French TV: MJ still alive?

edited January 1970 in News
Well its in french...sorry

but Direct 8, a private tnt channel (quite big) made this 14 minutes long report about the hoax . It s quite complete i must say, makes u think the journalist is a beLIEver too. They discuss the 911 call, ben evenstad, dave dave, forrest lawn, hat man, ambulance pic and so on

<!-- m --> ... -vie_music<!-- m -->


  • Well its in french...sorry

    but Direct 8, a private tnt channel (quite big) made this 14 minutes long report about the hoax . It s quite complete i must say, makes u think the journalist is a beLIEver too. They discuss the 911 call, ben evenstad, dave dave, forrest lawn, hat man, ambulance pic and so on

    <!-- m --> ... -vie_music<!-- m -->

    Very interesting...even though I can't remember much French from highschool. Thanks for sharing!

  • Very interesting...even though I can't remember much French from highschool. Thanks for sharing!

    Lol...u r very welcome

    they say everything we already know...but it s amazing to see that on tv.
  • tabloidburntabloidburn Posts: 1,621
    i didn't get it all, either. my french is a little 'rusty'... <!-- s:mrgreen: -->:mrgreen:<!-- s:mrgreen: -->

    but in parts, it felt like they were repeating posts from here. like they made the posts from this forum into a movie... <!-- s:mrgreen: -->:mrgreen:<!-- s:mrgreen: --> like it! word is getting around. people around me think i'm crazy, though. until i start coming up with some oddities, at least then most see it's odd, but they still don't believe. it's just too 'out there'.

    we need more tv shows like that! people don't believe what they're told, they believe what's on tv! still!!!
  • scorpionchikscorpionchik Posts: 2,669
    you have already post this clip few days ago in other topic. if I am not mistaken.
    Very good one any way. I love to see that UK, France, Russia, Italy care about MJ and don't afraid to talk about hoax unlike America. I am sure every sinngle NORMAL person can see huge bouquet of doubtful detalis since the beginning, you don't have to be too smart or investigator to get that. But American media of course opposing the idea of hoax and won't admit until may be some day...
  • you have already post this clip few days ago in other topic. if I am not mistaken.

    wasnt me....sorry then...didnt see was already posted
  • hey can anyone completely translate it? pleaseeee?? i do french in skul and i tried 2 understand but i cant lol <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D --> i get 'michael jackson n'est pas mort', 'michael jackson est vivant' woohoo!! <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> and something abt elvis, hatman, this is it and the fan who is waiting for his comeback and some other sentences...sounds interesting though...pleeezzz translate it someoneee!!! btw i love how they say 'michael jackson' with a french accent! <33 hehee love french accentsss
  • OK, I'll do it (the best I can)

    Hold on I'll be back with it in few minutes/hours ? <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
  • OK, I'll do it (the best I can)

    Hold on I'll be back with it in few minutes/hours ? <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->

    thanx so much! <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
  • ok first part (i'm finishing, so please do not post between) excuse poor poor english, i don't have time for google translation, i do best i can.

    here we go <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->

    Women introducing : It's not a joke, they DO believe in it, and their proofs are often disturbing. Is King of pop still with us ? It's you to judge !

    Genevieve de fontenay (women on stage before biginning of the documentary) says : he must have holes in his casket to breath...

    25 june 2009, 17h20, american website TMZ announces worldwide that michael jackson is dead. King of pop would have died of cardiac arrest in his home, only aged of 50.
    For his fans, this terrible loss(lost) is unbelievable. How could "MJ" that looked healthy during his last public showing, disapear so suddenly. Here comes a question : what if he was still
    alive ?
    Today on website, it's all about a huge conspiration. We make light on this.

    first red screen : why would MJ fake his own death ?

    MJ was a pionneer, he always wanted to make a "world size" film.
    (interview of MJ talking about making a movie, bringing "film" to a higher level etc)
    For those who believe this theory, MJ is not dead but simply gone the other side of the curtain, becoming the single producer of his own death, something fans had notice at the very moment
    his death was announced.

    second red screen : what really happened on june 25 ?

