Jackson Kids Emerge Post Stun Gun Incident

suomursusuomursu Posts: 111
edited January 1970 in News
Jackson Kids Emerge Post Stun Gun Incident
Posted Mar 8th 2010 9:38AM by TMZ Staff

On a family outing for the first time since the LAPD began investigating that whole stun gun mess, Jackson family children (L-R) Paris, Blanket, Prince, Jaafar and Jermajesty all went to the movies in Los Angeles yesterday, reportedly to see "Alice in Wonderland."

No word if they were celebrating anyone's unbirthday



Curious... Alice in wonderland... someone's unbirthday...


  • ChamoneChamone Posts: 272
    I wish every body would just leave those kids alone. Especially TMZ.
  • Unbirthday...?
    What does that mean?
  • ChamoneChamone Posts: 272
    What does that mean?
    It is a day that's not your birthday. It's from Alice in Wonderland. So maybe they are just referring to the movie, maybe they are feeding the believers again.

    <!-- m -->http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unbirthday<!-- m -->
  • suomursusuomursu Posts: 111
    Oh man, I thought it meant something... I haven't read Alice in wonderland or seen the movie (premiere in Finland is not until march the 12th) so I didn't know that the unbirthday was referring to the story.
  • ChamoneChamone Posts: 272
    Oh man, I thought it meant something... I haven't read Alice in wonderland or seen the movie (premiere in Finland is not until march the 12th) so I didn't know that the unbirthday was referring to the story.
    Maybe it does, I don't know. The way TMZ has been reporting EVERYTHING about the Jacksons leads to two conclusions;
    1. They are in on the hoax and drop clues
    2. They think the whole hoax is hilarious and they like to F-up our minds by speaking in riddles.
  • Look at Blanket.. looks so much like MJ.

    But i wish they would leave the kids alone too.
  • mumof3mumof3 Posts: 1,973
    I too wish they would leave the children alone what kind of life will they have being followed all the time it is so unfair I am going to stop looking at their pictures it feels just wrong
  • teine21teine21 Posts: 898
    I wish they would leave them alone too. I doubt the stun gun incident was as big of a deal as the media hyped it up to be. They just like to "F" with this family. Poor Jaafar, imagine how he feels? These damn TMZ people were probably shouting things like they always do <!-- s:x -->:x<!-- s:x --> Anyways, they seem happy. Paris is getting so tall!! & Jaafar & Blanket look just like their daddies <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
  • They really need to leave the children alone now!
  • am I the only one who think the 3 kids look unkempt? Blankets pants are too short and Prince needs to wash his hair and change his pants...I don't think this would happen with MJ... Am I wrong? I'm not putting them down...these are all changable things, I'm talking as a mother of 3 children, as well.
  • CrazyBananaCrazyBanana Posts: 745
    all the kids are cute...including Jermaine's
    I wonder if they liked the movie, I thought it was ok..
    but honestly, its a shame theyre being followed everywhere
    I like to know how the kids are doing and what they are up to, but definitely not from the media!
  • Interesting that they mentioned Alice In Wonderland, when we've had threads about that movie. It almost seems like they are getting ideas from the hoax sites for daily postings. That could be good, as in giving hints. Or they could just be mocking us.
  • am I the only one who think the 3 kids look unkempt? Blankets pants are too short and Prince needs to wash his hair and change his pants...I don't think this would happen with MJ... Am I wrong? I'm not putting them down...these are all changable things, I'm talking as a mother of 3 children, as well.

    I agree. Compare how well turned out they used to always look with Michael.
  • am I the only one who think the 3 kids look unkempt? Blankets pants are too short and Prince needs to wash his hair and change his pants...I don't think this would happen with MJ... Am I wrong? I'm not putting them down...these are all changable things, I'm talking as a mother of 3 children, as well.

    I think they look fine, Prince has on normal sweat pants like any teenager and his hair looks fine. I think people are putting the Jackson's down too much. Katherine's doing the best job she can, plus she's not as wealthy as Michael was. Just because they aren't dressed in the "Best" Clothing doesn't mean they're being neglected.

    as far as the stun gun incident, we've seen things like this happen in homes, actually far more worse, sometimes kids get ahold of things they shouldn't, doesn't mean it the parents or Gaurdian's fault. The media is blowing this way out of proportion. And also here is the video of Jaffar and Jermajesty in slow motion, showing that he only slapped his hand.

    <!-- m -->http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nRpZtVKNexc<!-- m -->

    As far as the media saying there's violence going on in the home I think they're full of loads of crap and Doodoo <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
  • am I the only one who think the 3 kids look unkempt? Blankets pants are too short and Prince needs to wash his hair and change his pants...I don't think this would happen with MJ... Am I wrong? I'm not putting them down...these are all changable things, I'm talking as a mother of 3 children, as well.

