Calm before the storm? TMZ/TS

jacilovesmichaeljacilovesmichael Posts: 2,474
edited January 1970 in News
Did anyone else think it was strange that TMZ had NO posts about Michael today (March 10th)? Also, up at the top of the website it says "hot searches" and EVERYTIME I've seen that it has always listed Michael Jackson as one of the 3. That could be random, I realize.

I just think it's interesting that nothing was posted about Michael or the family and it was also the day of the new TIAI redirect (where is the final part of it? Don't leave us hanging! <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D --> ). It almost confirms that everything is connected and whoever TS is, is also in contact or in control of what is posted on TMZ.

I feel like the silence from TMZ and the incomplete redirect could be the "calm before the storm", like something is about to happen.



  • That was my first thought after I read the update from February! TS must be working for TMZ! How the heck would anybody else know the exact time when the articles were posted and that they were EDITED later on??? <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: --> Who else pays attention to that???
    He must be from TMZ! <!-- s:o -->:o<!-- s:o -->
  • I know what you mean. I don't necessarily think that is a good or bad thing. For all we know, it could be Michael himself.
  • ShoutShout Posts: 560
    I think he is not from TMZ but that this is a big STORY with big LIES to me TIAI is the same BS as BOW.
  • I think he is not from TMZ but that this is a big STORY with big LIES to me TIAI is the same BS as BOW.

    Well, we've gathered a lot of information from TS. I still feel their information is valuable. What makes you think it's BS? Just wondering.

    Still nothing on TMZ and no new redirect from TIAI - strange...
  • ShoutShout Posts: 560
    I think he is not from TMZ but that this is a big STORY with big LIES to me TIAI is the same BS as BOW.

    Well, we've gathered a lot of information from TS. I still feel their information is valuable. What makes you think it's BS? Just wondering.

    Still nothing on TMZ and no new redirect from TIAI - strange...

    Honestly I do not want to recapitulate all the false information which were given to us. I do not want to teach anybody to believe or not to believe those people. But I think that a lot of things do not fit together and this is enough proof for me that this person doesn´t know anything.

    And it underlines againt that many people are not able to think for themselves and always need a leader to show them the way, it is much easier to be a cheep than to use the own brain...
  • Well, at this point we are all able to think for ourselves - we all believe in something that the mainstream media and general public think is crazy. I'm not saying we should bow down to TS and treat their posts as the bible, but I don't think there have been any concrete falsehoods that should turn us away either. I know what you mean about though, there are tons of people trying to get their 15 minutes of fame by telling lies. Yes, we must think for ourselves. But if we believe in a hoaxed death, we have to keep an open mind about everything/everyone involved IMO.
  • simalvessimalves Posts: 730
    Whichever way - whether TS is known to Michael or not - he does have a lot to do with TMZ and the posts there - and he knows his bible. Something about it tells me he is not Catholic though - cos I am Catholic and there are a lot of things that we don't focus on in the bible.

    Can another Christian who knows about the aspects of the bible say which faith TS follows. Could he be a Witness? or what could he be?

    I always think he is Marlon - but then Marlon loves to joke and there are no jokes in these posts.
  • ShoutShout Posts: 560
    Well, at this point we are all able to think for ourselves - we all believe in something that the mainstream media and general public think is crazy. I'm not saying we should bow down to TS and treat their posts as the bible, but I don't think there have been any concrete falsehoods that should turn us away either. I know what you mean about though, there are tons of people trying to get their 15 minutes of fame by telling lies. Yes, we must think for ourselves. But if we believe in a hoaxed death, we have to keep an open mind about everything/everyone involved IMO.

    Yes, you made some great points and you are right with "having an open mind", but what proof did some people needed to decide that BOW was obviously not right and I decided not to listen to her or to TIAI.

    TS/TIAI attacks people who do not want to listen to them and say spread the message, well if this is the point I do not need more proofs which underlines how stupid it is. I believe that many MJ fans always knew what Michael is about and love him because of his messge long before his fake death or real death. And to love such a person like Michael you must have a concept of humanity and take it in your heart and behave like that. And therefore I think it makes no sense what TIAI writes and believes to have the truth. I like humble people not those who scream out "I am the only one".
  • Whichever way - whether TS is known to Michael or not - he does have a lot to do with TMZ and the posts there - and he knows his bible. Something about it tells me he is not Catholic though - cos I am Catholic and there are a lot of things that we don't focus on in the bible.

    Can another Christian who knows about the aspects of the bible say which faith TS follows. Could he be a Witness? or what could he be?

    I always think he is Marlon - but then Marlon loves to joke and there are no jokes in these posts.