    The day of his death, 911 receives a phone call that will be reported by every media. This call comes from the 911 center but the voice of the people calling is clearer than the voice of the paramedic of 911
    (phone call from 911)
    More disturbing, this call has been prooved not to be made from MJ's house, but from an hotel at about 3 minutes from MJ's house (911 screen & beverly hills hotel)

    (about murray)
    other fact : Murray, cardioligist (don't know the word) said a had cardiac massage on MJ directly on his bed. but this type of thing must be done on hard floor. And how could such a cardologist had no "electric cardiac
    machine" (machine to make electrochoc)
    (another part of the 911 call)
    Most of all the paramedic's car has a strange behaving : no alarms, and strange way to get out as you can see on the map, showing an easier way to get out of the house but as you can
    see on the video, he gets back in useless ways.
    So why did he wanted to et back to the front door ? Maybe because that was there that 2 cameras and 1 paparazzi were standing ready to get the information.

    From all this, there will only be 1 picture, taken by Even *** How could he be standing right there. It's disturbing, and moreover because there are picture of he and MJ where theyseem to know each other for long time.
    On this picture, fans realise that MJ look younger, about 10 or 15 years. So they found 2 pictures from 1980/1985 that really look like the picture of june 25.
    Is it a fake picture ? Have the video of paramedics car been recorded before ? Could this really be a movie making ?

    One thing is sure, is that MJ surely would have liked the truth to come to his fans.

    third red screen : Was MJ at his own burrial ?

    july 7, memorial at stapple center, people coming for last tribute to MJ. Amoung celebrities, one man, with a hat, catch the attentions of the fans. They call him "hatman"
    Some wonder : did Michael himself was amoung the guests ?
    4 september (with french time maybe) at MJ burrial in forrest lawn, mysterious hatman is still there. He keeps on "backstage" but the place that the other guests gives him is strange. Who could this be ?
    Concerning the "burrial people", fans consider them as "suspects" : the burrial/welcoming guys" seem to be "already seen before". And for sure they are no one else but MJ's dancers !
    Kenny ortega and Travis Pain are also here, they are the ones organising the burrial and making a HD video, has for movie making.

    Fans also see paparazzi pictures where road can be seen, that does not exist from sky-view. Same for this tree near the garbage can, that disapear too. Many questions : could there be other differences between the movie
    and reality ?
  • second part <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) --> (not finish)

    Even Jackson's sister's message sound strange
    "Michael deeply love you and I'm looking forward to see you perform again. Keep the magic going on" Latoya
    "I love you so much. I looking forward to see you again on this ground/earth" Rebbie

    When fans get money back from the this is it tour, they get a "tribute book", which is the same that the 17 000 people of the stapple center received, with only 1 difference : a picture of
    MJ and Liz, that has been changed for a picture of MJ standing behind a camera.

    forth red screen : who really is Murray ?
    For fans, there are still questions about "who really is Murray ?"
    The doctor is not appearing on official doctors list of america. and when you look for his name in google, nothing can be found before 2009.
    Some found a joke in his name (murder by contra)

    fifth red screen : Are the death certificate faked ?
    No less than 3 certificates are made with no doctor signature, different ID numbers. But the more disturbing is about MJ name on it, Joseph.
    For some people, Michael had is name "JOE" and it appears on many official documents, and this is how he is named during his trial.
    So how could such a big mistake be found on each of those documents ?

    another fact come to the more passionated fans : They see that the only 2 pictures near the casket are taken from "liberian girl"
    As in the video of this song, is Michael trying to have us believe he disappeared, whereas he is standing behind the camera ?

    The moment MJ died, everyone looks at every picture of MJ's death. This over-mediatisation will give birth to fans believing he is not dead. Their idol disappearing was totally
    organised, as it would be seen in his family-friends slip up.

    6th red screen : are there any slip up ?
    (KO saying he was there 1 week ago, whereas MJ died 2 weeks ago...)
    then with the TII movie, Kenny ortega keep going with slip up
    (how did you choosed the image for the film ? KO explains that every morning he had Michael with him, wondering what would fans want to see in this movie)

    But TII videos never had a goal to be prepared for cinema movie ! So how could Michael be there to prepare this ?

    And finally, this strange interview of Franck Dileo, MJ producer, where he speaks about Michael in present, as if he wasn't dead.(you wanted to see michael, you came and ask. Even now,
    you want to see Michael, you come for it)
    For fans, those slip up are proof that it was quickly organised, not well prepared. Fans are sure that Jackson and his friends are manipulating the images of the death. A kind of passion for "illusion"
    that MJ always had.

