TuPac and Michael Jackson

sbrownesbrowne Posts: 30
edited January 1970 in News
New song 2010 Who is it by Tu Pac and Michael Jackson All of you have to listen to it on youtube I don't know how to get it on hear. Sorry about that. But I am telling you that it is eerie to hear them both, and they have done more songs together. Does any one understand, they sound recent real recent. I have a theory but I would like it if you would listen to it first, I mean really listen to it. the song again is who its Michael jackson feat. tupac it will blow you away.
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I feel so happy today. So will you.


  • Here it is:

  • @ Priyanka ...got my PM?
  • TerezaTereza Posts: 2,074
    What do you mean? It's only a mash up of two songs. This is the normal "Who is it" version.
    I don't know many songs by Tupac, so i don't know if this song has been released or not.
    But I can't see evidence or even a clue here that Michael and Tupac did this version together. And "Who is it" has a way better sound quality than the Tupac song, this (besides other things)proves that the two sound clips only have been mixed together.
  • I never heard this song.. Very nice song. I was not a great fan of Tupac.. sorry.. but biggest fan of MJ. L.O.V.E ya Michael
  • 2 Bad2 Bad Posts: 289
    I just watched the Tupac Resurrection film again on VH1.
    At the end they showed a scrubby field with bunches of sunflowers in the pictures. Not growing, bundled tied and placed.
    It hit me that this is definitely symbolism. Sunflowers with MJ and Tupac.....
    I'm not a Tupac fan but I am very interested in his life.
  • frogh777frogh777 Posts: 711
    it is just a mix
  • StyloprincessStyloprincess Posts: 544
    yepp it's just a mix...I kinda like it though <!-- s8-) -->8-)<!-- s8-) -->
  • looking4truthlooking4truth Posts: 1,450
    Speaking of cool MJ/Tupac mashups, I thought this one was awesome:

    <!-- l -->viewtopic.php?f=55&t=1618<!-- l -->
  • looking4truthlooking4truth Posts: 1,450
    Oh I found something else that is really interesting that I thought you guys might be interested in.

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