Alice In Wonderland

jacilovesmichaeljacilovesmichael Posts: 2,474
edited January 1970 in News
Ok so has anyone else seen the new Alice in Wonderland? I went last night. I noticed a few parts that made me think of Michael. Especially when the Mad Hatter said "I'm investigating things that begin with the letter M". Here's a quote from Johnny Depp from last year.

"There are little mysteries, little clues in the book that I found fascinating, that were keys to at least my understanding of the Mad Hatter, like him saying, 'I'm investigating things that begin with the letter M.' That was huge for me because, when you do a little digging... and you go back and look at some of the history -- hatters -- there's the term that this guy or that guy is 'mad as a hatter.' [T]he reason for that was mercury poisoning. "
-- Johnny Depp
Buzzline (
June 2009

Also, there's a part where the Mad Hatter does a dance (can't think of what he called it), but some of the moves seemed Michael-ish to me.

Did anyone notice anything else?

Great movie, by the way. I saw it in 3D -very cool!
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