    7th red screen ; is MJ manipulating images ?
  • in 1985, photos of MJ sleeping in a box, make a big event. But it would be rumour that MJ himself created.
    When the picture of the "believe" show is out, fans have new reasons for doubting. Is michael still sending messages ? This is what they think with the "believe" picture that look
    close to fairytail that MJ loved (you can see peter pan, or OZ) like Oz, story of a magician manipulating people, where Michael playd with Diana Ross.
    Then, strange "same looking" between MJ's picture and this Believe picture. Is the truth hidding being this "believe" stuff ?
    Fans want to believe in it and want to think it's a sign from MJ

    They talk about Julie Boisvert

    After the death of her idol, Julie boisvert make a "tribute trip" to MJ's places.
    "it's like losing someone of my family. He was part of my life since I was child" Fan of MJ, Julie cannot stop to admire him. she decides to investigate around this strange and sudden
    disappearing. She starts people to wonder, with a video, precise and disturbing.

    red screen : could MJ disguise in another person ? MJ's relations are sure : MJ always loved to disguise himself (you can see his bro Marlon telling about MJ disguised, buying CD in a shop, at the stapple center)
    Considering this passion for disguise, many website have the rumour that MJ could still appear in public, disguised to watch his family and friends since he died, specially at his burrial day.

    Wondering is still possible, so when fans see Dave dave appearing on myspace, they can't believe their eyes : coudl dave dave be MJ ?
    in 1983, a kid is on top of the media, victim of fire because of his father. his story touched MJ. he gives him eternal friendship.(dav dave speaking)
    suddenly DD comes again on larry king stage. It will make the rumour even bigger. For fans, DD and MJ have too much similar points. Impossible becomes possible for them. Voice and words are too similar.
    (compare DD message with MJ message)

    An enigma that is still running, and will not end until fans find the truth, their truth.
  • end of it <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D --> sorry for poor quality, it's not easy to play/stop/translate/write/play again etc...I couldn't find each word with google, so I did with words I had in mind <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
  • oh and with french accent, people say "meek A el" (with "A" not "hey" sound) Jackson Except my grandma who says it even more "french way"(I dont' know how it's possible <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> )

    Here in France many people make jokes by speaking english with a horrible french accent. Did on purpose. I guess no english speaking people could understand, but between french people we do understand <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> sometime I talk that way all day long. Gets on people's nerves <!-- s:mrgreen: -->:mrgreen:<!-- s:mrgreen: -->
  • Merci beaucoups! <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) --> That was a lot of hard work. Thank you so much for taking the time to translate all of that.
  • tabloidburntabloidburn Posts: 1,621
    wow! whatyourheartsays, thanx a lot for the translation. i think i even understood more than i thought, now reading your transscript...thx a million anyways. that french show was really good compared to what we're getting over here. if you even mention 'hoax', they're right behind you with the straight jacket...

    yesterday, there was a jackson-special on german tv, i almost threw something against the screen...they called it "100% michael jackson", and of all people, they had uri geller and marcel avram and some german journalists and tv people talk about mj like they were his closest friends (that might have been true for uri geller at one point, but not for anyone else speaking...). and what do you know: they had the plastic-surgery-subject again, how mj 'didn't want to be who he was...' and pretty much portrayed him as a med-addict, who 'didn't know what he was getting into, listened to the 'wrong people'' and so forth. i am sooo tired of these shows where michael jackson is pretty much portrayed as someone who is not able to make his own decisions and ended up a drug-addict cuz 'he didn't know better'. he might have been addicted to certain meds, but i'm thinking that even here, he knew exactly what he wanted, what it was going to do to him and why he wanted certain meds and NOT drugs off the street.
    this made me so mad. i'm tired of these shows where they pretty much declare mj unfit to decide for himself, like they're talking about a 12year-old. at the same time they all agree that he was a musical genius and for the other aspects of his life he turned into a dumble, who didn't know what he was doing??? and to top it all off, the german people speaking (show/ tv people) pretty much said the same things the german tabloids were writing over here. like they have no own opinion, they just repeated the clichés. no word about his message (that he's been spreading for decades), what happened after his 'death', what's going on now, how his family/ fans are feeling now. just another reminder of how 'weird' michael was...oh yeah, and they just had to include how weird it is for a grown up to prefer the presence of children over adults...well: i am the same way: i cuddle up with my kids and their friends and we all share a bucket of popcorn and watch movies or concert dvd, and sometimes we all fall asleep and end up sleeping in the same bed. i don't like other adults too much cuz most of them are prejudiced, wicked and all they are looking for is their own advantage and they will all lie and walk over your dead body to get that. they will judge you by the watch you have on your arm, the purse you're wearing or the car you drive. i rather hang around my teenage kids and their buddies...come and arrest me!!!

