viva Elvis

katson45katson45 Posts: 116
edited January 1970 in News
Viva Elvis show to open in Las Vegas...Hmmmmmm........wonder why now?


  • msteetee34msteetee34 Posts: 1,234
    I don't think that Vegas show has any thing to do with MJ sorry. However, I did catch Pricilla Presley talking about it on Larry King today. Of course he asked her how she felt when MJ passed. She just responded Lisa took it hard. Then Larry was like were they still friends? She said that they remained friends. So basically she didn't answer the question. He said how did she feel not Lisa. She just seem so cold about it when he asked her. I honestly think that Pricilla Presley never liked MJ. I think she was very upset by the whole marriage. I really feel that she played a role in Lisa Marie not having children with him as well. I think she was in Lisa's ear saying negative things while they were married. I guess she didn't want to currupt the Presley name but the Jackson name carries more weight in my opinion. I don't know why people say Elvis was MJ's idol. I never heard him say that. He said with his own mouth that James Brown was his idol. Even when you watch James Brown and MJ you can see the influence he had on him. I wish the Elvis comparison would stop because I don't see it.
  • katson45katson45 Posts: 116
    I don't think there is any basis for 'comparison' either...I do think mj realized of anyone in show business that Elvis would know what it has been like for him. I think that alone would've connected the two on a profound level...both were dictated to and controlled to the point of living reclusive, isolated lives.I think one day you may be very surprized...
  • MJonmindMJonmind Posts: 7,290
    I'm always hearing that Mj's hoax is just like Elvis, that they're both just really famous good singers. Yeah well that's where the comparisons end and Michael's just getting started. <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
  • Priscilla said some really bad stuff about MJ during Oprah interview back in 2005, I hated when Lisa nodded along saying Mj was very manipulative and probably wanted to marry her only because of her name.But she said that she really felt for him.

    Priscilla loved all of Lisa's husbands except MJ (bi**h). Must be something wrong with Lisa?????

    I always respected Oprah, not anymore (after watching her comments about MJ)
  • msteetee34msteetee34 Posts: 1,234
    Priscilla said some really bad stuff about MJ during Oprah interview back in 2005, I hated when Lisa nodded along saying Mj was very manipulative and probably wanted to marry her only because of her name.But she said that she really felt for him.

    Priscilla loved all of Lisa's husbands except MJ (bi**h). Must be something wrong with Lisa?????

    I always respected Oprah, not anymore (after watching her comments about MJ)

    Yeah I think Oprah didn't really like him either. She just did an interview with him for good ratings for her show. I hate when she did the show after June 25th and she was like I wanted to keep in contact with him after the interview but I didn't. We were not friends but maybe if I would have reached out who knows what could have happen. I was like please Oprah get over yourself you are not the savior of the world. You're not God. She was being phony on that show I'm sorry. She got issues herself. I hate when people act like their so perfect with no skeletons in their closet. I agree Lisa Marie know she loved MJ but she would let people talk bad about him after the marriage like she was embarrassed that she was married to him. She know good and well that she was sprung on that man. As far as Lisa's mom nobody put a gun to her daughters head to marry him so I don't understand her making that statement.
  • MJonmindMJonmind Posts: 7,290
    There's a whole lot of people that need to make a huge public apology for doubting Michael and deserting him in his time of need. Reminds of MJ's Money song, they do it for the money, watch the idle jabbers cause they're the back-stabbers. Oprah, Lisa and more are in that camp. The ONLY reason I have any mercy for Lisa is because Michael did choose to love her. I think Priscilla's problem is purely and simply honest and pure racism, probably nothing personal against him. Oprah's problem-she always has to maintain her image, no matter what.
  • msteetee34msteetee34 Posts: 1,234
    There's a whole lot of people that need to make a huge public apology for doubting Michael and deserting him in his time of need. Reminds of MJ's Money song, they do it for the money, watch the idle jabbers cause they're the back-stabbers. Oprah, Lisa and more are in that camp. The ONLY reason I have any mercy for Lisa is because Michael did choose to love her. I think Priscilla's problem is purely and simply honest and pure racism, probably nothing personal against him. Oprah's problem-she always has to maintain her image, no matter what.

