Kids to go with Grace? Public schooling??

XspeechlessXXspeechlessX Posts: 666
edited January 1970 in News
With everything imploding inside the Jackson home, should Michael’s children be placed with another guardian? The insider says it’s not that simple.

“What are the options? Michael was very careful about who and what his children were exposed to,” said the source.

“They need someone who can be a constant for them…hopefully that person can be Grace [Jackson nanny Grace Rwaramba]. Her concern has always been for Michael and now it is for his children. She is absolutely dedicated to their well being.”

It has also be reported that the three kids might soon have a chance at a “normal” slice of childhood and it seems even their legal guardian Katherine, is considering sending the trio to a regular school this fall.

Currently the children are being homeschooled, while their cousins who also reside at the family’s Encino, California home attend school outside the compound. No decisions have been made as of yet."

Public schooling???!!! Have they gone insane??? <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: -->


  • ChamoneChamone Posts: 272
    Where did you read this?

    I don't think public schooling is a very bad idea. I think it would be good for the kids te have as much as a 'normal' life as they can.

    Here in Holland, the royal family also send their children to a public school. One of the princes was my boyfriend's classmate. He even was invited for a party at the palace <!-- s:mrgreen: -->:mrgreen:<!-- s:mrgreen: --> . Isn't there a school in LA with a lot of children from famous parents? Maybe they can go there, they'll fit right in.

    I don't know if Grace is the best option, but I do now that it must be hard for Miss Katherine ro raise five youngsters at her age.
  • Where did you read this?

    I don't think public schooling is a very bad idea. I think it would be good for the kids te have as much as a 'normal' life as they can.

    Here in Holland, the royal family also send their children to a public school. One of the princes was my boyfriend's classmate. He even was invited for a party at the palace <!-- s:mrgreen: -->:mrgreen:<!-- s:mrgreen: --> . Isn't there a school in LA with a lot of children from famous parents? Maybe they can go there, they'll fit right in.

    I don't know if Grace is the best option, but I do now that it must be hard for Miss Katherine ro raise five youngsters at her age.

    I was really rather hoping they would go back to Michael....

    And i was thinking about what they may hear about Michael there. If some of the other kids didnt like him... you can imagine what im talking about.
    I dont think its a good idea.

    Heres the link...
  • ChamoneChamone Posts: 272
    Where did you read this?

    I don't think public schooling is a very bad idea. I think it would be good for the kids te have as much as a 'normal' life as they can.

    Here in Holland, the royal family also send their children to a public school. One of the princes was my boyfriend's classmate. He even was invited for a party at the palace <!-- s:mrgreen: -->:mrgreen:<!-- s:mrgreen: --> . Isn't there a school in LA with a lot of children from famous parents? Maybe they can go there, they'll fit right in.

    I don't know if Grace is the best option, but I do now that it must be hard for Miss Katherine ro raise five youngsters at her age.

    I was really rather hoping they would go back to Michael....

    And i was thinking about what they may hear about Michael there. If some of the other kids didnt like him... you can imagine what im talking about.
    I dont think its a good idea.

    Heres the link...

    The real source is RadarOnline <!-- m --> ... upervision<!-- m -->
    They got their info from 'a source close to the Jacksons'. Every time I read information form 'a source close to the Jacksons' I instantly raise my eyebrow. And when I raise my eyebrow, there is something fishy. <!-- s:mrgreen: -->:mrgreen:<!-- s:mrgreen: -->

    To me, all this is just hearsay. And maybe when they are going to live with Grace, Daddy will be there too. Who knows. <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->

    And I can imagine what you're talking about. They probably will run into ignorant kids telling them their father is a pedo, a weirdo, a wacko and what not. But almost every body get's teased in highschool about something. One of my friends has two dads (yup, they're homosexuals with a daughter from a donor) and every once in a while she runs into someone making 'jokes' about that, or just being mean. She can take it. Because she knows both her dads are amazing and have raised her well. Ofcourse it hurts sometimes, but it hasn't scarred her.

    J3 will find out what people have said about their father. But remember, they will not only hear about the mean things, but also how many people love him and how many hearts he has touched. I don't think you can shield these kids (or any children) from mean, short sighted people.
  • Hmm.. maybe. I just recall Michael saying he would never send them to a public school cause it just wouldnt work.

