jacksons financial difficulties



  • JacksonologyJacksonology Posts: 1,548
    Just In From The Estate, A Quick Update On GROSS Income Generated By Michael Jackson Since His Death:

    *These numbers will astound you:

    Album Sales= $315,000,000
    DVD Sales= $60,000,000
    This Is It DVD Sales= $162,000,000
    This Is It Theatrical Release: $260,000,000
    This Is It Broadcast Rights (MTV): $30,000,000
    Digital Downloads= $22,000,000
    Merchandise= $60,000,000
    Music Royalties From MIJAC: $26,000,000
    Music Royalties From SONY/ATV: $32,500,000
    Record Deal= $200,000,000 (potential for another $50,000,000)

    Current Gross Income Generated By MJ SINCE JUNE 25th: $1,167,500,000 , or 1.1675 BILLION DOLLARS.

    *Remember this is gross income, and not the amount that goes into the estates pocket. Since June 25th, the estate has made $250 million dollars not including the new record deal with Sony, which when added in takes the total revenue to $450 to 500 million directly into the estates pocket.

    On top of these amazing numbers, MJ's estate also receives very hefty royalty rates for all MJ music sold, a rate that has since went up again from this new deal. MJ now has the largest ever seen in the music industry.=$1,167,500,000 <!-- s8-) -->8-)<!-- s8-) -->
  • sorry about the vid


    but how did latoya get rich?
  • i thought latoya was loaded?

    i thought she co-owned encino with michael?

    so whats this?

    <!-- m -->http://www.hollyscoop.com/la-toya-jacks ... 21470.aspx<!-- m -->

    La Toya Jackson Losing Her Las Vegas Home
    September 11, 2009

    La Toya Jackson is so behind on her mortgage payments that she's set to lose her Las Vegas home any day now.

    La Toya owes $745,670 in unpaid mortgage installments on the plush condo at the LV International Country Club, according to TMZ.com.

    She has until the end of the month to cough up the money or else the condo goes up for auction. But apparently she doesn't seem too worried about losing her home.

    Her rep says, "La Toya has an extensive real estate portfolio and her advisers directed her to the business decision to let this particular property to go to short sale where it is now. The property was also something she got during her divorce from Jack Gordon and she has no attachment to it."

    La Toya seems too busy concentrating on her 15 minutes of fame to even care that she's losing her condo, so it all works out in the end.

    Read more: <!-- m -->http://www.hollyscoop.com/la-toya-jacks ... z0js72R4I8<!-- m -->
    Become a Hollyscoop A-Lister for a chance to WIN Cash & Prizes
  • so mike could have earned 50million from the 02 concerts

    he spent what $700,000 on furniture, 50 million was not going to clear the death

    but a 3/4 year tour may have if he could do it

    - see Michael Jackson isn’t really dead: The age-old rock star conspiracy
    Right, now I have managed to settle the legal issues with Mr. Jackson’s solicitor, I can reveal that the Jack Michaelson referred to in the previous post was in fact Michael Jackson. But then you probably knew that already, and if you didn’t you’ve most likely been living on Mars for the past few days.

    So here’s the deal. Michael Jackson faked his death in an attempt to sell more records. Indeed, within hours of reports that Jacko had gone to rock and roll heaven, sales of his albums absolutely skyrocketed. Amazon.com had fourteen of MJ’s albums in their top twenty, with Off The Wall hitting the number one spot pretty soon after the news filtered through.

    It’s well documented that Jackson needed the money. Most recently, he sold a huge stake in his Neverland ranch, and his debts reportedly exceeded $500million at the time of his death. His comeback tour, which was set to include a staggering fifty nights at the London O2 Arena, would redress the balance somewhat, estimated to be worth $50million. But would it be enough?Neverland: Jackson was forced to sell a large stake in his California ranch.

    Given Jacko’s current state of health, many doubted he would be fit enough to fulfil such a hectic schedule. He was initially angry at authorities for arranging such a tough series of shows, but supposedly agreed in principle to play them. Some say he really needed the cash, but it also raised suspicions amongst the conspiracists that he knew something everyone else didn’t… he never planned to honour the gigs.

    Similarly, items from Jackson’s Neverland ranch were auctioned off, only for all sales to be cancelled after revelations the auction had never been authorised. The actions of a frail, desperate man, or yet another publicity stunt?

    Of course, all this seems to equally support the theory that Jackson, rapidly falling downhill both mentally and financially, decided to quit while he was still ahead (just about) and committed suicide. New evidence that suggests Jackson was consuming copious amounts of prescription drugs would back this up.

    Sadly, all accounts seem to point to an all-too-typical story consistent through rock and roll history: live fast, die (relatively) young. The conspiracy theories are most likely a steaming pile of codswallop, but people believe in sillier stuff - after all, did you see Michael Jackson die? Expect to see these theories debunked once and for all in the coming weeks.

    Cha’mone, Yakkers.
  • according to what you are saying that he would make 50 million for 50 show? 1 million a show? is that enough? should he have recieved more than that? i think so...
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