    Yeah I agree, you're right. I didnt want to bring up the race issue with Pricilla Presley because I didn't want to seem offensive to anyone. However, as a black female I think there may have been a possibility that she didn't want her family to be intergrated. It's just a feeling that you get. She probably accepts black people but not in her family. I hope that's not true but I kinda always got that vibe from her. I remember I saw a clip of Pricilla Presley, Lisa Marie, Michael, and Janet. It was at a tribute for Elvis and they announced them being there. They were like Pricilla Presley is here, also Lisa Marie Presley Jackson, Janet Jackson, and Michael Jackson. Pricilla looked like she was so pissed that they announced Lisa with the last name Jackson and also because Michael and Janet were there. I bet if MJ and Lisa would have stay together and had kids those kids would have been so cute. As far as Oprah yeah she always got to keep that image going.
  • I saw a short clip of Priscilla Presley on Larry King Live. PP was asked if "they" MJ and Lisa Marie Presley remain friends. Initially PP answered that they did but in the past tense, then said that "they remain friends" which is in the present tense.
  • I have visited some Elvis forums and the comparisons are much closer than many MJ fans may realize. In my readings, I discovered that for years Elvis' fans have looked for doubles and possible disguises, examined song lyrics, studied his final days and the funeral, kept a watchful eye on his friends and family along with a slew of other things to uncover clues that he lived beyond 1977. I was most fascinated when I came across one thread where a guy was claiming to be a close friend of Elvis'. He had members of that forum believing that he was forwarding their emails and letters directly to Elvis. It all sounded eerily familiar to me.
  • I have visited some Elvis forums and the comparisons are much closer than many MJ fans may realize. In my readings, I discovered that for years Elvis' fans have looked for doubles and possible disguises, examined song lyrics, studied his final days and the funeral, kept a watchful eye on his friends and family along with a slew of other things to uncover clues that he lived beyond 1977. I was most fascinated when I came across one thread where a guy was claiming to be a close friend of Elvis'. He had members of that forum believing that he was forwarding their emails and letters directly to Elvis. It all sounded eerily familiar to me.

    But didn't they show Elvis in an open casket? I was in 9th grade when he died and I have a lot of memories about that time but I can't remember that detail. I never believed he was still alive.
  • I was almost 17 when he died. I never really looked into anything regarding whether he hoaxed his death until last year. During that time, I just noticed the similarities of how his fans reacted and what steps that they have taken to search for clues. In 1977 there was no internet or hoax forums for Elvis fan. However they use the internet now to discuss Elvis and whether he lived after 1977.
    I have visited some Elvis forums and the comparisons are much closer than many MJ fans may realize. In my readings, I discovered that for years Elvis' fans have looked for doubles and possible disguises, examined song lyrics, studied his final days and the funeral, kept a watchful eye on his friends and family along with a slew of other things to uncover clues that he lived beyond 1977. I was most fascinated when I came across one thread where a guy was claiming to be a close friend of Elvis'. He had members of that forum believing that he was forwarding their emails and letters directly to Elvis. It all sounded eerily familiar to me.

    But didn't they show Elvis in an open casket? I was in 9th grade when he died and I have a lot of memories about that time but I can't remember that detail. I never believed he was still alive.
  • There's a whole lot of people that need to make a huge public apology for doubting Michael and deserting him in his time of need. Reminds of MJ's Money song, they do it for the money, watch the idle jabbers cause they're the back-stabbers. Oprah, Lisa and more are in that camp. The ONLY reason I have any mercy for Lisa is because Michael did choose to love her. I think Priscilla's problem is purely and simply honest and pure racism, probably nothing personal against him. Oprah's problem-she always has to maintain her image, no matter what.

