What it's like to interview Kenny Ortega

yspaddayspadda Posts: 86
edited January 1970 in News
Recently, KO came to France to promote TII. A French blogger had the opportunity to meet him, and described how it's like to interview him.

The article is in French but, roughly, the rules are :
It's forbidden to talk about Michael's death
It's forbidden to talk about Murray
You can only talk about the DVD.

When the blogger dared to ask about Michael's health during the rehearsals, at first the interpreter didn't translate, telling Kenny wouldn't reply. When the blogger insisted, she translated the question and KO found a diplomatic way to avoid the response. Then they told him he had just one question left, when in fact he still had five minutes left. He understood that one more question of that kind and they would stop.
KO's inverview are locked. It looks the people around him are there to control what he tells and to stop any attempt to ask the right questions.


  • very interesting. <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
  • MJonmindMJonmind Posts: 7,290
    I guess it's all about timing, if we're ahead of the game plan they have to slow it down.
  • yspaddayspadda Posts: 86
    Still on the topic, I found another blog.

    On that article someone says he watched a journalist on BFMTV, which a rather serious news channel, telling that the questions were checked before the interview by KO's team. It looks that for the TV things are even more controled.
    In France some people are starting to have serious doubts about the TII team's way of behaving. They don't think Michael hoaxed his death but they took advantage of him, and exploited to death and that's what they are trying to silence.
    Remember :

    By the way, where on this forum is the KO section ? I couldn't find it when I wanted to post that thread. Even Dave Dave has a section. KO is a key actor in all that story and should have one
  • but ko has a twitter - if he wanted to talk - but it is not in his interests not to
  • yspaddayspadda Posts: 86
    but ko has a twitter - if he wanted to talk - but it is not in his interests not to
    He's under contract with Sony/AEG, so if they don't want him to speak, he doesn't speak, even on Twitter.
  • yeap

    he will not be helpful
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