    I think they look fine, Prince has on normal sweat pants like any teenager and his hair looks fine. I think people are putting the Jackson's down too much. Katherine's doing the best job she can, plus she's not as wealthy as Michael was. Just because they aren't dressed in the "Best" Clothing doesn't mean they're being neglected.

    as far as the stun gun incident, we've seen things like this happen in homes, actually far more worse, sometimes kids get ahold of things they shouldn't, doesn't mean it the parents or Gaurdian's fault. The media is blowing this way out of proportion. And also here is the video of Jaffar and Jermajesty in slow motion, showing that he only slapped his hand.

    <!-- m -->http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nRpZtVKNexc<!-- m -->

    As far as the media saying there's violence going on in the home I think they're full of loads of crap and Doodoo <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
    first, I never mentioned the stun gun incident. I'm talking about appearance and Little Jaffar and Jermajesty look a heck of a lot more Kept in that picture then MJ's kids and If my memory serves me right...Jermaine lives under his mothers roof paid for by MJ. Mrs. Jackson isn't too far in the poor house I assure you! I think 100 thousand dollars the kids get a week can afford a shower and clothes that match and fit. How does a little less funding have anything to do with a shower and pants that match or are long enough? Sometimes doing your best isn't good enough.
  • I know you never mentioned the stun gun incident, I was referring to the media making a big deal of something.

    But I don't see any evidence that shows that the kids aren't showering, unless you see actual dirt on them, and that's not at all what I've ever seen. Maybe Prince has moose(sp?) or something in his hair. We don't know. And even if they weren't showering, how is that Katherine's fault? He's definately old enough to know when he needs to take a shower. Except for blanket, they' aren't little kids anymore. From what I've seen they are very mature and intellegent.
  • teine21teine21 Posts: 898
    I'm sorry but I think discussing how the kids are dressed & that they look "unkept" is rude, especially seeing as how they are all at ages where they are perfectly capable of dressing & showering themselves. Wth? Do you expect Katherine to bathe them & dress them? Prince is 13 for goodness sake, I started dressing myself & doing my own hair when I was 6 give me a break, I didn't always do the best job with my hair but I was fine with it & I didn't always perfectly match my clothes but I wore what I wanted to wear that's when I was SIX. Prince & Paris are old enough to decide what they want to wear & how they want to look, so is Blanket for that matter he's NOT a baby. Come on their clothing & style is not important. & I've seen pics when they were with Michael where they didn't match or their hair was just down not done or combed nicely, so what? They're kids! & Jaafar & Jermajesty probably get their sense of style from their older brother & sister or their dad. & Paris, Prince & Blanket probably have nice clothes too but maybe they wear their sweats & stuff when they go out in hopes of not standing out as much? It doesn't seem to work but a lot of famous people do that. Give them a break, please. <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: -->
  • becca26becca26 Posts: 789
    I saw Alice in wonderland, but the movie does not speak of the unbirthday, the cartoon version by Disney does. So Im not sure if tmz has seen the new movie, it's dark, not like disney version.
  • I'm sorry but I think discussing how the kids are dressed & that they look "unkept" is rude, especially seeing as how they are all at ages where they are perfectly capable of dressing & showering themselves. Wth? Do you expect Katherine to bathe them & dress them? Prince is 13 for goodness sake, I started dressing myself & doing my own hair when I was 6 give me a break, I didn't always do the best job with my hair but I was fine with it & I didn't always perfectly match my clothes but I wore what I wanted to wear that's when I was SIX. Prince & Paris are old enough to decide what they want to wear & how they want to look, so is Blanket for that matter he's NOT a baby. Come on their clothing & style is not important. & I've seen pics when they were with Michael where they didn't match or their hair was just down not done or combed nicely, so what? They're kids! & Jaafar & Jermajesty probably get their sense of style from their older brother & sister or their dad. & Paris, Prince & Blanket probably have nice clothes too but maybe they wear their sweats & stuff when they go out in hopes of not standing out as much? It doesn't seem to work but a lot of famous people do that. Give them a break, please. <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: -->

  • Unbirthday...?
    What does that mean?
    It is a day that's not your birthday. It's from Alice in Wonderland. So maybe they are just referring to the movie, maybe they are feeding the believers again.

    <!-- m -->http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unbirthday<!-- m -->

    Holy crumbles! <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> Well that was random...

    But I mean.. like...saying it is Mikes "unbirthday" would be like saying he is bein re-born?!


    "somebodys unbirthday" ?? <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: -->
  • ... I'm not gonna lie, all I saw when I clicked on this was Blanket's haircut >( It's still long, but jeez...

    I can't believe people don't know what an Unbirthday is <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> That was the most memorable part of the Disney cartoon movie, I think. It's also referenced a lot in pop culture.
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