    Yeah I agree, you're right. I didnt want to bring up the race issue with Pricilla Presley because I didn't want to seem offensive to anyone. However, as a black female I think there may have been a possibility that she didn't want her family to be intergrated. It's just a feeling that you get. She probably accepts black people but not in her family. I hope that's not true but I kinda always got that vibe from her. I remember I saw a clip of Pricilla Presley, Lisa Marie, Michael, and Janet. It was at a tribute for Elvis and they announced them being there. They were like Pricilla Presley is here, also Lisa Marie Presley Jackson, Janet Jackson, and Michael Jackson. Pricilla looked like she was so pissed that they announced Lisa with the last name Jackson and also because Michael and Janet were there. I bet if MJ and Lisa would have stay together and had kids those kids would have been so cute. As far as Oprah yeah she always got to keep that image going.

    Theres actually a clip on youtube here when i think it's Elvis' brother or sum1 in the Elvis family come forward and state that the problem wasnt Michael as a person its just He was black and thas y Lisa didnt have kids with him b.c Elvis would not have accepted a biracial didnt shock me b.c evn tho its a bit racist i dont think he means it to be mean or anything, thas just how some pple were brought up(im black btw)...Maybe thas y Priscilla didnt like Michael(altho i think it goes beyond his skin, i think she just pure hate him) and maybe thas y Lisa didnt have his child b.c of her family...I'll post the video if you like......Oh and MJ stated in his book that Elvis didnt have an influence on him.........but anyway I think Lisa did Love him but was surrounded by pple like her mother who didnt, and their influence got the best of her...smh sad cuz MJ did look happy with her smh
  • I believe the perception that people had about MJ was probably a greater factor in Priscilla's reaction than his race. By the time that he and LMP dated/married, MJ had been ridiculed for his plastic surgery, lack of known relationships with adults especially women and what some labeled as his eccentric nature. I don't think that there would been as negative of a reaction by Priscilla and the general public if LMP had married someone like Will Smith or Denzel Washington.
  • msteetee34msteetee34 Posts: 1,234
    There's a whole lot of people that need to make a huge public apology for doubting Michael and deserting him in his time of need. Reminds of MJ's Money song, they do it for the money, watch the idle jabbers cause they're the back-stabbers. Oprah, Lisa and more are in that camp. The ONLY reason I have any mercy for Lisa is because Michael did choose to love her. I think Priscilla's problem is purely and simply honest and pure racism, probably nothing personal against him. Oprah's problem-she always has to maintain her image, no matter what.

    Yeah I agree, you're right. I didnt want to bring up the race issue with Pricilla Presley because I didn't want to seem offensive to anyone. However, as a black female I think there may have been a possibility that she didn't want her family to be intergrated. It's just a feeling that you get. She probably accepts black people but not in her family. I hope that's not true but I kinda always got that vibe from her. I remember I saw a clip of Pricilla Presley, Lisa Marie, Michael, and Janet. It was at a tribute for Elvis and they announced them being there. They were like Pricilla Presley is here, also Lisa Marie Presley Jackson, Janet Jackson, and Michael Jackson. Pricilla looked like she was so pissed that they announced Lisa with the last name Jackson and also because Michael and Janet were there. I bet if MJ and Lisa would have stay together and had kids those kids would have been so cute. As far as Oprah yeah she always got to keep that image going.

    Theres actually a clip on youtube here when i think it's Elvis' brother or sum1 in the Elvis family come forward and state that the problem wasnt Michael as a person its just He was black and thas y Lisa didnt have kids with him b.c Elvis would not have accepted a biracial didnt shock me b.c evn tho its a bit racist i dont think he means it to be mean or anything, thas just how some pple were brought up(im black btw)...Maybe thas y Priscilla didnt like Michael(altho i think it goes beyond his skin, i think she just pure hate him) and maybe thas y Lisa didnt have his child b.c of her family...I'll post the video if you like......Oh and MJ stated in his book that Elvis didnt have an influence on him.........but anyway I think Lisa did Love him but was surrounded by pple like her mother who didnt, and their influence got the best of her...smh sad cuz MJ did look happy with her smh

    Yeah I would like to see that video if you could post it. That's sad if that's really true but I kinda had a feeling that Lisa was influenced alot by her mother and others opinions and it affected her relationship with MJ. When she realized she was ready to make that step with him it was too late. He had already moved on. I think Lisa Marie was really upset after their break up. I think they actually did make a cute couple though when they were together.
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