    <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->
  • If this is true and I remember correctly.....if katherine wasnt able to care for the kids, then werent they suppose to be cared for by DIANA ROSS??? I didnt see Graces name in the will!!!
  • If this is true and I remember correctly.....if katherine wasnt able to care for the kids, then werent they suppose to be cared for by DIANA ROSS??? I didnt see Graces name in the will!!!

    True... I wonder where Diana is these days... ?? <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? --> <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
  • ChamoneChamone Posts: 272
    Hmm.. maybe. I just recall Michael saying he would never send them to a public school cause it just wouldnt work.

    <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->
    I think it is sweet that you care so much about those kids. <3
  • mjboogiemjboogie Posts: 1,067
    Dang, all this stuff with Grace the nanny (being so she was in MJ and those kids lives this long) makes me think well (dont kill me for saying it!) MJ and Grace like 2gether? <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->
  • I get really scared at the thought of them going to public school o_o
    I go to public school and by the time I was 11 I'd heard pretty much everything you never wanted to know about sex and drugs and all that stuff, from kids my own age...
    I don't think it's a good idea for them, I'd like them to stay beautiful, if you know what I mean.
    And... there are some things I don't think they know about "Daddy" that I'm sure other kids will pelt them with. Kids are honest... that's not always a good thing.
    I think they should have friends outside of their family but public school is definately NOT where those three should make them...
  • Happy FeetHappy Feet Posts: 320
    If this is true and I remember correctly.....if katherine wasnt able to care for the kids, then werent they suppose to be cared for by DIANA ROSS??? I didnt see Graces name in the will!!!

    The will is only valid in terms of the conditions being met from the get-go. If the said guardian loses custody to the state and DCFS gain legal guardianship of the children, will or not, the final decision of where the kids go rests with DCFS. Not the Jacksons, not Grace and defintely not Michael. It doesn't matter what the will says at this point. Diana would only again custody if katherine voluntarily relinquished her rights from the onset. I doubt Diana would even want custody. The advantage that Grace has is that she does have an established relationship with the kids and this is always taken into account when dealing with DCFS. It's not the only thing taken into account, but it does help.

    If DCFS gain legal guardianship of the kids, the hoax is defintely over for me.
  • “They need someone who can be a constant for them…hopefully that person can be Grace [Jackson nanny Grace Rwaramba]. Her concern has always been for Michael and now it is for his children. She is absolutely dedicated to their well being.”

    Who said that Grace has always been for Michael? We don't know if that is true and if they end up going with her she will probably expect a huge payout as guardian. I have my doubts about this story but that's just my opinion. Blessings.
  • miss jmiss j Posts: 346
    going to public school may expose them to all kind of person, so they can prepare themselves on how to face and deal with these different kind of people and the world in its reality. but actually i don't know, being children of the most famous person in the could be hard for them....i just wish the best for the kids...... <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->
  • foreverkingforeverking Posts: 206
    I don't think they would put them public school. I believe the cousins go to a private school and I don't think the kids would have a problem going to this particular school. A lot of famous kids and kids with famous parents go to this school, so everyone, including the students would'nt treat them any different. As a matter of fact I think it would be a good idea for them to have some normal life for once. I'm all for homeschool but I think at a certain point, especially for Prince Michael it would be nice for him to have a social life.
  • So nanny Grace is making her move.
    I haven't been around for a while and I stop back in to find all of this stuff concerning the children and the media questioning Katherine's ability to raise them. I found Randy's tweets after the stun gun incident quite interesting as he said that there was a certain "she" who was trying to split the family apart for her own personal gains. Who would gain from that more than the sweet nanny who is obviously the next best choice to take care of the kids?
    What I've heard about this Grace is that she has been fired and rehired several times in the past so I'm sure she has a certain charm to her that gets her on the inside.
    Just something to think about guys.
    Another interesting little note is that she was introduced to Michael by the mysterious Tohme.

