SBS6 documentary: MJ, The Life of the Biggest Pop Star Ever

edited January 1970 in News
SBS6 documentary Michael Jackson - The Life of the Biggest Pop Star Ever broadcasted 03/05/2010







  • Thanks Mo, I've recorded this one yesterday too. Thank you for sharing it to here.
  • liegiliegi Posts: 640
    Thank you very, very much Mo. Very well done (I'm beginning to understand Dutch, I think!!). I suppose this was done before he "passed". Bless you!!!
  • xirisjexxirisjex Posts: 85
    i saw this yesterday too, however it's actually an older special ( called :"The one and only") and they cut a piece out. Actually I think several little bits were missing for some reason.
    I know because one of them was one of my favorite pieces that I used to watch it online lol
    It shows Latoya talking about her time with MIchael in New York when he was doing the Wiz. They were living in an appartement during that time.

    I found the special on youtube. From around 6:02 on is the part about them in New York. It's small, that's why I don't understand that it was cut out..
    <!-- m --> ... re=related<!-- m -->

    I don't know if anyone is interested but if you are, there you go <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
  • This came on E! Television shortly after June 25th and I was wondering why his family seemed so calm, happy, and collected...this was filmed before June 25th then????
  • simplymesimplyme Posts: 649
    Enjoyed the videos
  • ShoutShout Posts: 560
    Thabk you!!! I am watxhing RTL right now, it breaks my heart!

    Thomas Missereau advised Michael not to go to Neverland again after the trial
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