"Tribute By Jermaine Show" to Air Globally June 25th 2010...



  • heisinme09heisinme09 Posts: 494
    Just noticed something else in Georg Kindel's interview, which was CHOCK FULL of MJ reference, both obvious and underlying....toward the end, he refers to the earth as "capricious"....if you'll recall...in Michael's wonderful poem, "Planet Earth"...he refers to the earth as a "capricious anomaly"....hmmmm...to me, if this Tribute, in its second incarnation (6/25/10 in London) is actually becoming a reality, there is more to it than just honoring Michael's music and memory....it is starting to sound like a PLATFORM for reaching the world with a specific message about the Earth....if, like me, you are really beginning to wrap your head around the concept that this Hoax is very well-thought out, down to the tiniest detail, these two videos really lay the groundwork for that theory.... keep in mind, both interviews were given at an event that was exactly 30 days after Michael's "Death Day" of June 25th...July 24th...if Michael Jackson hoaxed his death with the intent of making a dramatic comeback or "resurrection", if you will....how do YOU imagine he would do it? This is Michael Jackson we are talking about, People! The Greatest Showman Who Ever Walked The Planet! He will not just walk out of a driveway at Hayvenhurst or Neverland or Carolwood and say, "Hi! It's Me! Michael Jackson! I've hoaxed you all!"....it would be for a specific worldwide cause that will justify the uber-dramatic effect this Reveal will most certainly have....I think some of us may have underestimated how serious Michael is about his love for the planet and the future of our children....this is starting to make the most sense to me in quite some time of as to why this is all happening....at the very least, I truly hope this is what is going on...it gives me the most hope....I think all of this is VERY IMPORTANT TO THE HOAX!
  • tabloidburntabloidburn Posts: 1,621
    ''Although Jermaine didn't reveal any of the headline acts, he hinted at his brother's return with the help of futuristic audio and visual techniques which will allow him to duet with the tragic star."

    i can imagine Jarmaine saying: " well.. technigues didn't work, so we brought the real Mike..." <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->

    ooohhh...i guess we get to see the 'lightman', then? can't wait to see if they open it and who will be stepping out! <!-- s:mrgreen: -->:mrgreen:<!-- s:mrgreen: -->
  • rasyterasyte Posts: 484
    ''Although Jermaine didn't reveal any of the headline acts, he hinted at his brother's return with the help of futuristic audio and visual techniques which will allow him to duet with the tragic star."

    i can imagine Jarmaine saying: " well.. technigues didn't work, so we brought the real Mike..." <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->

    ooohhh...i guess we get to see the 'lightman', then? can't wait to see if they open it and who will be stepping out! <!-- s:mrgreen: -->:mrgreen:<!-- s:mrgreen: -->

    and piece by piece by piece... <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
  • LoesLoes Posts: 612
    Why did he say AUGUST on Dutch TV this week????
    Members from Holland saw him say that in a live entertainment program.
    Jermaine was in Holland this week (and maybe still is?).
    beLIEve ... <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->

  • AvaMarieAvaMarie Posts: 714
    Did Jermaine actually ask these artists this time to do the tribute? And still no Diana Ross.
  • akirakaakiraka Posts: 202
    heisinme09 you put the same video twice <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) --> so here is Jermaine, pay attention of his speech it's very clear: Heal the World .. make a better place for the children, for all the people : COME TOGETHER. Now you understand MJ -the Green Man in We are the World? <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) --> I think now we have a better vision about all this.

    So : We are the World - COME TOGETHER - Heal the World or Save the Planet as GEORG KINDEL and Jermaine says, but JJ also said in this interview something very clear and he repetead related to Heal the World-Save planet : so JJ said : "as MJ always said, wanted this", meaning of course Heal the World ...<!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) --> <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) --> .

    Green Man is the same symbol as is Greenpeace and any ecologic organization. <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->

    Therefore who is behind all this ?? <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->

    "Here's Michael, THE MAN IS HERE ;) We all're here because of HIM, May that continue, With HIM LEADING THE WAY", sorry Kenny O. <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) --> I quoted you, but I like this very much from TII Trailer.

    and because I remembered this, please listen the TII Trailer again there si a clue in my opinion, the way MJ and KO arranged this sentences :

    "Billie Jean is not my love,I LOVE YOU, I REALLY DO,We're a family, you just know that!."