    I don't think we should take the individual's personality into account simply beause it is meant to be informative. Whoever it is may be the funniest person alive but their intent is to educate. I'm not sure about what religion they come from, I was wondering that too. To me, it sounds like someone who knows the bible but also knows alot about other religions and may not belong to just one. This reminds me of when Michael said he loved to study all religions. I'm a Christian myself, but I believe there are many truths to be found in all religions. The person is also clearly good with numbers. That's why I can't wrap my mind around the idea that it's all made up. They seem to have an answer for everything. Hmm..
  • Well, at this point we are all able to think for ourselves - we all believe in something that the mainstream media and general public think is crazy. I'm not saying we should bow down to TS and treat their posts as the bible, but I don't think there have been any concrete falsehoods that should turn us away either. I know what you mean about though, there are tons of people trying to get their 15 minutes of fame by telling lies. Yes, we must think for ourselves. But if we believe in a hoaxed death, we have to keep an open mind about everything/everyone involved IMO.

    Yes, you made some great points and you are right with "having an open mind", but what proof did some people need to decide that BOW was obviously not right and I decided not to listen to her or to TIAI.

    TS/TIAI attacks people who do not want to listen to them and say spread the message, well if this is the point I do not need more proofs which underlines how stupid it is. I believe that many MJ fans always knew what Michael is about and love him because of his messge long before his fake death or real death. And to love such a person like Michael you must have a concept of humanity and take it in your heart and behave like that. And therefore I think it makes no sense what TIAI writes and believes to have the truth. I like humble people not those who scream out "I am the only one".

    Do you have examples of the attacks? I am not doubting you, would just like to see where you are coming from. I never gave BoW the time of day to be honest, nothing of theirs rang true to me from the get-go.

    I agree about how we already know Michael's message as fans. However, the purpose of the hoax was not intended to be a message to his fans, but a message to the rest of the world who believed all the lies about him over the years and who believe all of the others lies in the media and government. I do think that is why so much focus is put on "spreading the message", it's kind of like the gospel for example- if people believed in God but never shared their faith with others, christianity would never have made it this far. Just an example, and that goes for any religion.

    If we don't spread the message, than the hoax will not be successful. Unless you believe MJ hoaxed his death for different reasons.
  • I want to revise what I said above about it not being a message to the fans - I do think it was for the fans as well, to reveal to us what is really going on in the world. But a lot of us were already aware. Just wanted to clear that up.
  • ShoutShout Posts: 560
    Well, at this point we are all able to think for ourselves - we all believe in something that the mainstream media and general public think is crazy. I'm not saying we should bow down to TS and treat their posts as the bible, but I don't think there have been any concrete falsehoods that should turn us away either. I know what you mean about though, there are tons of people trying to get their 15 minutes of fame by telling lies. Yes, we must think for ourselves. But if we believe in a hoaxed death, we have to keep an open mind about everything/everyone involved IMO.

    Yes, you made some great points and you are right with "having an open mind", but what proof did some people need to decide that BOW was obviously not right and I decided not to listen to her or to TIAI.

    TS/TIAI attacks people who do not want to listen to them and say spread the message, well if this is the point I do not need more proofs which underlines how stupid it is. I believe that many MJ fans always knew what Michael is about and love him because of his messge long before his fake death or real death. And to love such a person like Michael you must have a concept of humanity and take it in your heart and behave like that. And therefore I think it makes no sense what TIAI writes and believes to have the truth. I like humble people not those who scream out "I am the only one".

    Do you have examples of the attacks? I am not doubting you, would just like to see where you are coming from. I never gave BoW the time of day to be honest, nothing of theirs rang true to me from the get-go.

    I agree about how we already know Michael's message as fans. However, the purpose of the hoax was not intended to be a message to his fans, but a message to the rest of the world who believed all the lies about him over the years and who believe all of the others lies in the media and government. I do think that is why so much focus is put on "spreading the message", it's kind of like the gospel for example- if people believed in God but never shared their faith with others, christianity would never have made it this far. Just an example, and that goes for any religion.

    If we don't spread the message, than the hoax will not be successful. Unless you believe MJ hoaxed his death for different reasons.

    To behave like a human being who believes that treating people right is the better way of living is spreading the message, that is why it starts with us. And if the fans have not done it by now or far before Michaels death I think they never undertood what humanity is! And that is why I underline that we do not needed Michaels death to spread love and humanity because it is a part of our/well my life!!! If fans needed his death or MJ believes that... it is sad because it underlines that their believe is not authentic.
    I personaly know some fans who have underlined what Michael is all about and have tried to explain how rude the government is. And we cannot make people think for themselves if they do not want to and do not understand because they are not gifted with the ability to think.
  • simalvessimalves Posts: 730
    Whichever way - whether TS is known to Michael or not - he does have a lot to do with TMZ and the posts there - and he knows his bible. Something about it tells me he is not Catholic though - cos I am Catholic and there are a lot of things that we don't focus on in the bible.

    Can another Christian who knows about the aspects of the bible say which faith TS follows. Could he be a Witness? or what could he be?

    I always think he is Marlon - but then Marlon loves to joke and there are no jokes in these posts.

    I don't think we should take the individual's personality into account simply beause it is meant to be informative. Whoever it is may be the funniest person alive but their intent is to educate. I'm not sure about what religion they come from, I was wondering that too. To me, it sounds like someone who knows the bible but also knows alot about other religions and may not belong to just one. This reminds me of when Michael said he loved to study all religions. I'm a Christian myself, but I believe there are many truths to be found in all religions. The person is also clearly good with numbers. That's why I can't wrap my mind around the idea that it's all made up. They seem to have an answer for everything. Hmm..

