MJ - The Missing Tapes

ER911ER911 Posts: 248
edited January 1970 in News


  • imissMJ147imissMJ147 Posts: 123
    Another coincedence.? I think not. It just so happens that the cameras are off on the day he "died" hehe.
  • ER911ER911 Posts: 248
    "There are also gaps in some security camera footage stored on computer hard drives"

    I found that portion of the statement to be the most interesting!
  • QuirkyDianaQuirkyDiana Posts: 386
    I forget when this was initially reported, but it was ages ago, possibly even last year. This is not a new piece of news despite the date on the article. The last paragraph states On Wednesday, a police spokesperson dismissed reports the Jackson investigation had turned into a homicide case following claims on an online blog. That shows you how long ago this news was.

    Also, if the supposed tapes were missing, don't you think the family would have said something by now? If it were true it would be pretty significant, and you might have expected this to be leaked to most newspapers, yet on this topic there is nothing. I still doubt whether the tapes and said security system exist.
  • Michael MUST have had CCTV cameras at his house.. he wasnt stupid and he was very security conscious.
  • scorpionchikscorpionchik Posts: 2,669
    "Insiders close to the investigation say Michael's death - possibly his murder - was captured on camera, but the video has not been recovered.

    Exactly, as I mentioned in one of my previous posts, Michale did not need cameras and it was off that day.
    How stupid can be LAPD to say "murder was captured", i.e. killers let crime be taped THEN they remove tape and take it with them! So, they could not first distroy cameras or turned them off then commit murder. Wow!
  • 2 Bad2 Bad Posts: 289
    Don't forget that one of the reasons Michael wanted to buy the property in Las Vegas was because of the great security system. It only seems logical (whatever that is at this point LOL!) that he'd have some sort of security at this house too. If there are tapes they will never show up, maybe MJ himself has them. Hope hope!!! btw this site has a lot of links to other articles concerning MJ in Vegas. To learn we must study the past?

    <!-- m -->http://www.lasvegassun.com/news/2009/au ... onderland/<!-- m -->
  • tabloidburntabloidburn Posts: 1,621
    "There are also gaps in some security camera footage stored on computer hard drives"

    I found that portion of the statement to be the most interesting!

    yeah, funny...wonder who erased those particular files...or even just a part of a file? whoever did, knew his way around that computer as well... <!-- s:mrgreen: -->:mrgreen:<!-- s:mrgreen: --> and how come, the tapes from the cameras from just that day are gone? is there other footage even mentioned? like they have none at all or just none of that day? no details on that? hmmm... <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? --> and what is it now, physical tapes from a camera or files on a computer? like they don't even know what to call it? double-hmmm... <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? --> if you have a state of the art security system, which michael most probably had, i don't think any 'tape' was even used, it's all stored on a computer. and how come noone asks the family what they all took from the house? anybody had several days to go in and out and move stuff before lapd 'secured' (yeah, right - <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> ) the scene? that would be the first people i'd ask, if i were police. or even search everyone's house who was there after june 25 for those files. i mean, this is supposed to be a v.i.p-homicide investigation, right? <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->

    it's very entertaining to watch how confused all the authorities are getting, trying to make some sense with all of this. <!-- s:mrgreen: -->:mrgreen:<!-- s:mrgreen: -->
  • ER911ER911 Posts: 248
    Well, if the article was referring to a year ago, that is certainly not that long ago & it would certainly be relevant to this case.

    I happened upon another article last evening which was quoted from Nancy Grace(sorry I didn't keep the link)wherein I believe it was she herself that attempted to gain knowledge about the cameras. She stated that she viewed one camera on the outside of the property, obviously because she wasn't permitted to gain inside access.

    Still, I believe it warrants investigation to find out as much as we can about any security cameras.

    No, I don't necessarily believe that the family would speak out about the cameras and/or tapes. Why? Because as we all know some family members accessed the property before this was deemed a crime. None of us really know what they took & what they didn't.

    Obviously one would assume that they would seize any possible evidence that would help them find out what happened to MJ.

    The problem is that we've got a possible hoax & if that's the case, then the family isn't going to expose any type of evidence pertaining to cameras, IF they indeed know anything pertaining to a hoax.

    If the family was not aware of a possible hoax at the time of the initial event, but then found out he hoaxed his death, they may elect to never reveal what they took i.e. any taped evidence.

    Obviously if he did not hoax his death, then the family will use any evidence they have via their attorneys for the trial.

    Personally I would find it highly unusual for MJ to not have cameras for security measures. Now, it is possible he only had that one outside & opted to not have inside cameras, due to the past allegation concerning children.
  • DatrootDatroot Posts: 1,314
    Michael took them with him. <!-- s:mrgreen: -->:mrgreen:<!-- s:mrgreen: -->
  • mjboogiemjboogie Posts: 1,067
    Here we go again with the cameras. I have to go with the idea that surley MJ of all people had probably the most advanced camera/security system installed! Judging by his fear of being murdered? IDK to me I find it very, very, hard to accept that fact that LAPD have not recovered the tapes. Is it another LAPD conspiracy cover up? <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( --> Surley LAPD have recovered them which would give them the lead in the investigation? (If there is even an investigation?) OK I still want to believe that either MJ has them or........Murray. Him dissappearing right after everything went down? IDK what to think, if they were shut off (right before you know? <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( --> ) it was definitley a cover up.
  • I posted this a few weeks ago in another thread about the missing tapes:

    Quote from CNN on July 15th, regarding the missing security tapes:

    "A highly sophisticated, high-tech security system allegedly monitoring every inch of Neverland (SIC) inside and out, including Jackson`s private living quarters, that secret video of Jackson`s final moments gone."

    Jackson`s final moments at NEVERLAND???
    <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->

    Full transcript: <!-- m -->http://transcripts.cnn.com/TRANSCRIPTS/ ... ng.01.html<!-- m -->
  • Oh Yeh..that yuo posted on my thread "Where are the stolen CCTV tapes"?
  • Correct. I also said on that same thread: We don't think Mike ever lived at Carolwood Drive.
  • QuirkyDianaQuirkyDiana Posts: 386
    About the above cnn transcript - it was done before we even knew propofol was involved in the death of MJ! There is a whole load of speculation and sensationalism in this piece, because at this stage we knew nothing and minds were racing. There was even mention of a heart attack somewhere - at least get that right it was cardiac arrest from day one!

    About Neverland being the crime scene. It never was.
    We are taking your calls live. I want to go back to Mike Brooks, former fed with the FBI. Mike, very disturbing reports are emerging that there -- I said Neverland earlier. I meant his Holmby Hills home...

    There were very few (handful) reports of surveillance tapes being missing. Where is CNN's source for that? Truth is we know diddley squat about any security system, particularly inside the home. It's pure speculation. There has been nobody quoted who even mentions the security system set-up in MJ's home. However, if there was a system in place, i'm pretty sure Prince/Paris would know about that? Perhaps some of the security entourage? Someone would know about it. But we don't, and nobody has officially mentioned this to the press/media. It sounds likely that he did have cameras, but who really knows at this moment?
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