIVERSE (2 months ago) maybe you should send this? to "pianogames", he doesn't have anything about the illuminati on his 18 videos of MJ.

    RedStar2fly (2 months ago) The question is deleted b.c user probably took it off. MJ probably knew later that it was Illuminati,? and then tried to get out of it.

    lolmik3 (4 days ago) @thisisitSECRET - thankyou! and yes.. my point exactly! keep up the great? videos! we have to do all we can to expose the truth.. its all michael ever wanted.. ? L. O. V. E. ?

    iamaksd (55 minutes ago) I'll just say it like this people! If he is dead he is? dead. If he is alive. He is alive. His music has much messages about what is really going on. We have to understand we are dealing with powers that be. But don't say he is surely dead if you can't prove with hard facts! People look for yourself and not let others think for you. There is more evidence there is much weird going on with all of this.

    iamaksd (3 hours ago) Fully aware of the illuminati, but what proof do you have that he is officially dead? It's more proof that he may be alive. The UCLA, the DC, the memorial, the funeral, the ambulance pic if that is not the obvious!!!!If he is, he is. ? But from what I have seen on my very own eyes even the grammy's somthing doesnt' make sense.

    thisisitSECRET (1 hour ago) it? all part off the hoax because mj wanne life 4 ever. let people think he is maybe alive. so he lives 4 ever.

    iamaksd (1 hour ago) Okay, prove that it is. Why do you think it is part of the plan to make people think he is alive. Why do you now believe otherwise? I watched the video. Your info is no different than the rest of the people on the forums one of which I read who share much about the illuminati, NWO, so what are you saying???? If this is all you are saying? then you really haven't provided very much no more than what they already have.

    lolmik3 (8 minutes ago) @ iammaksd - okay. listen to me. for almost 6months straight after michaels death i REFUSED to believe he was dead and surrounded myself with so many crazy ideas dat his alive and out there.. and that this is just the greastest hoax any1 has ever pulled off! den dis one night, i decided not to be bias and do research on both sides before making a decision. wat i found was crazy! it is part of the plan to make people believe he? is alive becoz before he died.. *cont*

    (iamaksd)Then post it if you feel its evident. Everyone is entitled to what they believe so explain what you have found because based on this video AGAIN it is not showing anyhing different that what everyone else has on here youtube or the forums.

    lolmik3 (3 minutes ago) *cont* illuminati already knew for a fact that there will be fans who will think dis is a stunt! so wat do they do,? they kill him, and surround him by millions of tactics convincing his easy-to-brainwash die hard fans that this is a hoax, to help pull the attention away from the truth. just pretend YOU BELIEVE dat his dead, yes - wat would believing in a hoax be doin to michael? how bad of an image is this.. sayin that he faked this, wat for money? revenge? mikes got rhino skin,so for *cont*
    Let me correct something what I just replied to you. I am not looking at a bunch of numerolgoy that many are using etc., etc., It may have some points but that still isn't cutting meat and potatoes of evidence.
    Remaining character count:

    lolmik3 (58 seconds ago) *cont* you to? believe he hoaxed his death.. would only make him seem greedy and selfish! something he NEVER was and never will be! yes the media gave him hell, yes the world drove him insane, but why now? it just doesnt add up hun. and this is the truth it really is. SONY - arch enemy of MJ since he ditched dem owning half of there publishings had COMPLETE POWER over michael jacksons last footage! thats 100 HOURS OF MICHAEL JACKSON to play with! they had this footage for MONTHS *cont*
    (iamaksd)I am aware Sony has issues with MJ and vice versa. I understand based on the videos of him exposing that plus even Dick Gregory mentions the catalogs as well. I know about that.
    Remaining character count:

    iamaksd: Okay and what is the evidence that you find that is crazy?! That is what I want to know.
    I am looking at info not just a bunch numbers? and numerology symbols that people are using that really don't really mound to anything. I am looking at evidence to say.
    What is that you have found. You keep saying you found it so was is it?
  • [youtube:lj1cnuqj]

    Here you go <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
    omg eestlane vää?? jeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeei <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
    It really is a small small world,isn`t it <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D --> <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D --> I am originally from Estonia but I do not speak the language so well .The years away has done it`s part <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: --> But anyways nice to see somebody from East -Europe <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
  • Didnt get the mesage quite.......I am talking about the member who posted the long list of comments......I.E, All that iamaksd....and stuff.
  • Just go to the link that I included and you will see for yourself.
  • tiuxtiux Posts: 23

    Here you go <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
    omg eestlane vää?? jeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeei <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
    meid on siin rohkem <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
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