stun gun snitch revealed!!!

mjsweetymjsweety Posts: 99
edited January 1970 in News
scroll down on this link <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: -->

<!-- m --><!-- m -->


  • Wow surprising <!-- s:o -->:o<!-- s:o -->
    I never would have thought lools <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) --> <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: -->
  • KirscheKirsche Posts: 2,082
    So it was Grace...if we believe the media..
  • Wow surprising <!-- s:o -->:o<!-- s:o -->
    I never would have thought lools <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) --> <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: -->

    It says Grace is the snitch... but only quotes unnamed sources!
  • hesouttamylifehesouttamylife Posts: 5,393
    <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> Another one bites the dust.
  • again looks like garbage to me. i dont buy it.

    its so funny to me how people can sit here and say the media is garbage and spits nothing but lies but quick to believe them as well LMFAO!!

    i do not think grace is the informant. just my opinion.
  • Wow surprising <!-- s:o -->:o<!-- s:o -->
    I never would have thought lools <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) --> <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: -->

    It says Grace is the snitch... but only quotes unnamed sources!
    Hmmm thnx i missed that <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
  • Okay, I was wrong, looks like from this, Grace is the leak.
  • Okay, I was wrong, looks like from this, Grace is the leak.

    Im not sure its true, though... <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->
  • This makes me laught the articles does not name the sources that told them it's grace, lol.
    then they are contradicting themselves by saying that grace has been absent from the mansion for sometimes now lol.
    how could she call the social workers, if she wasn't there lol.
    this whole thing makes me laugh oh well.
    someone has to take the fall i guess once again it's grace.
    poor thing.
  • This whole story is some bull,she can't get custody of the kids if she tried,Michael left his children tob e raised by his mother, its in his Will,Grace isn't even a stand in,Diana Ross got that position already.Maybe she's being made to be the scape goat,but if its true, it sucks to be her.
  • This whole story is some bull,she can't get custody of the kids if she tried,Michael left his children tob e raised by his mother, its in his Will,Grace isn't even a stand in,Diana Ross got that position already.Maybe she's being made to be the scape goat,but if its true, it sucks to be her.
    I SECOND THAT! she can't get the kids officially unless MJ says so.
    but she can visit them anytime she wants to.
  • mjsweetymjsweety Posts: 99
    my[KING]"]again looks like garbage to me. i dont buy it.

    its so funny to me how people can sit here and say the media is garbage and spits nothing but lies but quick to believe them as well LMFAO!!

    i do not think grace is the informant. just my opinion.

    never said i believed it! just putting here what the media is reporting. I suppose they'll be some who dislike Grace who will say" see! i knew she was bad news" and others who like her or are more objective will say "nah, don't believe it!" or "media once again is full of crap"
    I myself am not to fond of the lady but again this is the fault of hearsay from the media, but i do consider myself objective enough not to just swallow it all and say " I knew it!" We'll just have to see , how this like all other stuff the media presents us with, will pan out <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->
  • tabloidburntabloidburn Posts: 1,621
    what i don't get here: why is there even a discussion about her getting custody? there is no way she will ever get custody of these children, regardless of her 'raising them*. which is also BS i think, cuz you have a nanny as a caretaker, not as the one who raises the kids. parents raise their kids, not nannies. she was mj's employee, possibly a good friend, too. but that doesn't entitle her to anything legally, let go any custodial claims from her side. her visting rights have already to be regarded as generosity on the jackson family's part. as greedy as some of them may be, but grace has no ground to stand on otherwise. if she is really the one to bring that mess up, her days are numbered and she made a big mistake.
    she might have meant good but that'll be it for her 'visiting rights'.
  • AvaMarieAvaMarie Posts: 714
    I don't know what to believe anymore.
  • Ola guys!

    Someone from the household leaked the story to the Social services AND THE MEDIA...

