Spreading the WORD

MjLivesForever11MjLivesForever11 Posts: 3
edited January 1970 in News
Hello all <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) --> i have been on this website many hours per day CONSTANTLY reading all th topics as i believe and always have that MJ is still alive! ( even though all my friends and family think im crazy! lol ). I have never decided to sign up untill today when it hit me today whilst on facebook that we could infact spread the word on there as its the largest social networking on the web! so i decided to create a fan page


I only created it moments ago and decided to post this on here to try and encourage all the facebook users here to join and spread the word L.O.V.E! here we could also constantly update the page with new breakthroughs and links of videos of evidence. Then finally post the video of the comeback when it finally happens <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->. I guess now i can finally post on topics instead of just watching and reading after all these months! haha so yeah thanks <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->
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