Benedict 16 authorized work as a priest involved in cases of

paula-cpaula-c Posts: 7,221
edited January 1970 in News
the EfE in Berlin

Pope Benedict 16 authorized in 80 years a priest with a history of pedophilia for pastoral work in the German city of Munich.
In the 1980s, Benedict 16 was Archbishop of Munich and Freising cities. Or father expulso cases of paedophilia já been havia em envolvido do bispado Essen (Alemanha) because disso. The priest involved in cases of paedophilia have been expelled from the Diocese of Essen (Germany) from it.
The spokesperson of the Archdiocese of Munich has confirmed in statements to the digital edition of the "Süddeutsche Zeitung" newspaper that "grave mistakes" in years and that the village priest paedophile became change "with the consent of the then-Archbishop" - in this case, the current Pontiff.

The priest kept active in the community of Upper Bavaria was repeat in Munich, confirmed the Archbishopric.

The output of Essen occurred in 1980. Em 1982, Bento 16 foi nomeado as regional responsável da Congregação for a Doutrina da Fé and be mudou to Rome. In 1982, Benedict 16 was appointed as regional head of the Congregation for the doctrine of the faith and moved to Rome.

Em 1986 or priest em questão was sentenced to 18 months are conditional liberdade and ao pagamento de uma prisão fine by reincidido ter us abuse sexuais. In 1986, the priest in question was sentenced to 18 months in prison on probation and pay a fine for having gone to sexual abuse.

After all, religion was not removed from the pastoral work and continues to do so almost continuously, the Archdiocese confirmed the "Süddeutsche Zeitung".

Confronted these informações or arcebispado anunciou to analisará com todas as minutes related to old cases. With this information, the Archdiocese announced will review all proceedings relating to cases of age.


The former vicar general of Munich, Gerhard Gruber, 81-year-old took over in statements to the press, the responsibility for the change of the priest of Essen and continuous activity.

Süddeutsche Zeitung has an affidavit of a man, who was then 11 years old, and reporting as the priest was forced to practice oral sex.

Second diary, quando or father foi for Munique, was expected to be submetesse to um treatment. The report says that when the priest went to Munich, which was scheduled to undergo a treatment. Em time disso, diretamente em uma Church trabalhar passou da city. On the other hand, worked directly in a church in the city.

Bento 16 apparently não foi reported or return do father ao normal trabalho. Benedict 16 was apparently did not return the priest to normal work.

Alemanha lives, nas last weeks, uma cases of paedophilia ocorridos em religious escolas denúncias maré US 70 and 80 years. The life of Germany in recent weeks, a wave of reported cases of paedophilia that occurred in religious schools in the 1970s and 80.

credits, Blod Tony Ramos.


  • the EfE in Berlin

    Pope Benedict 16 authorized in 80 years a priest with a history of pedophilia for pastoral work in the German city of Munich.
    In the 1980s, Benedict 16 was Archbishop of Munich and Freising cities. Or father expulso cases of paedophilia já been havia em envolvido do bispado Essen (Alemanha) because disso. The priest involved in cases of paedophilia have been expelled from the Diocese of Essen (Germany) from it.
    The spokesperson of the Archdiocese of Munich has confirmed in statements to the digital edition of the "Süddeutsche Zeitung" newspaper that "grave mistakes" in years and that the village priest paedophile became change "with the consent of the then-Archbishop" - in this case, the current Pontiff.

    The priest kept active in the community of Upper Bavaria was repeat in Munich, confirmed the Archbishopric.

    The output of Essen occurred in 1980. Em 1982, Bento 16 foi nomeado as regional responsável da Congregação for a Doutrina da Fé and be mudou to Rome. In 1982, Benedict 16 was appointed as regional head of the Congregation for the doctrine of the faith and moved to Rome.

    Em 1986 or priest em questão was sentenced to 18 months are conditional liberdade and ao pagamento de uma prisão fine by reincidido ter us abuse sexuais. In 1986, the priest in question was sentenced to 18 months in prison on probation and pay a fine for having gone to sexual abuse.

    After all, religion was not removed from the pastoral work and continues to do so almost continuously, the Archdiocese confirmed the "Süddeutsche Zeitung".

    Confronted these informações or arcebispado anunciou to analisará com todas as minutes related to old cases. With this information, the Archdiocese announced will review all proceedings relating to cases of age.


    The former vicar general of Munich, Gerhard Gruber, 81-year-old took over in statements to the press, the responsibility for the change of the priest of Essen and continuous activity.

    Süddeutsche Zeitung has an affidavit of a man, who was then 11 years old, and reporting as the priest was forced to practice oral sex.

    Second diary, quando or father foi for Munique, was expected to be submetesse to um treatment. The report says that when the priest went to Munich, which was scheduled to undergo a treatment. Em time disso, diretamente em uma Church trabalhar passou da city. On the other hand, worked directly in a church in the city.

    Bento 16 apparently não foi reported or return do father ao normal trabalho. Benedict 16 was apparently did not return the priest to normal work.

    Alemanha lives, nas last weeks, uma cases of paedophilia ocorridos em religious escolas denúncias maré US 70 and 80 years. The life of Germany in recent weeks, a wave of reported cases of paedophilia that occurred in religious schools in the 1970s and 80.

    credits, Blod Tony Ramos.

    This is very unfortunate and has scarred a lot of people over the years. I am saddened by this but is there a connection to the hoax? Blessings.
  • paula-cpaula-c Posts: 7,221
    Obviously no connection with the deception, just think you have to publish these things so that people realize the double standard of all institutions that dominate this world. Why condemning an innocent man as Michael?, And everyone that does not look very regrettable events that occur. Remember the movie Vendetta. The corruption in all institutions including the church <!-- s:geek: -->:geek:<!-- s:geek: -->
  • Obviously no connection with the deception, just think you have to publish these things so that people realize the double standard of all institutions that dominate this world. Why condemning an innocent man as Michael?, And everyone that does not look very regrettable events that occur. Remember the movie Vendetta. The corruption in all institutions including the church <!-- s:geek: -->:geek:<!-- s:geek: -->

    Oh, I see. Thank you for explaining. I agree.
  • paula-cpaula-c Posts: 7,221
    voiceforthesilent <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
  • Obviously no connection with the deception, just think you have to publish these things so that people realize the double standard of all institutions that dominate this world. Why condemning an innocent man as Michael?, And everyone that does not look very regrettable events that occur. Remember the movie Vendetta. The corruption in all institutions including the church <!-- s:geek: -->:geek:<!-- s:geek: -->

    Dont forget that while we were all busy on 7/7/09 with MJ memorial that the Pope "called" for a world religious authority, this went by with out much notice because the world was watching the memorial. For more details do a google search or watch the Forerunner777 video on ytube he covers this topic in great depth.

    Love and peace to all

    <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
  • paula-cpaula-c Posts: 7,221
    If Ijustcantstoplovingu, the inplantacion openly calls the New World Order <!-- s:geek: -->:geek:<!-- s:geek: -->
  • I think every harm for this world has something to do with this hoax, MJ and us.
    If US is what I think.
  • paula-cpaula-c Posts: 7,221
    If somekindofsign, is a way for people to know these "bugs", Michael was a victim of injustice, racism, the powerful who run the music industry.
    This is how we always hear of these cases in the Catholic Church and the media reports very little, while an innocent person like Michael, these same media were commissioned to judge and condemn, we must help the Jackson family to do justice to Michael, the internet is a very powerful medium.
    Though I think Michael did all this for a good reason, some life or death. <!-- s:geek: -->:geek:<!-- s:geek: -->
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