    i'm boycotting tv pretty much anyway...i thought i give rtl a shot, cuz the trailer looked interesting enough but this was really just more garbage on top of garbage...tabloid tv.
    actually, i might even write them. it was on rtl tv and i really expected some 'insight', judging by the title. nothing but tabloid-bs. i think i will. i was not satisfied cuz i expected 100% and there was nothing in there that wasn't in some tabloid before. 100% trash, that's what it was... <!-- s:mrgreen: -->:mrgreen:<!-- s:mrgreen: -->
  • Merci beaucoups!! <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D --> now i understandd lol <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
  • wow! whatyourheartsays, thanx a lot for the translation. i think i even understood more than i thought, now reading your transscript...thx a million anyways. that french show was really good compared to what we're getting over here. if you even mention 'hoax', they're right behind you with the straight jacket...

    yesterday, there was a jackson-special on german tv, i almost threw something against the screen...they called it "100% michael jackson", and of all people, they had uri geller and marcel avram and some german journalists and tv people talk about mj like they were his closest friends (that might have been true for uri geller at one point, but not for anyone else speaking...). and what do you know: they had the plastic-surgery-subject again, how mj 'didn't want to be who he was...' and pretty much portrayed him as a med-addict, who 'didn't know what he was getting into, listened to the 'wrong people'' and so forth. i am sooo tired of these shows where michael jackson is pretty much portrayed as someone who is not able to make his own decisions and ended up a drug-addict cuz 'he didn't know better'. he might have been addicted to certain meds, but i'm thinking that even here, he knew exactly what he wanted, what it was going to do to him and why he wanted certain meds and NOT drugs off the street.
    this made me so mad. i'm tired of these shows where they pretty much declare mj unfit to decide for himself, like they're talking about a 12year-old. at the same time they all agree that he was a musical genius and for the other aspects of his life he turned into a dumble, who didn't know what he was doing??? and to top it all off, the german people speaking (show/ tv people) pretty much said the same things the german tabloids were writing over here. like they have no own opinion, they just repeated the clichés. no word about his message (that he's been spreading for decades), what happened after his 'death', what's going on now, how his family/ fans are feeling now. just another reminder of how 'weird' michael was...oh yeah, and they just had to include how weird it is for a grown up to prefer the presence of children over adults...well: i am the same way: i cuddle up with my kids and their friends and we all share a bucket of popcorn and watch movies or concert dvd, and sometimes we all fall asleep and end up sleeping in the same bed. i don't like other adults too much cuz most of them are prejudiced, wicked and all they are looking for is their own advantage and they will all lie and walk over your dead body to get that. they will judge you by the watch you have on your arm, the purse you're wearing or the car you drive. i rather hang around my teenage kids and their buddies...come and arrest me!!!

    i'm boycotting tv pretty much anyway...i thought i give rtl a shot, cuz the trailer looked interesting enough but this was really just more garbage on top of garbage...tabloid tv.
    actually, i might even write them. it was on rtl tv and i really expected some 'insight', judging by the title. nothing but tabloid-bs. i think i will. i was not satisfied cuz i expected 100% and there was nothing in there that wasn't in some tabloid before. 100% trash, that's what it was... <!-- s:mrgreen: -->:mrgreen:<!-- s:mrgreen: -->

    that could be the main reason for this hoax (if it is true) to dump everybody (even though it hurts to not be with his kids for a season, sometimes parents need a min to themselves to get themselves together, whether it is at a rehab for whatever or for when a person has a nervous breakdown, children simply can not go) I just couldn't imagine someone giving me instructions or planning my schedule for 25 years! I'd be super bored to the point that I would already know what the person was going to say. I think he was sick of the controlled life, and being cordial with people he he merely couldn't stand anymore...

    Plus I know from past experience that it is very difficult (in America) to remove someone from financial responsibility once they know all your personal info (bank info, SS#, tax info) especially after so-in-so years. They practically live as that person... not even using their own info anymore. They can open credit cards and all sort of stuff in their name with out the person even being aware of it. And the messed up thing about identity theft, it is hard to stop, and the only thing that cancels out a SS# in America is that persons death...