    I think it was the gardener <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) --> Really, do we believe everything without digging deep to confirm if it's true? I'm not a fan of Nanny Grace but there are a lot of people in that house.
  • anyone know why shes not there no more? Maybe kids are more settled now than they were when this all happened?
  • mmzmmz Posts: 450
    marlon in his twitter writes there is a "HER" inside,that passed the news to the maybe he refferring to Grace?
  • teine21teine21 Posts: 898
    WHAAAAAAT?!!! HUUUUUUGE shocker!! <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
    I'm not sure I believe it, we don't know Grace as a person, we have no idea what she's like.
    She's been fired before, fought with Jackson family members before & isn't around as much anymore, or so people say. So we have no clue what she would or wouldn't do or what kinds of intentions she has. Perhaps, she's just trying to get Blanket taken away, she may know his mom (it's probably a stretch, but idk what makes sense anymore, lol) the story centers around the safety of Blanket mostly. & maybe she's mad because she may have been told she's not needed anymore. Or maybe the kids don't want her anymore? Who knows, like I said we don't know much about her, all that flashes to my mind though when I saw her name & thought about her leaking this story was the pictures of Blanket a while back where she's grabbing his arm & he looks mad & like he's trying to get away from her. It probably doesn't mean anything, as a lot of kids don't listen or throw fits sometimes, but that's honestly what came to mind. Maybe she was trying to hard to be their "mommy" & the family told her to back off a little bit & she doesn't want to. At this point WHO KNOWS!! lol Anything goes...All I know is the person who leaked it according to Randy is a "her" & it's not Debbie, I highly doubt Alejandra would subject her own son to this, who else is close enough to them at any given time to be able to know what goes on with them? If she did do this, she's a word that I'm not gonna say on here. I mean really, who tries to separate 3 young children from their Grandmother after what they've been through in this circumstance? Or maybe she's in on things & was told to leak it & because she's the Nanny of the 3 children, she's a credible source & witness for CPS. Maybe the kids will live with daddy, if not & these kids are taken away & put with someone else, that would be cruel.
  • marlon in his twitter writes there is a "HER" inside,that passed the news to the maybe he refferring to Grace?

    That wasn't Marlon that was randy's who said that on his twitter page. Here is a screen shot of what he said and he knew exactly what he was saying when he said "ops did I say HER?"


    EDIT: My guess is that when Randy said it was handled "internally" and someone was trying to separate the family from the "inside" out he's referring to someone who has access from the inside. No shocker there really. It all means that it was someone who worked for the family. SO who knows it could be Grace. When I first saw Randy's Twitter the other day Grace came to mind but not sure why. I always thought she was motherly and quite harmless. She loved MJ so much. Her year book showed that when she was in high school. Lucky her her wish came to true to work for MJ.
  • I don't know why it would be Grace, I mean after all those years. Why would she do that it doesn't make any sense.
  • JacksonologyJacksonology Posts: 1,548
    Im skeptical if it was Grace or Not. 50/50
  • It doesnt make sense for it to be Grace.,.. why would Grace call the childrens services? Grace is the HIRED nanny... it wouldnt be hard for the family to say "see ya" and she has gone.
    She has no parental rights or rights over the money or estate.

    So why would she jeopordise her position and job?

    Besides - apparently she wasnt there (which makes even less sense. She is the nanny, so where in the hell is she???) - so how would she know the kids had a stun gun if she wasnt there to see it?
  • JacksonologyJacksonology Posts: 1,548
    It doesnt make sense for it to be Grace.,.. why would Grace call the childrens services? Grace is the HIRED nanny... it wouldnt be hard for the family to say "see ya" and she has gone.
    She has no parental rights or rights over the money or estate.

    So why would she jeopordise her position and job?

    Besides - apparently she wasnt there (which makes even less sense. She is the nanny, so where in the hell is she???) - so how would she know the kids had a stun gun if she wasnt there to see it?
  • can someone tell me HOW do you know kids are going to left the home ? I never saw that <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->
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