    On a personal level I wish to say that it drives me crazy that people think public school is the way for a child to be introduced to reality. There is this mentality that if a child is homeschooled, he will suffer socially and not know "what it's really like out there", or have no friends and be unable to function in the world when they become adults. Look into it a little and you will find that quite the opposite is true. I for one have experienced both worlds and I can tell you that I gained infinitely more from my years homeschooling (both socially and along the lines of education) than I ever could have during my time in public school.

    Ok I'm getting off my soapbox now.
  • SangreSangre Posts: 648
    Public schooling would be the best idea from the children's perspective, but how the hell can journalists and paparazzi be kept away from the kids? The children don't wear masks anymore, everyone knows what they look like...
  • SangreSangre Posts: 648

    IF he is alive.
  • teine21teine21 Posts: 898
    I don't think public school is a good idea for them. They will be tormented by other kids who are too young to decide for themselves about MJ, they will repeat everything they've ever heard about him & tease the crap out them. Even in old videos Genevieve, Randy Jr, Donte & Jaafar have said that kids say mean stuff about their uncle at school & they had to be reminded not to listen & learn to ignore it. & in interviews MJ has said he doesn't send his kids to regular school because of how mean other kids can be & he doesn't want his kids to be called 'Jacko', which they will. Kids are mean to each other period especially at Prince & Paris' age, even without someone being a celebrity's kid, let alone the King of Pop's kid. Yes, the royal family may attend regular school, as someone said, but they are not MICHAEL JACKSON's kids. After all that he's beena accused of, the horrible things that have been said about him, the fact that adults & young people older than Prince & Paris make rude comments about them 'not being MJ's kids', the plastic surgery jokes, kids will repeat that stuff & I don't think they should have to go through that. Public school would be great if their father wasn't the target of so much hate & the center of rude comments & jokes for years. I was under the impression even Jaafar & Jermajesty were home schooled too, so I hope this is bs. Because if they are seriously thinking about sending MJ's precious children into public schooling, NONE of them are fit to be caring for them. Michael was smart & did a great job protecting his kids from what HE didn't want them around & for good reasons too. I don't believe it's true, if Michael IS alive this will not happen. He knows what's best for his kids & he knows how cruel people can be, he lived through it & he'd never put his kids through it. Some of the world may have changed their minds about him but not everyone has & kids will repeat what they hear & they actually listen to the media.
  • MashMikeMashMike Posts: 1,312
    Absolutely agree with you Teine21,Mike himself said many times that he was doin' everything to shield and protect his kids' world,he would never send them to a public school,he also said in Bashir's interview that it would not work,even teachers would be mean to them cause they are Michael Jackson's children,if Mike is alive,and i do think so,this will never happen,i just hope that this story is another media BS
  • If this is true and I remember correctly.....if katherine wasnt able to care for the kids, then werent they suppose to be cared for by DIANA ROSS??? I didnt see Graces name in the will!!!

    The will is only valid in terms of the conditions being met from the get-go. If the said guardian loses custody to the state and DCFS gain legal guardianship of the children, will or not, the final decision of where the kids go rests with DCFS. Not the Jacksons, not Grace and defintely not Michael. It doesn't matter what the will says at this point. Diana would only again custody if katherine voluntarily relinquished her rights from the onset. I doubt Diana would even want custody. The advantage that Grace has is that she does have an established relationship with the kids and this is always taken into account when dealing with DCFS. It's not the only thing taken into account, but it does help.

    If DCFS gain legal guardianship of the kids, the hoax is defintely over for me.

    Thank you for that....I didnt know all the legal stuff surrounding all this. I think if DCFS gain guardianship then I think it will be over for me too. <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( -->
  • do you not think that this could all be deflection,

    we had the leaks when the kids did sports, the leaks about a thanksgiving weekend,

    the estate agents particulars that there were only 5 bedrooms in ma jacksons house, that is obviously incorrect with the masses living there and the staff

    then we had the leak about the stun gun and now the leak about the slapping

    we had social service attend the property - was this on appointment

    we had the burgulary - with helipoters etc

    if mikes there then excellent deflection?
  • just hoping the kids, all of them, are fine. And that KJ is fine as well.
  • Diana Ross is way too busy doing gigs all over America...
  • all the kids some to need a loving parent looking out for them

    some may worry for the future

    they may be rich but somethings lacking
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