    Michael Jackson, do what you gotta do to get the leaches off your back <!-- s:geek: -->:geek:<!-- s:geek: -->
  • tabloidburntabloidburn Posts: 1,621
    that could be the main reason for this hoax (if it is true) to dump everybody (even though it hurts to not be with his kids for a season, sometimes parents need a min to themselves to get themselves together, whether it is at a rehab for whatever or for when a person has a nervous breakdown, children simply can not go) I just couldn't imagine someone giving me instructions or planning my schedule for 25 years! I'd be super bored to the point that I would already know what the person was going to say. I think he was sick of the controlled life, and being cordial with people he he merely couldn't stand anymore...

    Plus I know from past experience that it is very difficult (in America) to remove someone from financial responsibility once they know all your personal info (bank info, SS#, tax info) especially after so-in-so years. They practically live as that person... not even using their own info anymore. They can open credit cards and all sort of stuff in their name with out the person even being aware of it. And the messed up thing about identity theft, it is hard to stop, and the only thing that cancels out a SS# in America is that persons death...

    Michael Jackson, do what you gotta do to get the leaches off your back <!-- s:geek: -->:geek:<!-- s:geek: -->

    i also think that part of this hoax os about exposure, opening people's eyes and getting rid of some people as well. your info is very interesting about 'removing someone from financial responsibility'. since everybody else is getting their bills paid from the estate, i wonder who mj is after then...thomé and his associates?
  • that could be the main reason for this hoax (if it is true) to dump everybody (even though it hurts to not be with his kids for a season, sometimes parents need a min to themselves to get themselves together, whether it is at a rehab for whatever or for when a person has a nervous breakdown, children simply can not go) I just couldn't imagine someone giving me instructions or planning my schedule for 25 years! I'd be super bored to the point that I would already know what the person was going to say. I think he was sick of the controlled life, and being cordial with people he he merely couldn't stand anymore...

    Plus I know from past experience that it is very difficult (in America) to remove someone from financial responsibility once they know all your personal info (bank info, SS#, tax info) especially after so-in-so years. They practically live as that person... not even using their own info anymore. They can open credit cards and all sort of stuff in their name with out the person even being aware of it. And the messed up thing about identity theft, it is hard to stop, and the only thing that cancels out a SS# in America is that persons death...

    Michael Jackson, do what you gotta do to get the leaches off your back <!-- s:geek: -->:geek:<!-- s:geek: -->

    i also think that part of this hoax os about exposure, opening people's eyes and getting rid of some people as well. your info is very interesting about 'removing someone from financial responsibility'. since everybody else is getting their bills paid from the estate, i wonder who mj is after then...thomé and his associates?

    do you know I had that feeling years ago when I first heard about him having financial problems (before the concert announcements and everything) I wondered if people was stealing his $$...
  • end of it <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D --> sorry for poor quality, it's not easy to play/stop/translate/write/play again etc...I couldn't find each word with google, so I did with words I had in mind <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->

    Oh my god!!!! Thank u so much for translating the whole vid....i didnt see ppl asked for it and now i m back and i saw all the work u did...geeez thx a lot!!!!
  • CameronCameron Posts: 956
    I'm french, and I can say that the Channel Direct 8 isn't a big channel, like TF1, M6 or France Televisions... But it's pretty cool that the hoax was showed on a TNT's Channel.
  • tabloidburntabloidburn Posts: 1,621
    that could be the main reason for this hoax (if it is true) to dump everybody (even though it hurts to not be with his kids for a season, sometimes parents need a min to themselves to get themselves together, whether it is at a rehab for whatever or for when a person has a nervous breakdown, children simply can not go) I just couldn't imagine someone giving me instructions or planning my schedule for 25 years! I'd be super bored to the point that I would already know what the person was going to say. I think he was sick of the controlled life, and being cordial with people he he merely couldn't stand anymore...

    Plus I know from past experience that it is very difficult (in America) to remove someone from financial responsibility once they know all your personal info (bank info, SS#, tax info) especially after so-in-so years. They practically live as that person... not even using their own info anymore. They can open credit cards and all sort of stuff in their name with out the person even being aware of it. And the messed up thing about identity theft, it is hard to stop, and the only thing that cancels out a SS# in America is that persons death...