    To whom do you think MJ says I LOVE YOU, I REALLY DO <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) --> after that Billie Jean - IS NOT MY LOVE ?and right after I LOVE YOU, I REALLY DO..he was saying : we're a family you just know that!. In my opinion this message is for us, and we are a family all of us with him. <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->.And I'll tell you why 1: it is said immediately after I love you, I really do and second he says this we're a family... also in TII Film, in the speech for the team, but there the intonation is different than here in Trailer. So I guess here is the message for us COME TOGETHER and the mission is this Heal the World <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->

    And I believe there are 2 recordings for this one in Trailer and other in Film, that's why the MJ's voice intonation is different - the message is the same We are a family, but one is for team and one for us.

    I wanted to mention this here even if it's not related to this topic, but in my opinion I've always thought that we must connect many information from last months or these days with TII Trailer- TII Film because here are the roots of all events, information that came after, TII FILM or Trailer is like an open book MJ gave it to us, so we be able to make more easily the connections. <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->

    and here is Jermaine interview:

    <!-- m -->http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HuZKd5Rh ... re=channel<!-- m -->
  • GraceGrace Posts: 2,864
    Yes, we have to be soundly grounded before we can take off to fly.

    Back to the roots, back to WHAT MICHAEL himself has given us, where Michael is the official and public originator.
    When looking at this, there are some messages that are standing out.

    If you doubt, watch TII again.

    Don't fall for the BOWs of this world.
    Only what Michael has to say counts.

    In view of TII, the bad and evil events don't count and TMZ has evolved into an "OMG another joke", waisting time, effort and OUR PRECIOUS TIME.

    The only thing that is asked from us is to get our buts up and DO SOMETHING about our lives and the planet and the first and most powerful shield against all evil is LOVE.

    Spread the L.O.V.E. - that's the most feared and most powerful power in this world.
    Believe in yourself and just DO it. There is no reason not to.

    L.O.V.E. yourself and go into the world and change it.
    If not you - who else should do it for you?
    In this sense: YES, YOU CAN. WE CAN.

  • im concerned june 8th which mj fans would go without mj performing they dont know he could return there and would he anyway?? it will air 25th june not done on the 25th so im not thinking return here oh man im down again <!-- s:x -->:x<!-- s:x --> so he wont come back before this unless this wont happen or july if hes not back bu july im done im a mess but im sticking in there!!
  • akirakaakiraka Posts: 202
    Grace <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->

    Grace quote:
    In this sense: YES, YOU CAN. WE CAN.
    Do you all remember Nuez painting The Chosen One ? we all heard that this was Nuez's painting as a GIFT for MJ. Don't you think is important ? What has this painting so special in it ?

    It has these words written : ALIVE YES WE CAN on a strip which ends with Planet Earth drawing

    OK let's pay attention to this .. YES WE CAN were Pres. Obama's words in campaign, so what about ALIVE ?? Pres. Obama didn't said this: "ALIVE", he couldn't because it would not make any sense.

    So who put this in the painting?? Nues,right? And this painting was a gift for MJ, it very clear now?

    Also all the posters in Pres. Obama's campaign has the words : YES WE CAN AND ALSO THE WORD CHANGE.

    IN TII film we have the end of it with "Man in the Mirror" and something very imp. the finish is Make a/that change.. Make a/that change ... repeted by MJ and it's sounds like an echo.

    I also remember one of KO's tweet from the period of June if I'm not wrong ..

    " We (KO and MJ) just finished the lyrics of Heal the World.

    Isn't it strange ? what was to be finished at the lyrics of this song, we all know the song AND IT WAS FINISHED.
    Did MJ and KO changed the lyrics so this is the meaning of finishing them?
    When was this song programmed by MJ and KO to be released?
    Can be a plan of them for this song to be sang in the 2010 summer?