    The reason why I spoke about the faith is because there are different versions of the bible - and some faiths use a particular bible that the others don't use. That would tell us where TS gets his information from. There was also a rude remark somewhere about knowing that TS is using the King James version of the Bible. I don't know how that is a bad thing -
  • GraceGrace Posts: 2,864
    As much as TMZ is not the standard answer to "is it true?", TS is not the standard answer to "what happened to Michael Jackson?".

    Both are distributing distraction material - very much educating and entertaining if read between the lines. There is a mission behind them, somebody sent them out to do what they are doing.
    TS sounds many times like a church person. Yet he/she is a good writer and eloquent explainer, no doubt. So where are the folks usually to be found that are well-trained in writing and explaining things to others?
    There you go.

    The truth is somewhere else.
    Back to the roots, sisters and brothers, back to the roots where it all began.
    There is the truth, not with TMZ or others wanting to think for us in order to get our opinions pointing into certain directions.
    I prefer thinking myself. The truth is at the roots not at the leaves of a tree.
  • SarahliSarahli Posts: 4,265
    We should consider TS as a source of information and everyone's free to make whatever he/she wants to with it. It is not a question of blindly believing TS but rather reading what he/she has to say and think for ourselves. This is food for thought and we must admit good food.
    TMZ is calm regarding Michael since the new updates and there are more to come. Let's see if something happens or not before the end of the updates. Then we will be able to go further into considering TS is linked to TMZ.
  • paula-cpaula-c Posts: 7,221
    If it is rare that TMZ has not published anything of Jackson, on which it is all the fuss of the stun gun? <!-- s:?: -->:?:<!-- s:?: --> <!-- s8-) -->8-)<!-- s8-) -->
  • WeAreOneWeAreOne Posts: 55
    Well, at this point we are all able to think for ourselves - we all believe in something that the mainstream media and general public think is crazy. I'm not saying we should bow down to TS and treat their posts as the bible, but I don't think there have been any concrete falsehoods that should turn us away either. I know what you mean about though, there are tons of people trying to get their 15 minutes of fame by telling lies. Yes, we must think for ourselves. But if we believe in a hoaxed death, we have to keep an open mind about everything/everyone involved IMO.

    Well said!
  • As much as TMZ is not the standard answer to "is it true?", TS is not the standard answer to "what happened to Michael Jackson?".

    Both are distributing distraction material - very much educating and entertaining if read between the lines. There is a mission behind them, somebody sent them out to do what they are doing.
    TS sounds many times like a church person. Yet he/she is a good writer and eloquent explainer, no doubt. So where are the folks usually to be found that are well-trained in writing and explaining things to others?
    There you go.

    The truth is somewhere else.
    Back to the roots, sisters and brothers, back to the roots where it all began.
    There is the truth, not with TMZ or others wanting to think for us in order to get our opinions pointing into certain directions.
    I prefer thinking myself. The truth is at the roots not at the leaves of a tree.

    <!-- s8-) -->8-)<!-- s8-) --> the truth is in the seed as well as the root LOL <!-- s8-) -->8-)<!-- s8-) --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:ugeek: -->:ugeek:<!-- s:ugeek: -->
  • TMZ speechless about Michael since march 9 ? <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: --> We had something about it almost everyday and now, nothing for 4 days ? I'm not complaining about tabloid leaving Michael alone. But if we consider that this TMZ is the leader for "MJ onformations", it's strange that the could stay 4 days without anything. <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->

    Maybe Michael's gone for snowboarding this week <!-- s:mrgreen: -->:mrgreen:<!-- s:mrgreen: -->
  • it could be to with the number of clicks or impressions made on the site for mj related topics

    i have noticed that google have less listings for mj - he has dropped again
  • mikestanek1mikestanek1 Posts: 123
    I've noticed that pretty much every search engine Mj is in the tops list for searches especially for the auctions coming up with his O2 furniture and such. Isn't it a little weird that TMZ hasn't posted anything about the auction at all? I thought they were the ones that knew all. So what do you think? Are they only posting what is necessary for the hoax, or are they only posting stuff to make us believe that there is a hoax and keep us coming back to their page over and over again? It's tricky
  • but his listing have dropped
  • Yes it's strange that they have nothing about Mj's furnitures being sold...It looks like the website has a problem <!-- s:mrgreen: -->:mrgreen:<!-- s:mrgreen: --> but all other pages are ok. Only Michael has no more news, and it started march 9th.
  • mikestanek1mikestanek1 Posts: 123
    but his listing have dropped

    You mean the auction has been dropped? Or do you mean his name from the TMZ list under the search bar? I think it's weird too that it's been 6 days and nothing, not even a creditor article or anything bogus like that. Maybe something is being prepared??? Waiting is always a good thing to do
  • Just imagine ....

    Night of the living dream : NO MORE TABLOIDS !

    <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
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