    Michael Jackson, do what you gotta do to get the leaches off your back <!-- s:geek: -->:geek:<!-- s:geek: -->

    i also think that part of this hoax os about exposure, opening people's eyes and getting rid of some people as well. your info is very interesting about 'removing someone from financial responsibility'. since everybody else is getting their bills paid from the estate, i wonder who mj is after then...thomé and his associates?

    do you know I had that feeling years ago when I first heard about him having financial problems (before the concert announcements and everything) I wondered if people was stealing his $$...

    there is a taped phone conversation between mj and his spiritual adviser, where he tells her that he is not in control of his finances but that thomé does everything in his name. mj said on that tape that he didn't even know how much was in his accounts. and i heard an intervies with frank dileo, where he confirms that other people write checks in mj's name and are in control of his accounts. i don't even see how you can give someone authority of your bank account, unless it has limited funds and is only for business purposes. i surely hope that this didn't apply to all of mj's assets.
    but yeah, if anyone had control over some of mj's money, i would think that person stole some of it, too.
    bastards! <!-- s:evil: -->:evil:<!-- s:evil: -->
  • I'm french, and I can say that the Channel Direct 8 isn't a big channel, like TF1, M6 or France Televisions... But it's pretty cool that the hoax was showed on a TNT's Channel.

    yep that s what i s a tnt channel. But as one, it s quite big. And the video spread in other medias
  • end of it <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D --> sorry for poor quality, it's not easy to play/stop/translate/write/play again etc...I couldn't find each word with google, so I did with words I had in mind <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->

    Oh my god!!!! Thank u so much for translating the whole vid....i didnt see ppl asked for it and now i m back and i saw all the work u did...geeez thx a lot!!!!

    You're welcome DinkyWinky <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->

    I don't know about financal issues Michael could have had with thome..I guess that in the past, people having acces to MJ's accounts were working with a contract, that would state of what they couldo do or not. I don't know where this thome came from, and why Mj had to have him ruling his finances. I mean, if he couldn't trust him, why would he hire him ? and why couldn't he have him fired ? I guess people like thome don't come one morning at MJ's door saying "hi guys ! I'm having control on MJ's accounts from now on ! Where is the coffee machine ?"
    Something must have been signed, no ? Unless Michael was no longer owner of his own bank accounts ? And what accounts are we talking about ?
    Because he said he had no control on it, and couldn't know anything about it but what account was it ? MJ had personnal stuffs, but he also had account about music, production, catalog managing, business stuffs...what was thome controlling ? everything or only part of it ? and whitch part ?
  • that could be the main reason for this hoax (if it is true) to dump everybody (even though it hurts to not be with his kids for a season, sometimes parents need a min to themselves to get themselves together, whether it is at a rehab for whatever or for when a person has a nervous breakdown, children simply can not go) I just couldn't imagine someone giving me instructions or planning my schedule for 25 years! I'd be super bored to the point that I would already know what the person was going to say. I think he was sick of the controlled life, and being cordial with people he he merely couldn't stand anymore...

    Plus I know from past experience that it is very difficult (in America) to remove someone from financial responsibility once they know all your personal info (bank info, SS#, tax info) especially after so-in-so years. They practically live as that person... not even using their own info anymore. They can open credit cards and all sort of stuff in their name with out the person even being aware of it. And the messed up thing about identity theft, it is hard to stop, and the only thing that cancels out a SS# in America is that persons death...

    Michael Jackson, do what you gotta do to get the leaches off your back <!-- s:geek: -->:geek:<!-- s:geek: -->

    i also think that part of this hoax os about exposure, opening people's eyes and getting rid of some people as well. your info is very interesting about 'removing someone from financial responsibility'. since everybody else is getting their bills paid from the estate, i wonder who mj is after then...thomé and his associates?

    do you know I had that feeling years ago when I first heard about him having financial problems (before the concert announcements and everything) I wondered if people was stealing his $$...

    there is a taped phone conversation between mj and his spiritual adviser, where he tells her that he is not in control of his finances but that thomé does everything in his name. mj said on that tape that he didn't even know how much was in his accounts. and i heard an intervies with frank dileo, where he confirms that other people write checks in mj's name and are in control of his accounts. i don't even see how you can give someone authority of your bank account, unless it has limited funds and is only for business purposes. i surely hope that this didn't apply to all of mj's assets.
    but yeah, if anyone had control over some of mj's money, i would think that person stole some of it, too.
    bastards! <!-- s:evil: -->:evil:<!-- s:evil: -->

    oh wow I did see that on YT I think. There is no way MJ doesn't have any $$... after 40 yrs of the business? I can't believe that. So many stars have had who they thought were good accountants and got so screwed in their finances by those very accountants... all bills go to the accountants... all $$ related, bank accounts, notices or whateva go to the accountants... oh wow that does explain alot <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
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