    I have this feeling that yes, and it's related to EARTH SONG- Grammy, WE ARE THE WORLD-Green Man now in febr. and it's coming Heal the World, I do hope WITH MJ !!! <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) --> <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->

    Maybe this is all about with Jermaine and this Show in this summer <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->

    And here you have Nuez's painting with ALIVE YES WE CAN

    <!-- m -->http://blogs.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuse ... =469530328<!-- m -->
  • rasyterasyte Posts: 484
    WOW... <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: -->
  • a fast song wud be better for shock value still would be a shock but wudnt like a jame entrance out of stage or magic curtains falling down like in magic tricks or an explosion and him appearing be better than him returning just walking on to that song? Who thinks he will return on june 8th? im not so sure cos of the date no significance remember its being shown on 25th not performed on the 25th <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->
  • MJsFan4EverMJsFan4Ever Posts: 334
    Well what if they do a Tribute concert on June 8th (my b-day <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D --> ) but then when they air it they edit it and add stuff...MJ stuff...know what I'm saying? What if he comes out that day explaining all the hoax it'll be seen worldwide so that would be the perfect time and a Shock since we will all be down after watching the tribute THE SHOCK OF OUR LIVES but it is just a possibility I WANT THIS TO END SO BAD but I have to say "Take your time Michael..."
  • could happen ill probably have to go to this now just in case he does return there <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> dont know how else he could return wud a speech being released to the media be too boring ?? How will everyone see him wemblys pretty huge <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->
  • DatrootDatroot Posts: 1,314
    Well what if they do a Tribute concert on June 8th (my b-day <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D --> ) but then when they air it they edit it and add stuff...MJ stuff...know what I'm saying? What if he comes out that day explaining all the hoax it'll be seen worldwide so that would be the perfect time and a Shock since we will all be down after watching the tribute THE SHOCK OF OUR LIVES but it is just a possibility I WANT THIS TO END SO BAD but I have to say "Take your time Michael..."

    There would be newsflashes around the world so eveyone would see it anyway.
  • SarahliSarahli Posts: 4,265
    We don't know for sure that this tribute will take place, I have the Vienna one in head...anyway.
    The title may be a hint but I can't figure out. "Tribute by Jermaine Show" ? At first sight doesn't seem to be a tribute to Michael Jackson. Can be to anyone or anything.
    And why not air it live ? It would make more sense than airing it on TV several days after the live ? To be able to add some stuff on the tv material ?

    Why on 25th June ?
    Michael's supposed to have died that day it's really not an appropriate death for a tribute even if not live, his birthday date would suit better...but don't forget that this death is a show, a hoax...and what a better day than the one when it all began to reveal the truth <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) --> "Here I am again back where it all started".
  • why not the 02? out of respect?
  • DatrootDatroot Posts: 1,314
    There are no bookings for a tribute at Wembley yet.
  • maybe just something to get us talking last time we were like no jermaine so he cancelled it maybe he will cancel this one too that would be 3 in a row right?
  • GraceGrace Posts: 2,864
    maybe just something to get us talking last time we were like no jermaine so he cancelled it maybe he will cancel this one too that would be 3 in a row right?

    Let's hope we are not in a run for 7 in a row until we find the real deal... <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
  • MJJ1982MJJ1982 Posts: 1,282
    why not the 02? out of respect?

    There's more space in Wembley stadium. More space = more people = more money <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
  • its a shame it will be only one night
  • MJJ1982MJJ1982 Posts: 1,282
    I will just wait and see if it's really going to take place at all...
  • ZIsisZIsis Posts: 165
    Here is an article dated from 6 March 2010 about Jermaine's yay/nay upcoming tribute:

    <!-- m -->http://www.undercover.com.au/News-Story ... on_Tribute<!-- m -->

    So, for now, it's expected to take place on June 8, 2010 at Wembley Arena in London.

    Personally, I don't know what to make out of this really. Not yet, that is. Your thoughts, please?

  • DatrootDatroot Posts: 1,314
    ... again, it hasn't been booked because its not on Wembley's agenda.... yet.
  • MJJ1982MJJ1982 Posts: 1,282
    ... again, it hasn't been booked because its not on Wembley's agenda.... yet.

    That's why I say... Just wait and see <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
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